Friday, April 14, 2006
Should I have stayed a Liberal?
I did a mental review or doublecheck of the reasoning and my decision to quit the Liberals and join the Conservatives. After some honest thought, I reaffirmed my decision whole heartedly. The bottom line was the thought that I should have switched 8 years ago after Chretien's first four. Because today for the first time in over a decade I don't feel so cynical or disillusioned, or uncomfortable in my own country. I don't feel like am unethical phoney with no direction which is how I felt supporting the Liberal Party. I am starting to see our country clearly and in focus. I have a new found energy for Canada and for the Conservative view. I believe. And with that belief am able to commit and stand up for Canada. That is so refreshing. Energizing.
I wander around various blogs, left or right, and read away and can recognize where I came from and got to. I came across one that was especially poignant. It got me shaking my head in agreement. This is the Climbing Out of The Dark into the Conservative light blog. Have a read. Bang on the money. He says, "After 13 years of Liberals doing nothing, I listened to an activist (Liberal) saying the Conservatives are 'running out of time.' They've only been in power 2 months!!! But, they are running out of time?? I didn't hear these people running off at the mouth about the Liberals running out of time."
I had to agree. The Liberals and the NDP are grabbing at straws trying to make mountains out of molehills and it is so apparent.
Or he said, "Enviro weenies running scared, saying, the opposition should bring the Conservatives DOWN, because they are cutting funding to their groups, that have had 13+ years under the Liberals, to do something, but haven't. As a matter of fact the greenhouse gases have increased by 30%. Don't blame Kyoto, blame these weenies for getting grants and doing nothing for 13 years."
I had to agree.
Climbingoutofthedark says, "NDP were harping about passports.....hummmmmmm... that bill was passed in the US Congress 2 years ago (you know another COUNTRY), what did they do about it??? Must be "moved on quickly. Okay, my head aches, eyes are spinning....everyone knows what's best for us the voters, and all of a sudden, everything is needed immediately, or sooner."
I had to agree. Who are we to tell another country to rescind their laws dealing with their security. Where have the NDP and Liberals been for the last two years. The Liberals with NDP support were governing. Now it must be moved on quickly.
He said, "One thing I notice watching/listening to all these pleas, is a shrillness, a panic. I smell fear!!"
I had to agree. The more Liberal or NDP blogs I read the more I can see their fatigue, and their fear with the Liberal apparatus. The various supposed Liberal leader contenders can sense it as well. Thats why the long time Liberals aren't running. They know the Liberal Party has to hit bottom and they ain't there yet. They are proceeding on the basis that the "masses are asses" and can be conned into buying a cosmetic change as representing a change in their soul. They are treating the Canadian voter like that ass who can not be trusted with his own money cause he might waste it on beer and popcorn.
Then you can read the typical left wing stuff that gives you a headache. I read them and shake my head "no". These ideas are contrary to everything I have seen in 60 years of living.
Then I read a bunch of Liberal blogs and I see the same disillusioned feelings of being adrift I felt before joining the Conservatives.
For some reason many of the Liberal supporters are Anti-American. This has a lot to do with the CBC and Bush neither of whom represent Canada. When one reads the Liberal blogs, they all have negative feelings about Bush and American politics; as if that justify's their belonging to the Liberals. Dislike of Bush is the one common basis to all Liberals. One thing I notice watching/listening to all these Liberal Blogs is their grabbing at straws, a shrillness, a panic. I see denial. I smell fear.
I am beginning to think many of them are beginning to recognize that Conservatives have some good points that have long needed addressing about a variety of topics. And the Liberals deserved being turfed. About the only thing holding the Liberals together is this negative feeling about another country's President. And those negative feelings prevent them from looking at their own issues. The Liberals are not ready to look in the mirrow. Like Michael Jackson says or sings," If you want to make the world a better place take a look at the man in the mirrow and....... make a change." Pointing their finger at Bush prevents them from doing that. Harper is not Bush and Bush aint so bad. The Liberals are hiding behind that pointed and wagging finger.
I recently read Ann Coulter about the American immigration issue and found myself in total agreement. There are so many issues that Canadians have ignored for years out of fear of being politically incorrect. The more I see of Harper I more I know who let the dogs out. It was the Conservative Party. I dont care who the Liberals get to lead them. I ain't going back.
I like a Prime Minister who says, "Fuck you" to the press. It is about time. I remember Chretien being interviewed by the CBC's Peter Mansbridge the day before the election in 1996. Firstly it should be noted that the CBC gave Chretien the last or hammer interview, the night before the election, compared to the other leaders. Nothing blantant about the bias of the CBC. And I remember thinking when it was finished that not only, did Chretien got treated with kid gloves, but also got royal treatment. It was a Chretien promotion from the get-go for 30 minutes and on the night before the election. As Chretien was leaving he shook Peter Mansbridges hand and jokingly said, "Your cheque is in the mail." Given what we have learned from the Gomery inquiry, maybe it wasn't a joke. It certainly was a very favourable and biased Liberal interview by the Canadian tax payer funded National Broadcasting station the CBC. At the time I was a Liberal and thought ha ha. In hindsight, I begrudge the CBC being a Liberal propaganda machine and an anti-American, anti-Bush, anti Republican, anti Conservative, propaganda machine on the tax payers $$$.
I like and agree with Ann Coulter's views. They are funny and reflect my thoughts completely. I wish I could apply them to Canada. The CBC no longer reflects my views at all.
As Ann Coulter says and I freely paraphrase, "There are more than 6 billion people in the world, many of whom apparently like the idea of living in one of the wealthiest democracies on Earth. But if the billions of people of the world did live here, it would not be "here" anymore. Canada is special for a reason that must transcend the right to vote or everyone would be trying to immigrate to Iraq right now; not to mention the Health Care line ups would be impossible."
There is an excellent American blog known as American Daughter which has the following picture for their countries Liberals who kindly want to give all those who entered the United States illegally guest worker visas. That picture says continent so that includes Canada. Maybe those people should try going to Iran. Not to mention as a third generation Canadian I consider myself an aboriginal and want tax free status for the rest of my ancestors lives. I hate to sound like a Conservative but it is time to stand up for Canada. And there are many Liberals who would not do that despite being entitled to their entitlements. All I can say to these Mexicans is remember the Alamo.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Social Workers Must be Fired when children die.
Soon after I first moved to Victoria on Vancouver Island, I went out for my Sunday morning breakfast and newspaper. I stopped at a local news stand and asked for a local paper. The sales person said, "Here it is. The Times Communist." I laughed as she handed me the Times Colonist. However she was right. The number of times since then I have heaved that paper in the garbage and shouted, The Times Communist, are frequent. (I must point out to anyone out east that the Liberals Provincially are the center right party in BC unlike the Federal Liberals.)
This last weekend was no exception. This relates to the Ted Hughes Report and his support for socialist ideals under the guise of protecting children. The Ex Judge points to Premier Campbell and blames budget cuts and lack of leadership in the Ministry of Children for hundreds of unfinished child death reviews not being done. This relates to investigating deaths of children in or out of the Ministry.
Then the Honourable Ex Judge undermines his credibility by acknowledging he knows where all the files are and what happened but refuses to identify the individuals involved. I repeat the verb "undermines" to emphasize I mean the withdrawal or the destruction of his credibility. Nor does he explain why somebody within the Ministry or the Coroners Office neglects to bring up the question of why those files are not being reviewed. Why are they in a warehouse collecting dust? So nobody, as negligent as they must have been, gets fired. Basically he blames the system, budget cuts or the politicians. Of course, as with any Ministry, if one criticizes it, the bureaucratic answer is always an enlargement of the bureaucracy. The real negligent mistake is ignored
The same scenario happens with Sherry Charlie the 19 month old aboriginal child who died from a beating when placed with a "kin and kith" relative. The standard practice when placing any child in care is to place the child with an "approved child care resource". That means the resource has been checked to be safe and sound i.e. no criminal record etc. This is done to ensure the "safety and well being" of the child. The child is then not at risk. Simple! One would think that the ex-judge would ask the following two questions. Who was the social worker that approved or negligently failed to approve that "kin and kith" approved child care resource? Has that social worker been discipled as in fired? What really happened? But no such luck.
That is too bad because the NDP are using the death of this child to undermine the Liberal approach to apprehensions which is to keep families together. The story is easy to follow. The Provincial Liberals wanted to decrease the number of children in care by leaving them with a family member as the approved child care resource.
It was the NDP and Carol James who played reprehensible political games, which is fine with the Times Colonist, with this issue and that is too bad as it subtracts from the integrity of the family unit. Socialists are not family friendly.
That Ministry has a culture of immunity. If one complains about a Social Worker to the Supervisor, the Supervisor backs up her Social Worker. If you complain about the Supervisor to the Team Leader, the Team Leader backs up his Supervisor. The Area Manager backs up his Team Leader. The Distict Manager backs up his Area Manager. That entire Ministry considers itself immune to examination and not subject to public exposure. Now Hughes wants the Ministry to be able to brainwash ("educate") MLA's in a small committee which is really a means of control. And, if some MLA has the gall to disagree, dont be surprised if he hears negative gossip about himself around the legislature and gets replaced on that Committee. If that Ministry doesn't like the message they assassinate the messenger, as that Ministry does not like outside control by anyone. Of course the NDP will assist in the assassination.
Ted Hughes glosses over such prime factual evidence such as since the Liberals took over in 2001 the death rate amongst children has been declining steadily year after year.
Hughes ignors the fact that since the Liberals took over in 2001 the number of children in care has declined from 10,000 a year to 9,000 a year.
Hughes ignores the fact that the number of apprehensions per year have decreased from 20,000 a year to 10,000 but only since the Liberals took office.
He ignores the fact that children who wind up in foster care as a result of an apprehension are more likely to wind up in Criminal Court on some criminal charge or another.
He ignores the fact that since the Liberals took over there have been no cases on BCTV or in the Province or some other paper about some parent being falsely accused or abused by some unnecessary apprehension or no cases about foster parents being threatened by social workers to not go public with their concerns or no cases of children having to go public with their lack of care.
Unlike under the NDP when there were more and more cases of parents coming forward and going public with their mistreatment by the Ministry of Children. You only have to review the papers in the period from 1995 to 2001.
It is not surprising that Hughes went so completely left wing on this report.The Panelist who ended up acting as his advisors were basically three in number. They included Judge Thomas Gove who is basically a social worker on the bench. His administrative Judge should assign him to two years doing exclusively Criminal Court. That would give him a new set of glasses. He was the Judge appointed by the NDP which led to the new Child Family and Community Services Act; which in turn led to the biggest spike in apprehensions this province has seen. Another advisor was the former NDP Minister of Child and Family Development Ed John and BC's former Child and Youth Advocate Joyce Preston appointed by the NDP.
The government's ability to take children away from their parents is draconian. It is a heavy handed power of the state that must only be exercised in the clearest of cases. There must be justifiable reasons, not political, or politically correct reasons. Under the NDP these reasons grew to include what one could describe as politically correct justifications. There are many but the easiest way to display this idea is over the question of "spare the rod and spoil the child". If you spank your child, do not be surprised if you lose him. The NDP would support the Social Workers use of Ritalin or other drugs to control teenagers being teenagers. On the other hand the center-right party's like the BC Liberals do not support unnecessary apprehensions and certainly not apprehensions based on what is politically correct such as parenting approaches espoused by the latest bleeding heart liberal expert or the use of drugs to settle kids down or control them etc. Getting the left and right on the same page on the States ability to take children away from their parents is impossible.
Socialists, of course, think all children are better off with the state then with their parents. God forbid they might let their kids watch TV or spend their money on beer and pop corn. You know, keep the parents working in the fields and factories. Tax em to death and have all children raised by committees of experts who know how to use Ritalin. Put them in group homes where they can be exposed to drugs and pimps trolling for hoars. Socialists are really committed to parenting by committee and that is an insane guaranteed way to fail. Blood is always thicker then water.
It is interesting to compare the California system to BC's as down there the social workers are also called probation officers and the apprehension system is closely connected to the criminal system. California has a population as large as Canada; some 33 million people. This is interesting because eventually many of the children apprehended by the state will wind up in the criminal judicial system. Put this fact to a social worker and they will say the kids were screwed up before they got them. You know the old "which-comes-first-the-egg-or-the-chicken" argument.
Hell! These socialists even know that if a teenager knows she can get a monthly clothing allowance while in foster care and an entertainment budget, why would she want to stay at home with a mother on welfare. What better way to undermine the family unit eh. Offer teenagers an incentive to leave Mom.
The Times Communist would have us believe that when Hughes talks they listen. Or that Hughes is a straight talker. Or that the Child Protection System is stretched beyond limits.
Hughes is looking for an all party committee and control over an independent representative for children and youth who reports to that committee. As if a so called independent representative for Children can control the independent Ministry for Children and an all party committee can get on the same page. So we will spend another 100 million of our tax dollars to confirm that we are protecting children instead of firing the employee that was negligent. As a result of this, I can easily predict that over the next five years the number of children in care will again increase from 9000 to 10,000. The death rate amongst children will again start to increase. The number of parents going public with their abuse by social workers will increase again. Thank you, Ms Social Worker. Thank you Ex-Judge Hughes. Thank you Times Communist.I am surprised that Hughes is willing to go that route especially as he is a former judge. One only has to sit in criminal provincial court and listen to defense counsel speak to sentence on behalf of some convict and, 9 out of 10 times, one will hear the words that "the convict is a by-product of the foster care system." Socialists are bound and determined to destroy as many families as they can and Hughes just gave them a boost.
The real laugh is Hughes asks the media to be shit disturbers to make sure the government follows through with his recommendations. The Times Colonist immediately put on display their bullshit conveyor image by an overly exuberant over the edge validation of the Hughes report and promotion of socialists ideals with these kinds of headlines in their first 3 pages for both Saturday and Sunday or two days in a row.
"When Hughes Talks They Listen"
"Who Let The Dogs Out? Ted Hughes That"s Who"
"A Scathing Review The Hughes Report"
and with a picture of PM Campbell, "Ex-Judge blames Budget Cuts"
"Child Protection System Stretched Beyond Limits"
" Hughes A Straight Talker"
"Premier Rebuked"
"Report Childs Province For Mismanagement"
"Reasons to Be Thankful To Ted Hughes"
Those are just the headlines. There was not a single article to the contrary. It made me so sick I wanted to barf all over that paper. It was with satisfaction that later on, I watched my cat piss and shit all over the Times Communist newspaper. Buggins, my cat knows what to do with crap like that. Thank God for the Vancouver Sun and the National.
I notice in Victoria a new and free paper called the Victoria News Daily. Hopefully with a new newspaper like that hotels like the Empress will not be losing any more major group bookings because of the aggressive street socialists druggies in Victoria, you know the former foster home drop outs lovingly protected by the Times Communist.
This last weekend was no exception. This relates to the Ted Hughes Report and his support for socialist ideals under the guise of protecting children. The Ex Judge points to Premier Campbell and blames budget cuts and lack of leadership in the Ministry of Children for hundreds of unfinished child death reviews not being done. This relates to investigating deaths of children in or out of the Ministry.
Then the Honourable Ex Judge undermines his credibility by acknowledging he knows where all the files are and what happened but refuses to identify the individuals involved. I repeat the verb "undermines" to emphasize I mean the withdrawal or the destruction of his credibility. Nor does he explain why somebody within the Ministry or the Coroners Office neglects to bring up the question of why those files are not being reviewed. Why are they in a warehouse collecting dust? So nobody, as negligent as they must have been, gets fired. Basically he blames the system, budget cuts or the politicians. Of course, as with any Ministry, if one criticizes it, the bureaucratic answer is always an enlargement of the bureaucracy. The real negligent mistake is ignored
The same scenario happens with Sherry Charlie the 19 month old aboriginal child who died from a beating when placed with a "kin and kith" relative. The standard practice when placing any child in care is to place the child with an "approved child care resource". That means the resource has been checked to be safe and sound i.e. no criminal record etc. This is done to ensure the "safety and well being" of the child. The child is then not at risk. Simple! One would think that the ex-judge would ask the following two questions. Who was the social worker that approved or negligently failed to approve that "kin and kith" approved child care resource? Has that social worker been discipled as in fired? What really happened? But no such luck.
That is too bad because the NDP are using the death of this child to undermine the Liberal approach to apprehensions which is to keep families together. The story is easy to follow. The Provincial Liberals wanted to decrease the number of children in care by leaving them with a family member as the approved child care resource.
It was the NDP and Carol James who played reprehensible political games, which is fine with the Times Colonist, with this issue and that is too bad as it subtracts from the integrity of the family unit. Socialists are not family friendly.
That Ministry has a culture of immunity. If one complains about a Social Worker to the Supervisor, the Supervisor backs up her Social Worker. If you complain about the Supervisor to the Team Leader, the Team Leader backs up his Supervisor. The Area Manager backs up his Team Leader. The Distict Manager backs up his Area Manager. That entire Ministry considers itself immune to examination and not subject to public exposure. Now Hughes wants the Ministry to be able to brainwash ("educate") MLA's in a small committee which is really a means of control. And, if some MLA has the gall to disagree, dont be surprised if he hears negative gossip about himself around the legislature and gets replaced on that Committee. If that Ministry doesn't like the message they assassinate the messenger, as that Ministry does not like outside control by anyone. Of course the NDP will assist in the assassination.
Ted Hughes glosses over such prime factual evidence such as since the Liberals took over in 2001 the death rate amongst children has been declining steadily year after year.
Hughes ignors the fact that since the Liberals took over in 2001 the number of children in care has declined from 10,000 a year to 9,000 a year.
Hughes ignores the fact that the number of apprehensions per year have decreased from 20,000 a year to 10,000 but only since the Liberals took office.
He ignores the fact that children who wind up in foster care as a result of an apprehension are more likely to wind up in Criminal Court on some criminal charge or another.
He ignores the fact that since the Liberals took over there have been no cases on BCTV or in the Province or some other paper about some parent being falsely accused or abused by some unnecessary apprehension or no cases about foster parents being threatened by social workers to not go public with their concerns or no cases of children having to go public with their lack of care.
Unlike under the NDP when there were more and more cases of parents coming forward and going public with their mistreatment by the Ministry of Children. You only have to review the papers in the period from 1995 to 2001.
It is not surprising that Hughes went so completely left wing on this report.The Panelist who ended up acting as his advisors were basically three in number. They included Judge Thomas Gove who is basically a social worker on the bench. His administrative Judge should assign him to two years doing exclusively Criminal Court. That would give him a new set of glasses. He was the Judge appointed by the NDP which led to the new Child Family and Community Services Act; which in turn led to the biggest spike in apprehensions this province has seen. Another advisor was the former NDP Minister of Child and Family Development Ed John and BC's former Child and Youth Advocate Joyce Preston appointed by the NDP.
The government's ability to take children away from their parents is draconian. It is a heavy handed power of the state that must only be exercised in the clearest of cases. There must be justifiable reasons, not political, or politically correct reasons. Under the NDP these reasons grew to include what one could describe as politically correct justifications. There are many but the easiest way to display this idea is over the question of "spare the rod and spoil the child". If you spank your child, do not be surprised if you lose him. The NDP would support the Social Workers use of Ritalin or other drugs to control teenagers being teenagers. On the other hand the center-right party's like the BC Liberals do not support unnecessary apprehensions and certainly not apprehensions based on what is politically correct such as parenting approaches espoused by the latest bleeding heart liberal expert or the use of drugs to settle kids down or control them etc. Getting the left and right on the same page on the States ability to take children away from their parents is impossible.
Socialists, of course, think all children are better off with the state then with their parents. God forbid they might let their kids watch TV or spend their money on beer and pop corn. You know, keep the parents working in the fields and factories. Tax em to death and have all children raised by committees of experts who know how to use Ritalin. Put them in group homes where they can be exposed to drugs and pimps trolling for hoars. Socialists are really committed to parenting by committee and that is an insane guaranteed way to fail. Blood is always thicker then water.
It is interesting to compare the California system to BC's as down there the social workers are also called probation officers and the apprehension system is closely connected to the criminal system. California has a population as large as Canada; some 33 million people. This is interesting because eventually many of the children apprehended by the state will wind up in the criminal judicial system. Put this fact to a social worker and they will say the kids were screwed up before they got them. You know the old "which-comes-first-the-egg-or-the-chicken" argument.
Hell! These socialists even know that if a teenager knows she can get a monthly clothing allowance while in foster care and an entertainment budget, why would she want to stay at home with a mother on welfare. What better way to undermine the family unit eh. Offer teenagers an incentive to leave Mom.
The Times Communist would have us believe that when Hughes talks they listen. Or that Hughes is a straight talker. Or that the Child Protection System is stretched beyond limits.
Hughes is looking for an all party committee and control over an independent representative for children and youth who reports to that committee. As if a so called independent representative for Children can control the independent Ministry for Children and an all party committee can get on the same page. So we will spend another 100 million of our tax dollars to confirm that we are protecting children instead of firing the employee that was negligent. As a result of this, I can easily predict that over the next five years the number of children in care will again increase from 9000 to 10,000. The death rate amongst children will again start to increase. The number of parents going public with their abuse by social workers will increase again. Thank you, Ms Social Worker. Thank you Ex-Judge Hughes. Thank you Times Communist.I am surprised that Hughes is willing to go that route especially as he is a former judge. One only has to sit in criminal provincial court and listen to defense counsel speak to sentence on behalf of some convict and, 9 out of 10 times, one will hear the words that "the convict is a by-product of the foster care system." Socialists are bound and determined to destroy as many families as they can and Hughes just gave them a boost.
The real laugh is Hughes asks the media to be shit disturbers to make sure the government follows through with his recommendations. The Times Colonist immediately put on display their bullshit conveyor image by an overly exuberant over the edge validation of the Hughes report and promotion of socialists ideals with these kinds of headlines in their first 3 pages for both Saturday and Sunday or two days in a row.
"When Hughes Talks They Listen"
"Who Let The Dogs Out? Ted Hughes That"s Who"
"A Scathing Review The Hughes Report"
and with a picture of PM Campbell, "Ex-Judge blames Budget Cuts"
"Child Protection System Stretched Beyond Limits"
" Hughes A Straight Talker"
"Premier Rebuked"
"Report Childs Province For Mismanagement"
"Reasons to Be Thankful To Ted Hughes"
Those are just the headlines. There was not a single article to the contrary. It made me so sick I wanted to barf all over that paper. It was with satisfaction that later on, I watched my cat piss and shit all over the Times Communist newspaper. Buggins, my cat knows what to do with crap like that. Thank God for the Vancouver Sun and the National.
I notice in Victoria a new and free paper called the Victoria News Daily. Hopefully with a new newspaper like that hotels like the Empress will not be losing any more major group bookings because of the aggressive street socialists druggies in Victoria, you know the former foster home drop outs lovingly protected by the Times Communist.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
or Belinda's Brain
Stronach asks,"What can the Liberals do to regain the trust of Canadians?" To the Liberals, the answer is to get rid of insincere, ingenuine, superficial, two-faced, blond, spoiled, fickle, inconsistent, shallow, phonies like Belinda Stronach. That would be a good first step. The party already has too many self-centered empty-headed spinners. I am so glad she is not a Conservative anymore. If Martin really cared about the Liberals, he should have refused her offer to cross the floor.
The Time For Debating Afghanistan
Whenever I read left wing blogs or left wing news sources I get seriously concerned about their opposition to the Canadian presence in Afghanistan. In that last one to which I have linked, the author actually encourages us to cheer for a Canadian loss. Because of this it concerns me to see Jack Layton playing political games with this issue. There will be a debate.
Knowing, as I do, the left wing position to the war in Afghanistan, I have no doubt that Jack Layton's reason for now wanting to debate the war in Afghanistan has an ulterior motive and the indirect consequence of his political games will be undermining our troops over there. Layton has constantly changing reasons for wanting to debate this. That tells me he is playing games with this serious issue. The time to debate something like that is before you send our troops over there. Not after they are there. Where has he been since September 11, 2001?
Layton had that opportunity last year and was silent. One can almost predict he will get into bashing the Americans like the left wing Cathie from Canada , or like the left wing generally, and define some difference or expand on some distinction between Canada and Bush. I truly hope Layton doesn't get into undermining our troops and causing casualties while he tries to plug into the anti-Bush sentiment, but I know he will. And everyone will ignor him except for the Taliban and the media. If you go to war, you go completely committed, not with a bunch of prepositions.
I prefer the various news sources one gets at this site. That site collects and aggregates a daily collection of news stories that are credible and both positive and negative. It also has an archives feature to enable one to find yesterdays story's as well. I much prefer credible truth grounded on reality as opposed to left wing fear mongering and bleeding heart naivete.
A democratic Muslim country that is stable, at peace and grounded is the only way to deal with this threat to world peace presented by the Muslim approach to religion, society, politics, and war. What happens in places like Afghanistan threatens, and will someday affect, all of us back here at home. We saw that on 911.
A quick review of the headlines over the last few years says this problem about terrorism is widespread and must be confronted. Last month I watched the news about Muslims wanting to kill cartoonists in Denmark, over cartoons. Last year I watched Muslims blow up innocent people in those London subways. The year before I watched as Muslims killed school kids in Beslan, Russia by shooting them in the back. The year before that, I watched the news about Muslims blowing up people at a night club in Bali, Indonesia. The year before that I watched Muslims steer planes into the World Trade Center. This is only a partial list.
I suppose we could remain naive and ignor these events. Turn a blind eye to all of it and pretend the problem will go away on its own. That would be like ignoring what Hitler was doing in 1939 and basically brush it aside saying it does not affect us, so why get involved. We are traditional peacekeepers not defenders of any principles so why get involved. Let's leave the heavy lifting to the USA and Bush. That would be like saying in 1939 let's leave the heavy lifting regarding Hitler to Great Britain and Churchill. We cannot be so irreponsible. The USA ignored Hitler for two years after Canada got involved and it wasn't until 1941 that the USA finally got involved. There are some events you just can not ignor, try as you might.
The insanity of a religion that leads with fear and trumps democracy must be confronted whether it be by negotiation or by war. It is pretty hard too negotiate with someone who whacks you in the back of the head with an axe for even trying to talk peacefully. I honestly cannot distinguish between Fascism and Muslimism. They both insist theirs is the only way allowed and would kill any that would choose otherwise or disagree. One thinks of itself as the superior race. The other thinks of itself as the superior religion.
Afghanistan gives us the greatest opportunity to accomplish the disirable result peacefully or with the least amount of blood spilled.
Knowing, as I do, the left wing position to the war in Afghanistan, I have no doubt that Jack Layton's reason for now wanting to debate the war in Afghanistan has an ulterior motive and the indirect consequence of his political games will be undermining our troops over there. Layton has constantly changing reasons for wanting to debate this. That tells me he is playing games with this serious issue. The time to debate something like that is before you send our troops over there. Not after they are there. Where has he been since September 11, 2001?
Layton had that opportunity last year and was silent. One can almost predict he will get into bashing the Americans like the left wing Cathie from Canada , or like the left wing generally, and define some difference or expand on some distinction between Canada and Bush. I truly hope Layton doesn't get into undermining our troops and causing casualties while he tries to plug into the anti-Bush sentiment, but I know he will. And everyone will ignor him except for the Taliban and the media. If you go to war, you go completely committed, not with a bunch of prepositions.
I prefer the various news sources one gets at this site. That site collects and aggregates a daily collection of news stories that are credible and both positive and negative. It also has an archives feature to enable one to find yesterdays story's as well. I much prefer credible truth grounded on reality as opposed to left wing fear mongering and bleeding heart naivete.
A democratic Muslim country that is stable, at peace and grounded is the only way to deal with this threat to world peace presented by the Muslim approach to religion, society, politics, and war. What happens in places like Afghanistan threatens, and will someday affect, all of us back here at home. We saw that on 911.
A quick review of the headlines over the last few years says this problem about terrorism is widespread and must be confronted. Last month I watched the news about Muslims wanting to kill cartoonists in Denmark, over cartoons. Last year I watched Muslims blow up innocent people in those London subways. The year before I watched as Muslims killed school kids in Beslan, Russia by shooting them in the back. The year before that, I watched the news about Muslims blowing up people at a night club in Bali, Indonesia. The year before that I watched Muslims steer planes into the World Trade Center. This is only a partial list.
I suppose we could remain naive and ignor these events. Turn a blind eye to all of it and pretend the problem will go away on its own. That would be like ignoring what Hitler was doing in 1939 and basically brush it aside saying it does not affect us, so why get involved. We are traditional peacekeepers not defenders of any principles so why get involved. Let's leave the heavy lifting to the USA and Bush. That would be like saying in 1939 let's leave the heavy lifting regarding Hitler to Great Britain and Churchill. We cannot be so irreponsible. The USA ignored Hitler for two years after Canada got involved and it wasn't until 1941 that the USA finally got involved. There are some events you just can not ignor, try as you might.
The insanity of a religion that leads with fear and trumps democracy must be confronted whether it be by negotiation or by war. It is pretty hard too negotiate with someone who whacks you in the back of the head with an axe for even trying to talk peacefully. I honestly cannot distinguish between Fascism and Muslimism. They both insist theirs is the only way allowed and would kill any that would choose otherwise or disagree. One thinks of itself as the superior race. The other thinks of itself as the superior religion.
Afghanistan gives us the greatest opportunity to accomplish the disirable result peacefully or with the least amount of blood spilled.
TURNING A NEW LEAF- Speech from the Throne
April 4th, 2006
Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication
Canada. Governor General
Canada’s new government – speech from the throne: turning a new leaf
© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, 2006
Turning a New Leaf
Honourable Members of the Senate,
Members of the House of Commons,
Ladies and Gentlemen:
As the representative of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, I am honoured to welcome the newly elected members of the House of Commons on the occasion of the opening of the First Session of the Thirty-Ninth Parliament of Canada. Canadians rejoice in the coming eightieth birthday of Her Majesty later this month,and in her more than fifty years of service as Queen of Canada.
Since my appointment as Governor General of Canada, I have had the privilege of meeting women and men who each and every day, and each in their own way, reaffirm their attachment to this vast land that we share and where people from around the world have found a home. Women and men of ideas, conviction and action who have an abiding sense of responsibility, solidarity and commitment to their neighbourhoods, to their communities and to their country. And I am moved to see just how strong and vibrant a country we are.
I have been particularly struck by the words of our young people and by their wealth of ideas. Young people who are looking to carve out their place and be heard. The new generation of Aboriginal entrepreneurs who are creating new opportunities. Young people in our Canadian Forces who, through their extraordinary efforts, offer a promise of hope for the oppressed.
More than ever, our young people represent not only the promise of a brighter future, but also the vitality of our present. I have met with people from our two great linguistic communities and I can attest that our linguistic duality is a tremendous asset for the country. Similarly, Canadian artists from all disciplines have confirmed to me just how important creative expression is to the health of a democratic society.And I have heard from Canadians who feel they often lack a voice. Women who are victims of violence. Families newly arrived in Canada who seek to contribute to our society and our country̢۪s collective well-being.
Listening to citizens from all walks of life has strengthened my already deep conviction that we are living in a country where everything is possible, where each of us is free to follow his or her dreams but also has a duty to help build our country and prepare it for the challenges that lie ahead.
Building a Stronger Canada
On January 23, the Canadian people elected a new government. The Government is honoured by the responsibility it has been given for managing the affairs of our great country.
Turning a New Leaf
Canada is uniquely blessed in the strength and diversity of its people and regions. Through hard work, foresight and good fortune, we have come together to make our vast country one of the most successful the world has ever seen.
The distance we have travelled is remarkable. A country once perceived to be at the edge of the world is now at the leading edge of science, business, the arts and sport. Whether it is on the podium in Turin, on the rugged hills of Afghanistan, or in the bustling markets of Asia, Canadians demonstrate time and time again that they are leaders.
The Government is proud of what Canadians have accomplished so far, and is inspired by the country̢۪s bright prospects. It believes in the capacity of Canadians to seize the enormous opportunities before them and build an even stronger Canada, striving for excellence, anchored by enduring values, and infused with growing confidence that they can make a difference at home and in the world.
In support of building a stronger Canada, the Government̢۪s agenda will be clear and focused.
It will clean up government, provide real support to ordinary working families and strengthen our federation as well as our role in the world.
Canadians have chosen change. They want a government that treats their tax dollars with respect. A government that puts ordinary working people and their families first. A government that is accountable.
This Government has been given a mandate to lead the change demanded by the Canadian people. Leading change in a minority Parliament means working together. To this end, the Government will look for shared goals and common ideas that will help Canadians build a stronger Canada. It is time to turn a new leaf.
Bringing Accountability Back to Government
No aspect of responsible government is more fundamental than having the trust of citizens. Canadians̢۪ faith in the institutions and practices of government has been eroded. This new government trusts in the Canadian people, and its goal is that Canadians will once again trust in their government. It is time for accountability.
To restore this trust, the first piece of legislation the Government will bring forward will be the Federal Accountability Act.
This omnibus legislation and the associated Accountability Action Plan will change the current system of oversight and management by strengthening the rules and institutions that ensure transparency and accountability to Canadians. The legislation will ban institutional and large personal donations to political parties; it will ensure that positions of public trust cannot be used as stepping stones to private lobbying; and it will provide real protection for whistle-blowers who show great courage in coming forward to do what is right.
The Government will strengthen the capacity and independence of officers of Parliament, including the Auditor General, to hold the Government to account. It will increase the transparency of appointments, contracts and auditing within government departments and Crown corporations.
Effective checks and balances are important, but they are not enough. The trust of citizens must be earned every day. The Government will work to earn that trust.
Helping Ordinary Working Canadians and Their Families
This Government believes that Canadians pay too much in tax. The Government̢۪s tax plan will, over time, reduce the tax burden on all Canadians. To this end, the Government will reduce the Goods and Services Tax by one percent. Cutting the GST will help all Canadians deal with the rising cost of living, put money back in people̢۪s pockets and help stimulate the economy.
Cutting the GST is the best way to lower taxes for all Canadians, including low-income Canadians who need it most. The Government will continue with a responsible approach to lowering taxes for the benefit of Canadians and the Canadian economy, including a further reduction of the GST to five percent.
Tackling Crime
Canadians have always taken pride in our low crime rates. Safe streets have long
characterized Canada̢۪s communities̢ۥfrom villages to towns to cities. Safe communities
allow families and businesses to prosper. Unfortunately, our safe streets and healthy communities are increasingly under threat of gun, gang and drug violence.
This Government will tackle crime. It will propose changes to the Criminal Code to provide tougher sentences for violent and repeat offenders, particularly those involved in weaponsrelated crimes. It will help prevent crime by putting more police on the street and improving the security of our borders.
It is equally important that we prevent criminal behaviour before it has a chance to take root.To this end, the Government will work with the provinces and territories to help communities provide hope and opportunity for our youth, and end the cycle of violence that can lead to broken communities and broken lives.
Providing Child Care Choice and Support
Strong families ensure a bright future for Canada. The most important investment we can make as a country is to help families raise their children. This Government understands that no two Canadian families are exactly alike. Each has its own circumstances and needs. Parents must be able to choose the child care that is best for them.
The Government will help Canadian parents, as they seek to balance work and family life, by supporting their child care choices through direct financial support. In collaboration with the provinces and territories, employers and community non-profit organizations, it will also encourage the creation of new child care spaces.
Ensuring Canadians Get the Health Care They Have Paid For
Canadians have paid their taxes to support our system of public health insurance. But all too often, they find themselves waiting too long for critical procedures. That is not good enough. It is time Canadians received the health care they have paid for. The Government will engage the provinces and territories on a patient wait times guarantee for medically necessary services.
This guarantee will make sure that all Canadians receive essential medical treatment within clinically acceptable waiting times. A health system that is timely and sustainable will require innovation. The Government will support and enable innovative approaches to health care delivery consistent with the principles of a universally accessible and equitable public health care system embodied in the Canada Health Act.
A Canada That Works for All of Us
One of Canada̢۪s greatest strengths is our federal system of government. The founders of our country had the foresight to build a flexible federal system that would accommodate our diversity and build upon the unique strengths of the different parts of our federation. To remain strong and effective, our federation must keep pace with the evolving needs of Canadian society.
Building on the work begun in the last Parliament, this Government will seek to involve parliamentarians and citizens in examining the challenges facing Canada̢۪s electoral system and democratic institutions. At the same time, it will explore means to ensure that the Senate better reflects both the democratic values of Canadians and the needs of Canada̢۪s regions.
All too often, the strength of our federation is compromised by jurisdictional squabbles that obscure accountabilities and prevent governments from working together in the best interests of Canadians. This new government will take a new approach. It is committed to building a better federation in which governments come together to help Canadians realize their potential. To this end, the Government will respond to concerns about the fiscal imbalance and will work to ensure fiscal arrangements in which all governments have access to the resources they
need to meet their responsibilities.
The Government is committed to an open federalism that recognizes the unique place of a strong, vibrant Quebec in a united Canada. It will work with the government and legislature of Quebec in a spirit of mutual respect and collaboration to advance the aspirations of Quebecers.
In the international community, Canada is stronger when we speak with one voice, but that voice must belong to all of us. In a more interdependent world, decisions on international issues increasingly affect not only countries, but also individuals, communities and regions. This is why the Government will facilitate provincial participation in the development of Canadian positions that affect areas of provincial responsibility.
The Government recognizes the special cultural responsibilities of the Government of Quebec and will therefore invite Quebec to play a role in the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. By harnessing the diversity of experience and expertise found within our federation, we can present a strong, united and confident voice to the world.
Canada̢ۥStrong, United, Independent and Free Canada̢۪s voice in the world must be supported by action, both at home and abroad.Advancing our interests in a complex and sometimes dangerous world requires confidence and the independent capacity to defend our country̢۪s sovereignty and the security of our citizens. The Government will work cooperatively with our friends and allies and constructively with the international community to advance common values and interests.
In support of this goal, it will build stronger multilateral and bilateral relationships, starting with Canada̢۪s relationship with the United States, our best friend and largest trading partner.
More broadly, this Government is committed to supporting Canada̢۪s core values of freedom, democracy, the rule of law and human rights around the world. In this regard, the Government will support a more robust diplomatic role for Canada, a stronger military and a more effective use of Canadian aid dollars.
Just as it honours the past efforts of our veterans, the Government stands firmly behind the vital role being played by our troops in Afghanistan today.
The dedicated Canadians in Afghanistan deserve all of our support as they risk their lives to defend our national interests, combat global terrorism and help the Afghan people make a new start as a free, democratic and peaceful country.
The Government̢۪s clear and focused agenda reflects its commitment to Canadians. It will not try to do all things at once. Instead, the Government will work diligently to make tangible improvements that contribute to stronger families and safer communities, and a stronger country.
During this Thirty-Ninth Parliament, the Government will be bringing forward fiscally
responsible budgets and a legislative program that will achieve the results that Canadians expect from their elected representatives. In this work, it will rely on the support and counsel of a dedicated and professional Public Service.
In turn, it will give the Public Service the leadership and tools it needs to excel in the service of Canadians. Recognizing the important role of parliamentarians, members of Parliament will be asked to conduct comprehensive reviews of key federal legislation, including the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, the Anti-Terrorism Act and the Bank Act. The Government will act in Parliament to offer an apology for the Chinese Head Tax. Significant international treaties will be submitted for votes in Parliament.
Over the course of its mandate, and starting with the clear priorities set out today, the Government will work diligently to build a record of results. It will promote a more competitive, more productive Canadian economy. It will seek to improve opportunity for all Canadians, including Aboriginal peoples and new immigrants. It will work to improve the security of seniors. It will take measures to achieve tangible improvements in our environment, including reductions in pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
This Government recognizes the unique challenges faced by those who make their livelihood from our land and oceans in our vital natural resource and agriculture industries. It will take action to secure a prosperous future for Canadian agriculture, following years of neglect. It will respond to short-term needs, create separate and more effective farm income stabilization and disaster relief programs and work with producers and partners to achieve long-term competitiveness and sustainability.
Together, the Government̢۪s actions will ensure Canada̢۪s future success. With the efforts and contributions of members from both chambers, the Government looks forward to making this Parliament work for the benefit of the Canadian people.
To Members of the House of Commons:
You will be asked to appropriate the funds required to carry out the services and expenditures authorized by Parliament.
Honourable Members of the Senate and Members of the House of Commons:
May Divine Providence guide your deliberations.
Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication
Canada. Governor General
Canada’s new government – speech from the throne: turning a new leaf
© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, 2006
Turning a New Leaf
Honourable Members of the Senate,
Members of the House of Commons,
Ladies and Gentlemen:
As the representative of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, I am honoured to welcome the newly elected members of the House of Commons on the occasion of the opening of the First Session of the Thirty-Ninth Parliament of Canada. Canadians rejoice in the coming eightieth birthday of Her Majesty later this month,and in her more than fifty years of service as Queen of Canada.
Since my appointment as Governor General of Canada, I have had the privilege of meeting women and men who each and every day, and each in their own way, reaffirm their attachment to this vast land that we share and where people from around the world have found a home. Women and men of ideas, conviction and action who have an abiding sense of responsibility, solidarity and commitment to their neighbourhoods, to their communities and to their country. And I am moved to see just how strong and vibrant a country we are.
I have been particularly struck by the words of our young people and by their wealth of ideas. Young people who are looking to carve out their place and be heard. The new generation of Aboriginal entrepreneurs who are creating new opportunities. Young people in our Canadian Forces who, through their extraordinary efforts, offer a promise of hope for the oppressed.
More than ever, our young people represent not only the promise of a brighter future, but also the vitality of our present. I have met with people from our two great linguistic communities and I can attest that our linguistic duality is a tremendous asset for the country. Similarly, Canadian artists from all disciplines have confirmed to me just how important creative expression is to the health of a democratic society.And I have heard from Canadians who feel they often lack a voice. Women who are victims of violence. Families newly arrived in Canada who seek to contribute to our society and our country̢۪s collective well-being.
Listening to citizens from all walks of life has strengthened my already deep conviction that we are living in a country where everything is possible, where each of us is free to follow his or her dreams but also has a duty to help build our country and prepare it for the challenges that lie ahead.
Building a Stronger Canada
On January 23, the Canadian people elected a new government. The Government is honoured by the responsibility it has been given for managing the affairs of our great country.
Turning a New Leaf
Canada is uniquely blessed in the strength and diversity of its people and regions. Through hard work, foresight and good fortune, we have come together to make our vast country one of the most successful the world has ever seen.
The distance we have travelled is remarkable. A country once perceived to be at the edge of the world is now at the leading edge of science, business, the arts and sport. Whether it is on the podium in Turin, on the rugged hills of Afghanistan, or in the bustling markets of Asia, Canadians demonstrate time and time again that they are leaders.
The Government is proud of what Canadians have accomplished so far, and is inspired by the country̢۪s bright prospects. It believes in the capacity of Canadians to seize the enormous opportunities before them and build an even stronger Canada, striving for excellence, anchored by enduring values, and infused with growing confidence that they can make a difference at home and in the world.
In support of building a stronger Canada, the Government̢۪s agenda will be clear and focused.
It will clean up government, provide real support to ordinary working families and strengthen our federation as well as our role in the world.
Canadians have chosen change. They want a government that treats their tax dollars with respect. A government that puts ordinary working people and their families first. A government that is accountable.
This Government has been given a mandate to lead the change demanded by the Canadian people. Leading change in a minority Parliament means working together. To this end, the Government will look for shared goals and common ideas that will help Canadians build a stronger Canada. It is time to turn a new leaf.
Bringing Accountability Back to Government
No aspect of responsible government is more fundamental than having the trust of citizens. Canadians̢۪ faith in the institutions and practices of government has been eroded. This new government trusts in the Canadian people, and its goal is that Canadians will once again trust in their government. It is time for accountability.
To restore this trust, the first piece of legislation the Government will bring forward will be the Federal Accountability Act.
This omnibus legislation and the associated Accountability Action Plan will change the current system of oversight and management by strengthening the rules and institutions that ensure transparency and accountability to Canadians. The legislation will ban institutional and large personal donations to political parties; it will ensure that positions of public trust cannot be used as stepping stones to private lobbying; and it will provide real protection for whistle-blowers who show great courage in coming forward to do what is right.
The Government will strengthen the capacity and independence of officers of Parliament, including the Auditor General, to hold the Government to account. It will increase the transparency of appointments, contracts and auditing within government departments and Crown corporations.
Effective checks and balances are important, but they are not enough. The trust of citizens must be earned every day. The Government will work to earn that trust.
Helping Ordinary Working Canadians and Their Families
This Government believes that Canadians pay too much in tax. The Government̢۪s tax plan will, over time, reduce the tax burden on all Canadians. To this end, the Government will reduce the Goods and Services Tax by one percent. Cutting the GST will help all Canadians deal with the rising cost of living, put money back in people̢۪s pockets and help stimulate the economy.
Cutting the GST is the best way to lower taxes for all Canadians, including low-income Canadians who need it most. The Government will continue with a responsible approach to lowering taxes for the benefit of Canadians and the Canadian economy, including a further reduction of the GST to five percent.
Tackling Crime
Canadians have always taken pride in our low crime rates. Safe streets have long
characterized Canada̢۪s communities̢ۥfrom villages to towns to cities. Safe communities
allow families and businesses to prosper. Unfortunately, our safe streets and healthy communities are increasingly under threat of gun, gang and drug violence.
This Government will tackle crime. It will propose changes to the Criminal Code to provide tougher sentences for violent and repeat offenders, particularly those involved in weaponsrelated crimes. It will help prevent crime by putting more police on the street and improving the security of our borders.
It is equally important that we prevent criminal behaviour before it has a chance to take root.To this end, the Government will work with the provinces and territories to help communities provide hope and opportunity for our youth, and end the cycle of violence that can lead to broken communities and broken lives.
Providing Child Care Choice and Support
Strong families ensure a bright future for Canada. The most important investment we can make as a country is to help families raise their children. This Government understands that no two Canadian families are exactly alike. Each has its own circumstances and needs. Parents must be able to choose the child care that is best for them.
The Government will help Canadian parents, as they seek to balance work and family life, by supporting their child care choices through direct financial support. In collaboration with the provinces and territories, employers and community non-profit organizations, it will also encourage the creation of new child care spaces.
Ensuring Canadians Get the Health Care They Have Paid For
Canadians have paid their taxes to support our system of public health insurance. But all too often, they find themselves waiting too long for critical procedures. That is not good enough. It is time Canadians received the health care they have paid for. The Government will engage the provinces and territories on a patient wait times guarantee for medically necessary services.
This guarantee will make sure that all Canadians receive essential medical treatment within clinically acceptable waiting times. A health system that is timely and sustainable will require innovation. The Government will support and enable innovative approaches to health care delivery consistent with the principles of a universally accessible and equitable public health care system embodied in the Canada Health Act.
A Canada That Works for All of Us
One of Canada̢۪s greatest strengths is our federal system of government. The founders of our country had the foresight to build a flexible federal system that would accommodate our diversity and build upon the unique strengths of the different parts of our federation. To remain strong and effective, our federation must keep pace with the evolving needs of Canadian society.
Building on the work begun in the last Parliament, this Government will seek to involve parliamentarians and citizens in examining the challenges facing Canada̢۪s electoral system and democratic institutions. At the same time, it will explore means to ensure that the Senate better reflects both the democratic values of Canadians and the needs of Canada̢۪s regions.
All too often, the strength of our federation is compromised by jurisdictional squabbles that obscure accountabilities and prevent governments from working together in the best interests of Canadians. This new government will take a new approach. It is committed to building a better federation in which governments come together to help Canadians realize their potential. To this end, the Government will respond to concerns about the fiscal imbalance and will work to ensure fiscal arrangements in which all governments have access to the resources they
need to meet their responsibilities.
The Government is committed to an open federalism that recognizes the unique place of a strong, vibrant Quebec in a united Canada. It will work with the government and legislature of Quebec in a spirit of mutual respect and collaboration to advance the aspirations of Quebecers.
In the international community, Canada is stronger when we speak with one voice, but that voice must belong to all of us. In a more interdependent world, decisions on international issues increasingly affect not only countries, but also individuals, communities and regions. This is why the Government will facilitate provincial participation in the development of Canadian positions that affect areas of provincial responsibility.
The Government recognizes the special cultural responsibilities of the Government of Quebec and will therefore invite Quebec to play a role in the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. By harnessing the diversity of experience and expertise found within our federation, we can present a strong, united and confident voice to the world.
Canada̢ۥStrong, United, Independent and Free Canada̢۪s voice in the world must be supported by action, both at home and abroad.Advancing our interests in a complex and sometimes dangerous world requires confidence and the independent capacity to defend our country̢۪s sovereignty and the security of our citizens. The Government will work cooperatively with our friends and allies and constructively with the international community to advance common values and interests.
In support of this goal, it will build stronger multilateral and bilateral relationships, starting with Canada̢۪s relationship with the United States, our best friend and largest trading partner.
More broadly, this Government is committed to supporting Canada̢۪s core values of freedom, democracy, the rule of law and human rights around the world. In this regard, the Government will support a more robust diplomatic role for Canada, a stronger military and a more effective use of Canadian aid dollars.
Just as it honours the past efforts of our veterans, the Government stands firmly behind the vital role being played by our troops in Afghanistan today.
The dedicated Canadians in Afghanistan deserve all of our support as they risk their lives to defend our national interests, combat global terrorism and help the Afghan people make a new start as a free, democratic and peaceful country.
The Government̢۪s clear and focused agenda reflects its commitment to Canadians. It will not try to do all things at once. Instead, the Government will work diligently to make tangible improvements that contribute to stronger families and safer communities, and a stronger country.
During this Thirty-Ninth Parliament, the Government will be bringing forward fiscally
responsible budgets and a legislative program that will achieve the results that Canadians expect from their elected representatives. In this work, it will rely on the support and counsel of a dedicated and professional Public Service.
In turn, it will give the Public Service the leadership and tools it needs to excel in the service of Canadians. Recognizing the important role of parliamentarians, members of Parliament will be asked to conduct comprehensive reviews of key federal legislation, including the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, the Anti-Terrorism Act and the Bank Act. The Government will act in Parliament to offer an apology for the Chinese Head Tax. Significant international treaties will be submitted for votes in Parliament.
Over the course of its mandate, and starting with the clear priorities set out today, the Government will work diligently to build a record of results. It will promote a more competitive, more productive Canadian economy. It will seek to improve opportunity for all Canadians, including Aboriginal peoples and new immigrants. It will work to improve the security of seniors. It will take measures to achieve tangible improvements in our environment, including reductions in pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
This Government recognizes the unique challenges faced by those who make their livelihood from our land and oceans in our vital natural resource and agriculture industries. It will take action to secure a prosperous future for Canadian agriculture, following years of neglect. It will respond to short-term needs, create separate and more effective farm income stabilization and disaster relief programs and work with producers and partners to achieve long-term competitiveness and sustainability.
Together, the Government̢۪s actions will ensure Canada̢۪s future success. With the efforts and contributions of members from both chambers, the Government looks forward to making this Parliament work for the benefit of the Canadian people.
To Members of the House of Commons:
You will be asked to appropriate the funds required to carry out the services and expenditures authorized by Parliament.
Honourable Members of the Senate and Members of the House of Commons:
May Divine Providence guide your deliberations.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Abdul Rahman or Shariah The Issue for WW III
There is one story deserving more attention then it is getting and that's the one about Abdul Rahman, 40, of Afghanistan. Alternatively, "Christianity versus Islam" should be the headline. I get this feeling that there is a war acoming
And this issue is attracting real women as opposed to feminists who are silent. I don't see too many Liberal type organizations protesting what Afghanistan has done to Mr Abdul Rahman. Both sides Christians and Muslims use hearsay propaganda against one another. But, if I may, let me keep it simple. In Afghanistan a Muslim who converts to Christianity will be charged and can be hung until dead. That being the case ,why are we fighting to protect that society?
Now Afghanistan is using a legal out to sidestep the issue by saying Mr Rahman is not fit to stand trial but that doesn't excuse the fact that such a law is on the books to begin with, now does it. Islam as a religion must be reformed for democracy to work in Afghanistan. Canadians will wind up being shot by Muslims who resist that reformation and insist on the Shariah way. And Muslims around the world are insisting on the Shariah way. Ontario, with a Liberal McGuinty in charge, almost allowed Shariah to be legal here.
Abdel Rahman ,a Christian covert, faces death in Kabul after being charged with converting from Islam to Christianity. "A crime under this country's Islamic Shariah laws", a judge said on Sunday. Truly this Islamic Shariah Law is the crux of the problem facing the world today and this crux will lead to a world war.
This is the war between Shariah Muslims (the kind supporting terrorists) and Democracy(Christians). Muslims and Christians are fighting it already. The rest of us cannot ignore it and pretend it will go away. We cannot turn a blind eye to the murder and abuse of Christians in Muslim countries world wide while reaching out and accommodating Muslims in our democratic countries while these Muslims are advocating Shariah. We would be fools. A wolf is a wolf is a wolf is a wolf. He doesn't change just because you put him in the hen house.
In Afghanistan Abdul Rahman, 41, was arrested last month after his family accused him of becoming a Christian. The accused was charged with rejecting Islam.
The Afghanistan Judge Mawlavezada said. "We are not against any particular religion in the world. But in Afghanistan, this sort of thing is against the law," the judge said. "It is an attack on Islam." He said he will rule on the case within two months. Now Afghanistan is using an out to sidestep the issue by saying Mr Rahman is not fit to stand trial but that doesn't excuse the fact that such a law is on the books to begin with. Islam as a religion must be reformed for democracy to work in Afghanistan. That is like asking water to freeze at 50 degrees above. Canadians will wind up being shot by Muslims who resist that reformation and insist on the Shariah way. And Muslims around the world are insisting on the Shariah way. It is easy to foresee a war over this. I can now start to understand why Israel and the Palestinians have never been able to make a peace
The question then becomes why should Canadians soldiers lose their lives fighting for democracy and a stable Afghanistan when that country would hang until dead any man who converts from one religion to another. To make such an event a crime is the antithesis of democracy as we know it, Liberal or Conservative. Why should Canadians die to permit that? We should be at war with it.
The new Afghanistan Constitution proclaims that Islam is the "religion of the state"; however, it does not prohibit the practice of other religions. The new Constitution also declares "no law can be contrary to the beliefs and provisions of the sacred religion of Islam." The sacred religion of Islam prohibits conversion with death as the penalty. It also states that "followers of other religions are free to exercise their faith and perform their religious rites within the limits of the provisions of law." That is a contradiction especially when you consider that this conversion law is still a serious crime over there severe enough to justify the capital penalty. Mr Rahman has now escaped to Italy.
I am not a religious person. But anyone with a brain can figure out that there can be no morality without free will. We must make the choice ourselves. Islam strikes me like a political body not a religion. In fact Islam strikes me like the opposite of a religion in the same way that FEAR is the opposite of FAITH. Islam would have you fear for your life if you abandon Islam for Christianity. Therefore that is not a faith. It is a fear. Without that free will choice, there is no morality; so Islam is without morals. A body without morals is not a religion. It is a political system. And the way Shariah Muslims define themselves, it equates with fascism as it is unilateral, unilingual and accepting of no other free will; in fact it is completely opposed to other choice, to free will, to democracy; that is to anything other then based on Islam.
Meanwhile in Iraq...
And this issue is attracting real women as opposed to feminists who are silent. I don't see too many Liberal type organizations protesting what Afghanistan has done to Mr Abdul Rahman. Both sides Christians and Muslims use hearsay propaganda against one another. But, if I may, let me keep it simple. In Afghanistan a Muslim who converts to Christianity will be charged and can be hung until dead. That being the case ,why are we fighting to protect that society?
Now Afghanistan is using a legal out to sidestep the issue by saying Mr Rahman is not fit to stand trial but that doesn't excuse the fact that such a law is on the books to begin with, now does it. Islam as a religion must be reformed for democracy to work in Afghanistan. Canadians will wind up being shot by Muslims who resist that reformation and insist on the Shariah way. And Muslims around the world are insisting on the Shariah way. Ontario, with a Liberal McGuinty in charge, almost allowed Shariah to be legal here.
Abdel Rahman ,a Christian covert, faces death in Kabul after being charged with converting from Islam to Christianity. "A crime under this country's Islamic Shariah laws", a judge said on Sunday. Truly this Islamic Shariah Law is the crux of the problem facing the world today and this crux will lead to a world war.
This is the war between Shariah Muslims (the kind supporting terrorists) and Democracy(Christians). Muslims and Christians are fighting it already. The rest of us cannot ignore it and pretend it will go away. We cannot turn a blind eye to the murder and abuse of Christians in Muslim countries world wide while reaching out and accommodating Muslims in our democratic countries while these Muslims are advocating Shariah. We would be fools. A wolf is a wolf is a wolf is a wolf. He doesn't change just because you put him in the hen house.
In Afghanistan Abdul Rahman, 41, was arrested last month after his family accused him of becoming a Christian. The accused was charged with rejecting Islam.
The Afghanistan Judge Mawlavezada said. "We are not against any particular religion in the world. But in Afghanistan, this sort of thing is against the law," the judge said. "It is an attack on Islam." He said he will rule on the case within two months. Now Afghanistan is using an out to sidestep the issue by saying Mr Rahman is not fit to stand trial but that doesn't excuse the fact that such a law is on the books to begin with. Islam as a religion must be reformed for democracy to work in Afghanistan. That is like asking water to freeze at 50 degrees above. Canadians will wind up being shot by Muslims who resist that reformation and insist on the Shariah way. And Muslims around the world are insisting on the Shariah way. It is easy to foresee a war over this. I can now start to understand why Israel and the Palestinians have never been able to make a peace
The question then becomes why should Canadians soldiers lose their lives fighting for democracy and a stable Afghanistan when that country would hang until dead any man who converts from one religion to another. To make such an event a crime is the antithesis of democracy as we know it, Liberal or Conservative. Why should Canadians die to permit that? We should be at war with it.
The new Afghanistan Constitution proclaims that Islam is the "religion of the state"; however, it does not prohibit the practice of other religions. The new Constitution also declares "no law can be contrary to the beliefs and provisions of the sacred religion of Islam." The sacred religion of Islam prohibits conversion with death as the penalty. It also states that "followers of other religions are free to exercise their faith and perform their religious rites within the limits of the provisions of law." That is a contradiction especially when you consider that this conversion law is still a serious crime over there severe enough to justify the capital penalty. Mr Rahman has now escaped to Italy.
I am not a religious person. But anyone with a brain can figure out that there can be no morality without free will. We must make the choice ourselves. Islam strikes me like a political body not a religion. In fact Islam strikes me like the opposite of a religion in the same way that FEAR is the opposite of FAITH. Islam would have you fear for your life if you abandon Islam for Christianity. Therefore that is not a faith. It is a fear. Without that free will choice, there is no morality; so Islam is without morals. A body without morals is not a religion. It is a political system. And the way Shariah Muslims define themselves, it equates with fascism as it is unilateral, unilingual and accepting of no other free will; in fact it is completely opposed to other choice, to free will, to democracy; that is to anything other then based on Islam.
Meanwhile in Iraq...
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Yes! Blood is Thicker then Water and Always will Be
The more I read the posts on line, the more I know in my mind and heart that Canada needs Harper. It is time to get that pendulum going right; back to the center where people have choice and freedom. The negative judgmental left wing Liberals are politically correct to themselves only. Think about it. For instance! If you read the Communist Manifesto or Karl Marx you will see the Liberal blue print spelled out in black and white. It describes exactly what and where the left wingers want to take us. It says what they want to do with the family unit which is basically do away with it. They want to put them all in condo communes, so the men and women can stay working in the fields and factories. But fortunately as the Soviet Union found out, blood is thicker then water and always will be.
Children will always be better with their moms and dads then at a day care, always and forever no matter what.
Fortunately by living in Vancouver I see from the Chinese and East Indian communities the intrinsic value of the strong "family" unit. The Liberals have been undermining the family unit for decades. They are forcing people to live the way they (being the Liberals) want. They have been taking away the responsibilities of families and giving them to nicely paid unionized workers be they teachers(BCTU) or care workers(BCGEU). Why not give that money to the family to begin with! Give families the choice and freedom. Do something that is for sure in the best interests of children. The Liberals talk about being politically correct and push the Belinda Stronach example which I am sorry is repugnant to me. Completely alien and undesirable.
Think about it. The Liberals keep taking away the responsibilities that used to be a family's responsibility and foreclosing their rights. The Liberals think they know better what is best for everyone. God forbid that families are able to afford popcorn and beer with more years of Liberals. The Liberals know best how to waste our money bribing their way to power with our money and making that politically correct.
40 years ago families were responsible for their children's education, and care of babies and the young and care of their family's seniors, the sick and the handicapped and these families stayed together forever. Now the Liberal government wants to do it all almost from birth. Keep those men and women in the fields and factories and tax em to the hilt. Make it so expensive that staying at home is not a choice. Staying at home is not taxable. God forbid.
You can't tax a parent sitting at home looking after his or her kids.Thats exactly what Karl Marx wanted or the Liberals want. The Liberals don't trust people with their own money so it must be taken away from them and they must be sent back to work and 50% or more of their wages sent to government so the Liberals can spend it to stay in power while our kids are cared for by homosexuals in day cares working at a union wage.
Enough of these socialists Liberals. Trudeau said it best when he took the Liberals left saying "when the pendulum goes too far in one direction, it is time to take it back in the other direction." We need to sent the Liberals to the same wilderness that we sent Mulroney and the Conservatives. We need to send them a "shut up" message. I am so sick and tired of hearing them whine the politically correct blues. They need to regain a respect for the value and intelligence of the heterosexual, married, nuclear, family unit that I see in the Chinese and East Indian family units in Vancouver.
It is time to get back to basics and away from the unethical Liberals complete and total lack of principle or any respect for the individual. I trust the individual much more then I trust the state. Once the state has control, they don't trust the individual any more.(insert big laugh here)They side with the institution they represent. In fact they invent a whole new bureaucracy to over see the institution they invented to replace Mom and Dad and waste even more money on middle management just like the Ministry of Child Family and Community Services in BC does. The negative success rate of that Ministry can be see in Criminal Provincial Court over and over again.
The Left Wingers view the individual Mom and Dad as too ignorant, too untrustworthy, too uncontrollable , too free. These individuals might waste any extra cash they have on beer and popcorn. These free individuals might be politically incorrect and teach his kids to be right wing unlike the way striking BC teachers do. The Liberals think that the only people that can look after children are overpaid unionized workers who are trained to be caring and who have an educated professional approach to children. These so called professionals are the ones who will then use their position to indoctrinate their young charges. Liberals think parents need to get back to taxable employment asap. Excuse me, and I am sorry, but to the Liberals, fuck you. You bastards can go to hell. I prefer a real woman and a real mother.
[Daycare choice]
Children will always be better with their moms and dads then at a day care, always and forever no matter what.
Fortunately by living in Vancouver I see from the Chinese and East Indian communities the intrinsic value of the strong "family" unit. The Liberals have been undermining the family unit for decades. They are forcing people to live the way they (being the Liberals) want. They have been taking away the responsibilities of families and giving them to nicely paid unionized workers be they teachers(BCTU) or care workers(BCGEU). Why not give that money to the family to begin with! Give families the choice and freedom. Do something that is for sure in the best interests of children. The Liberals talk about being politically correct and push the Belinda Stronach example which I am sorry is repugnant to me. Completely alien and undesirable.
Think about it. The Liberals keep taking away the responsibilities that used to be a family's responsibility and foreclosing their rights. The Liberals think they know better what is best for everyone. God forbid that families are able to afford popcorn and beer with more years of Liberals. The Liberals know best how to waste our money bribing their way to power with our money and making that politically correct.
40 years ago families were responsible for their children's education, and care of babies and the young and care of their family's seniors, the sick and the handicapped and these families stayed together forever. Now the Liberal government wants to do it all almost from birth. Keep those men and women in the fields and factories and tax em to the hilt. Make it so expensive that staying at home is not a choice. Staying at home is not taxable. God forbid.
You can't tax a parent sitting at home looking after his or her kids.Thats exactly what Karl Marx wanted or the Liberals want. The Liberals don't trust people with their own money so it must be taken away from them and they must be sent back to work and 50% or more of their wages sent to government so the Liberals can spend it to stay in power while our kids are cared for by homosexuals in day cares working at a union wage.
Enough of these socialists Liberals. Trudeau said it best when he took the Liberals left saying "when the pendulum goes too far in one direction, it is time to take it back in the other direction." We need to sent the Liberals to the same wilderness that we sent Mulroney and the Conservatives. We need to send them a "shut up" message. I am so sick and tired of hearing them whine the politically correct blues. They need to regain a respect for the value and intelligence of the heterosexual, married, nuclear, family unit that I see in the Chinese and East Indian family units in Vancouver.
It is time to get back to basics and away from the unethical Liberals complete and total lack of principle or any respect for the individual. I trust the individual much more then I trust the state. Once the state has control, they don't trust the individual any more.(insert big laugh here)They side with the institution they represent. In fact they invent a whole new bureaucracy to over see the institution they invented to replace Mom and Dad and waste even more money on middle management just like the Ministry of Child Family and Community Services in BC does. The negative success rate of that Ministry can be see in Criminal Provincial Court over and over again.
The Left Wingers view the individual Mom and Dad as too ignorant, too untrustworthy, too uncontrollable , too free. These individuals might waste any extra cash they have on beer and popcorn. These free individuals might be politically incorrect and teach his kids to be right wing unlike the way striking BC teachers do. The Liberals think that the only people that can look after children are overpaid unionized workers who are trained to be caring and who have an educated professional approach to children. These so called professionals are the ones who will then use their position to indoctrinate their young charges. Liberals think parents need to get back to taxable employment asap. Excuse me, and I am sorry, but to the Liberals, fuck you. You bastards can go to hell. I prefer a real woman and a real mother.
[Daycare choice]
Monday, March 13, 2006
911 Muslims, Canada and my choice.
Finally, the issue gets in focus. I remember seeing a picture shortly after 911. It was a picture of a big black man who was in mid air, his arms by his side, as he hurtled down 115 floors head first, and straight as an arrow, going down fast, yet almost seemingly in slow motion, to a certain death. I can remember squinting and getting closer to this picture. I wanted to see his face. It was obvious by the man's arms being beside him, while going down head first, that THIS was a deliberate act on his part. He was diving to his death head first, bravely.
It took a bit but then I realized why. He had had to choose between burning to death or diving down 115 floors to his death. Can you imagine? He had choose to dive knowingly and did so bravely. It is a picture I will never forget. A Muslim like Osama Bin Laden, with support throughout the Muslim world, put that diver in that "straight from hell" position; burn or dive to death. That black man, for all intents and purposes, was completely an innocent man. The Muslims who brought down the WTC represent an unchangeable traditional Muslim view that is not open to negotiation; completely intransigent. We recently saw them protesting and killing world wide over a cartoon.
I don't know if the diver was one of the 25 Canadians that died in the World Trade Center or one of the other 3000 innocent people from 30 plus countries that died because of this Muslim based terrorism; a terrorism based on their religion; a traditional Shariah Muslim view as espoused by the lunatic Osama Bin Laden and followed by many Muslims throughout the world.
The West may have had its Reformation, Spanish Inquisition, it's Catholic based theocracies some 300 years ago. There is no doubt that this Muslim based Fascist approach to government and society grounded solely by Islam theology has to be confronted. If Osama's Islam had it's way every non-Muslim country in the world would be pushed into the sea. I am surprised that any Conservative or Liberal minded person could argue otherwise. The Muslims in Kosovo (the KLA) got away with it only because Milosovic got carried away with Croats first.
Bush's detour into Iraq may have diverted or clouded the issue because of the American bias towards Israel and their hunger for oil, but there is no doubt that the extremist Muslim theocratic Shariah government issue must be confronted. Ask that black man who jumped off the World Trade Center. Ask Captain Trevor Greene. The traditional Taliban type Muslim, being protected initially by Afghanistan and now by Pakistan, are a barbaric virus that needs to be eliminated if they resist the Muslim Reformation which given the nature of their religion I know they will. Consider the tens of thousands who protested a cartoon yet were silent about 911!
The Taliban seized control of Afghanistan in 1996. It hosted and protected al-Qaeda and Osama, not to mention his training camps. It allowed him to plot and carry out the 911 terrorist attacks on the WTC in 2001 against our NATO ally the USA. I mention all this just in case Jack Layton is reading. PM Stephen Harper is on the right track.
Thanks Stephen. This is one of the pictures showing that falling man. The one I remember shows him higher up and with his arms by his side. If I can ever find that photo again I'll post it here.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Shura and Dishonourable Two Faced Muslims
Lieutenant Trevor Greene was whacked in the head with an axe by a Muslim who came at him from behind while all parties were sitting at a Shura with the elders of the community. The fact that all the children were moved away two minutes before this dishonourable cowardly act shows that this was planned by the Muslims in attendance at this meeting. Who says Muslims can be trusted. Not me. Not any more.The Muslims that did this at a Shura were dastardly, barbaric, two-faced phonies with no honour and deserving of no respect. Lieutenant Trevor Greene had removed his helmut and was sitting cross legged with the Muslim elders when he was attacked from behind. He was sticking his neck out to help them. And they attack him with an axe from behind. Barbaric assholes like that deserve no respect. None.
Lieutenant Greene is a Vancouver BC man; an author, a journalist and a soldier who was always committed to helping others. The book he wrote was about the missing East Side Vancouver Women.
Lieutenant Trevor Greene is now a Captain. A Shura is supposed to be a place where the host guarantees the safety of it's guests. A peaceful place to consult. As opposed to enticing one to remove his helmut so someone can whack him from behind in the head with an axe. It is a good job I'm not in charge of the army. I would not talk to that Afghanistan village anymore, not after such cowardly sneakiness. I'd just nuke em. And I'd do it with a bomb that said, "Here you go Allah Akbars, you cowardly bastards." If that's the way you want to play... Fortunately I am not in charge of the Army. In fact the army will continue to use the Shura and I must say I am very proud of their patience and discipline.
It was the Afghanistan Muslim yahoos who started this with their unprovoked attack on the World Trade Center.(Albeit, to accommodate those Liberal drive by smears, utilizing Muslims from other countries) It is time they were showed the same level of respect. I'm not sure where in the Koran one would find it, but it will be in there. It is the part that says "what you put into the lives of others shall come back into your own". Canadians will remember the Shura Axe. All Canadians except Liberals who have no honour, unless it is politically correct.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia runs by way of the Shura. Would a foreign leader be safe visiting Saudi Arabia and speaking to their King or would he be axed from behind. How valid is the Shura? Saudi Arabia claims the Shura is a time honoured Koran santioned deeply ingrained practice of Muslims. Has Saudia Arabia spoken against what happened to Captain Trevor Greene?
Will we see 10 of thousands of Muslims protesting this flagrant abuse of the Koran?
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Health Care "The Third Way" starring Klein, McGuinty, Campbell
No matter whether you are Conservative or Liberal(NDP), left wing or right wing, there is one fact we must all agree is a solid fact. Just as sure as H2 and O make water when it comes to being efficient and effective the private sector will always beat the public sector simply based on cost and time always and forever in every case without exception.
So I pay attention and believe him when I see Premier Campbell, the Liberal head honcho in BC, say, "The thing we all know is that the health care system is not sustainable the way it is over the next 25 years. It is going to have to change." Premier Klein says, "The health system must change to survive." Since the next 25 years are my last 25 years, I pay attention. Another 500,000 senior immigrants and there might not be room for me.
When it comes to health care the Doctor is sometimes left out of the picture. What with all the money going to administrators (BCGEU), Nurses (BCNU), janitors, restaurant workers(CUPE) and various other CUPE workers, it is the Doctors who seldom get mentioned. They study and work hard to be where they are.
I have often wondered what if Doctors behaved like Teachers or Nurses and went on strike as opposed to being professional and following their oath. Well yesterday in BC it was revealed that some BC doctors are sending an annual bill to some patients to cover what the Medical services plan does not pay for like phone calls, sending out letters; things that take time but for which cannot be billed. These annual bills are $$140.00 for single people and $$200.00 for family's.
Of course everyone in BC pays an annual bill for about $$$500.00 to get your MSA card. But I noticed in Sweden there is no annual card payment but there is a user payment of $$$20.00 per visit to a max of $$$130.00 This was brought to light by Premier Campbell's tour of four European Nations; Sweden, Norway, France and the United Kingdom. So the consumer pays less and and the system gets used more efficiently as the "pain in the neck" person doesn't abuse the system cause it costs him 20$.
I know from personal experience that if the service is free people abuse it. If you have ever had anything to do with a divorce where one spouse is on Legal Aid you know there will be legal games played that would not be played if the party were paying for the service. Since the service is free, so are the games.
Meanwhile thinking of the Liberals federally I noticed that Federal LIBERAL Keith Martin announced today that he is proposing a public/private hospital and a publicly funded day-care center on the Esquimalt Canadian Forces Base. He said, "There isn't enough money to pay for what we want." Further more he said he proposes a plan to build publicly funded primary health care clinics at 10 military bases across Canada which he will introduce as a private members motion. I guess he is trying to make up for that negative ad approved for the Liberals by that goofball leader that Emerson left.
Meanwhile, like in Abbotsford, Vancouver Island will get a private MRI facility. CML HEALTH Care Imaging that provides service diagnostic testing for a fee. The company opened a clinic in early January to do such. Vancouver Island being the worlds greatest collection of people into alternatives, is only fitting to have such a facility in NDP territory.
But you gotta love Klein who carrys an honest baseball bat and is so honest you can feel the bat hit you. The former PM Martin sees a Dr Sheldon Elman who runs a private clinic in Quebec and works in the public system. What's goose for the francophones is beaver for the Albertans. That approach by Dr. Elman in Quebec is Klein's "third option" where he proposes paying for choice and access while protecting the public system and permitting a doctor to work in both. That is probably the smart thing to do constitutionally speaking if one thinks of the Doctors protected charters rights.
Kleins approach is one which asks, "who can do it cheaper and quicker". The way to achieve that, one might say, is to have an abundance of graduating doctors; an over supply of trained Doctors. But in all reality he is feigning a swing and quite frankly taking a page out of the union play book. Prime ministers Harper will obviously stand up for the Canada Health Act. Klein will get 9 out of 10
So I pay attention and believe him when I see Premier Campbell, the Liberal head honcho in BC, say, "The thing we all know is that the health care system is not sustainable the way it is over the next 25 years. It is going to have to change." Premier Klein says, "The health system must change to survive." Since the next 25 years are my last 25 years, I pay attention. Another 500,000 senior immigrants and there might not be room for me.
When it comes to health care the Doctor is sometimes left out of the picture. What with all the money going to administrators (BCGEU), Nurses (BCNU), janitors, restaurant workers(CUPE) and various other CUPE workers, it is the Doctors who seldom get mentioned. They study and work hard to be where they are.
I have often wondered what if Doctors behaved like Teachers or Nurses and went on strike as opposed to being professional and following their oath. Well yesterday in BC it was revealed that some BC doctors are sending an annual bill to some patients to cover what the Medical services plan does not pay for like phone calls, sending out letters; things that take time but for which cannot be billed. These annual bills are $$140.00 for single people and $$200.00 for family's.
Of course everyone in BC pays an annual bill for about $$$500.00 to get your MSA card. But I noticed in Sweden there is no annual card payment but there is a user payment of $$$20.00 per visit to a max of $$$130.00 This was brought to light by Premier Campbell's tour of four European Nations; Sweden, Norway, France and the United Kingdom. So the consumer pays less and and the system gets used more efficiently as the "pain in the neck" person doesn't abuse the system cause it costs him 20$.
I know from personal experience that if the service is free people abuse it. If you have ever had anything to do with a divorce where one spouse is on Legal Aid you know there will be legal games played that would not be played if the party were paying for the service. Since the service is free, so are the games.
Meanwhile thinking of the Liberals federally I noticed that Federal LIBERAL Keith Martin announced today that he is proposing a public/private hospital and a publicly funded day-care center on the Esquimalt Canadian Forces Base. He said, "There isn't enough money to pay for what we want." Further more he said he proposes a plan to build publicly funded primary health care clinics at 10 military bases across Canada which he will introduce as a private members motion. I guess he is trying to make up for that negative ad approved for the Liberals by that goofball leader that Emerson left.
Meanwhile, like in Abbotsford, Vancouver Island will get a private MRI facility. CML HEALTH Care Imaging that provides service diagnostic testing for a fee. The company opened a clinic in early January to do such. Vancouver Island being the worlds greatest collection of people into alternatives, is only fitting to have such a facility in NDP territory.
But you gotta love Klein who carrys an honest baseball bat and is so honest you can feel the bat hit you. The former PM Martin sees a Dr Sheldon Elman who runs a private clinic in Quebec and works in the public system. What's goose for the francophones is beaver for the Albertans. That approach by Dr. Elman in Quebec is Klein's "third option" where he proposes paying for choice and access while protecting the public system and permitting a doctor to work in both. That is probably the smart thing to do constitutionally speaking if one thinks of the Doctors protected charters rights.
Kleins approach is one which asks, "who can do it cheaper and quicker". The way to achieve that, one might say, is to have an abundance of graduating doctors; an over supply of trained Doctors. But in all reality he is feigning a swing and quite frankly taking a page out of the union play book. Prime ministers Harper will obviously stand up for the Canada Health Act. Klein will get 9 out of 10
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Health Care and the 6th Principle: DRAMA, 4 stars
The NDP Federal leader Jack Layton says, â€Å“The Conservative election platform included a commitment to the 5 principles of the Canada Health Act.â€� Premier Campbell in BC is about to add a 6th principle. The political or bureaucratic gobboligook is couched in words like (1) universality, (2) accessibility, (3) comprehensiveness, (4) portability, and (5) public administration, and maybe (6) the principle of sustainability. Premier Campbell in BC would add the 6th. In my view after all is said and done the issue is really about unions.
Firstly, for those people out East, you must understand that the Federal Liberals and the Federal NDP are both left wing. This is to be contrasted with the BC Provincial Liberals who are centre right while the NDP are left of centre. For instance under no circumstances would you ever see Buzz Hargrove giving the BC Liberal Premier, Gordon Campbell, a United Auto Workers jacket. So if I sound like a blogging Grit on a blogging Tory site, please appreciate that in BC there isn̢۪t much of a difference for the Liberals.
Essentially, the battle in BC will be between a jigabug in one corner and a game of bridge in the other corner. The voters will have to choose the winner. Premier Campbell is going to lead the BC press around Europe to expose the blended public/private health care systems over there to the BC media and public. This traveling jigabug exercise is to educate the public so as to evaporate the fears generated by the NDP about allowing some private clinics in the Province. While the NDP leader will continue to harp about the slippery slope to an American style health care system. In bridge this would be called a finesse. Except Carole James doesn̢۪t comprehend that one can not finesse an Ace,with the Ace representing the sustainability, so the jigabug wins.
Basically this was brought about by the Supreme Court of Canada ruling that said long waits for various medical procedures violated a patients constitutional rights to life and personal security. This decision ruled as unconstitutional Quebecs attempt to outlaw private clinics.
Meanwhile I, the average Shmoo, can and will continue to stand in the line up for health care. You would think that the NDP would stand up for the average Shmoo. But nooo! It is the right wing that is standing up for the average Shmoo. The NDP want to protect the union monopoly. The NDP want to ensure that any health care provided is provided by a doctor behind a unionized person and which union can then blackmail the public into giving the union whatever they demand. The right wing Provincial Liberals are the ones standing up for the average shmoo and I applaud them.
Even the Province cartoonist is depicting the words and the fear the NDP would advance; Care Card versus Visa Credit Card.
NDPers, Federal or Provincial, will yak about how Premier Campbell̢۪s BC̢۪s initiative on health care is distressing and try to instill fear. But let̢۪s face it, BC is not alone. Quebec and Alberta have promised legislation that will permit private hospitals and private practices. That means that three of the country̢۪s biggest provinces are headed in that direction. This is happening out of necessity; a necessity brought about by the high cost of labour which threatens the sustainablity of health care. At present 44% of all tax dollers go to health care. Even a dumb leftist must appreciate that can not go on.The wages earned by a health care worker are a profit to that worker who then says profit is a dirty word in health care. Ya right!
It really is a shame. I believe in Unions. They are a great thing not only for the people they represent but also for the economy. If people have more money, they spend more. Add the multiplier and viola. But all unions go overboard. Being placed in a position of power, a monopoly, they let their pork choppers lead them into greed and price themselves out of the market. The customer becomes irrelevant. It matters not if it’s an airline, an auto producer or a nursing or teachers union. The only word they know is â€Å“moreâ€�, â€Å“moreâ€�, â€Å“moreâ€�.
BC will see that game in abundance this coming summer. In 2006 some 145,000 BCGEU types will want more. Also in 2006 some 83,000 BC health care workers will be wanting more and 93,000 BC public school teachers and universities types will want more.
Meanwhile Shmoos like me who survived on $25,000 last year and next year and likely the year after will still have to send $5000.00 or more in taxes to government for these greedy government unionized workers not to mention the middle management piggy backing the union. Some day I hope some government comes a long, which I highly doubt, that says two words to these over-paid under-worked government workers and you know what those two words are.
Firstly, for those people out East, you must understand that the Federal Liberals and the Federal NDP are both left wing. This is to be contrasted with the BC Provincial Liberals who are centre right while the NDP are left of centre. For instance under no circumstances would you ever see Buzz Hargrove giving the BC Liberal Premier, Gordon Campbell, a United Auto Workers jacket. So if I sound like a blogging Grit on a blogging Tory site, please appreciate that in BC there isn̢۪t much of a difference for the Liberals.
Essentially, the battle in BC will be between a jigabug in one corner and a game of bridge in the other corner. The voters will have to choose the winner. Premier Campbell is going to lead the BC press around Europe to expose the blended public/private health care systems over there to the BC media and public. This traveling jigabug exercise is to educate the public so as to evaporate the fears generated by the NDP about allowing some private clinics in the Province. While the NDP leader will continue to harp about the slippery slope to an American style health care system. In bridge this would be called a finesse. Except Carole James doesn̢۪t comprehend that one can not finesse an Ace,with the Ace representing the sustainability, so the jigabug wins.
Basically this was brought about by the Supreme Court of Canada ruling that said long waits for various medical procedures violated a patients constitutional rights to life and personal security. This decision ruled as unconstitutional Quebecs attempt to outlaw private clinics.
Meanwhile I, the average Shmoo, can and will continue to stand in the line up for health care. You would think that the NDP would stand up for the average Shmoo. But nooo! It is the right wing that is standing up for the average Shmoo. The NDP want to protect the union monopoly. The NDP want to ensure that any health care provided is provided by a doctor behind a unionized person and which union can then blackmail the public into giving the union whatever they demand. The right wing Provincial Liberals are the ones standing up for the average shmoo and I applaud them.
Even the Province cartoonist is depicting the words and the fear the NDP would advance; Care Card versus Visa Credit Card.
NDPers, Federal or Provincial, will yak about how Premier Campbell̢۪s BC̢۪s initiative on health care is distressing and try to instill fear. But let̢۪s face it, BC is not alone. Quebec and Alberta have promised legislation that will permit private hospitals and private practices. That means that three of the country̢۪s biggest provinces are headed in that direction. This is happening out of necessity; a necessity brought about by the high cost of labour which threatens the sustainablity of health care. At present 44% of all tax dollers go to health care. Even a dumb leftist must appreciate that can not go on.The wages earned by a health care worker are a profit to that worker who then says profit is a dirty word in health care. Ya right!
It really is a shame. I believe in Unions. They are a great thing not only for the people they represent but also for the economy. If people have more money, they spend more. Add the multiplier and viola. But all unions go overboard. Being placed in a position of power, a monopoly, they let their pork choppers lead them into greed and price themselves out of the market. The customer becomes irrelevant. It matters not if it’s an airline, an auto producer or a nursing or teachers union. The only word they know is â€Å“moreâ€�, â€Å“moreâ€�, â€Å“moreâ€�.
BC will see that game in abundance this coming summer. In 2006 some 145,000 BCGEU types will want more. Also in 2006 some 83,000 BC health care workers will be wanting more and 93,000 BC public school teachers and universities types will want more.
Meanwhile Shmoos like me who survived on $25,000 last year and next year and likely the year after will still have to send $5000.00 or more in taxes to government for these greedy government unionized workers not to mention the middle management piggy backing the union. Some day I hope some government comes a long, which I highly doubt, that says two words to these over-paid under-worked government workers and you know what those two words are.
Monday, February 13, 2006
The Battle of Khartoon Ridge
The Muslim reaction to those Danish cartoons reminds me of that Shakespeare line, "Methinks they doth protest too loudly" That was Shakespear's way of identifying someone whose lies have been found out. He has been outed! The exterior phoniness has been laid bare for all to see. And the one who has been found out protests in an excessive manner which exposes his shortcomings even more.
They say respect is earned not deserved. Muslims want us to respect this "not-to-be-seen" Mohammed but the followers of Mohammed have not been behaving in a way that deserves respect. This is especially so given the wholesale killing of innocent people world wide. There is an ever growing list of examples, dare I say convincing evidence showing Islam to be an intolerant religion equating with totalitarianism on the same level as Fascism. Or to put it more bluntly, either you are a Muslim or you are dead.
WE need only review the murder of innocents in Bali, Spain, New Delhi, World Trade Center, Beslan, London, Iraq and more. The cartoon depicting Mohammed with a bomb in his head dress is fairly accurate. It is definitely fair comment. If a picture is worth a thousand words, that depiction of Mohammed shows that one cartoon is worth ten thousand suicide bombers. Me thinks they doth protest too loudly.
If as Peter McKay would have us believe, the freedom of expression must be exercised responsibly, then the republication of those cartoons is responsible. Those cartoons hold up a mirror to Muslims. And basically asks, â€Å“Will the real Muslims please stand up?â€� Or does that cartoon depict the real Muslim? That is the question. It is a real serious question and one which the mainstream media in Canada and Peter McKay ignore.
Is the idea that there are moderate Muslims an invalid assumption? Let's face it. We did not see 10's of thousands of Muslims protesting the actions of Muslims in the slaughter of thousands of innocents in Bali, Beslan, London, Spain, Iraq, or the World Trade Center or more recently Fort Hood. But we do see 10̢۪s of thousands of Muslims protesting a cartoon???? There is something wrong with these scales and it ain't in Denmark. It is in the Muslim community.
Why should anyone apologize for holding up a mirror to a group to show them the image they project? Or is that image an accurate projection of the very core of the group?
They say respect is earned not deserved. Muslims want us to respect this "not-to-be-seen" Mohammed but the followers of Mohammed have not been behaving in a way that deserves respect. This is especially so given the wholesale killing of innocent people world wide. There is an ever growing list of examples, dare I say convincing evidence showing Islam to be an intolerant religion equating with totalitarianism on the same level as Fascism. Or to put it more bluntly, either you are a Muslim or you are dead.
WE need only review the murder of innocents in Bali, Spain, New Delhi, World Trade Center, Beslan, London, Iraq and more. The cartoon depicting Mohammed with a bomb in his head dress is fairly accurate. It is definitely fair comment. If a picture is worth a thousand words, that depiction of Mohammed shows that one cartoon is worth ten thousand suicide bombers. Me thinks they doth protest too loudly.
If as Peter McKay would have us believe, the freedom of expression must be exercised responsibly, then the republication of those cartoons is responsible. Those cartoons hold up a mirror to Muslims. And basically asks, â€Å“Will the real Muslims please stand up?â€� Or does that cartoon depict the real Muslim? That is the question. It is a real serious question and one which the mainstream media in Canada and Peter McKay ignore.
Is the idea that there are moderate Muslims an invalid assumption? Let's face it. We did not see 10's of thousands of Muslims protesting the actions of Muslims in the slaughter of thousands of innocents in Bali, Beslan, London, Spain, Iraq, or the World Trade Center or more recently Fort Hood. But we do see 10̢۪s of thousands of Muslims protesting a cartoon???? There is something wrong with these scales and it ain't in Denmark. It is in the Muslim community.
Why should anyone apologize for holding up a mirror to a group to show them the image they project? Or is that image an accurate projection of the very core of the group?
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
David Emerson...A Question of Intent
David Emerson is left handed. But that initially ended the positive stuff at first blush. With voter cynicism at its peak, by accepting Emerson into the Conservative Party, Prime Minister Harper sends the wrong message. I have spent the whole day trying to distinguish the floor crossing by David Emerson from the one by Belinda Stronach.
But initially I kept coming to the same bottom line in my mind. If he can not be loyal and committed to his Party and the people who voted and just got him elected, how can you trust him? I think most Canadians that voted Conservative wanted change. They wanted integrity, genuine convictions, honesty and not having to buy into some spokesmans daily spin on something or another.
I tried the reasons David Emerson offered, " I came to the conclusion I can be more helpful to the people of my riding, the people of my city, the people of my province and the people of my country doing this, as opposed to being in opposition and trying to become a powerful political partisan which I have never been."
I tried the idea that Emerson's switcharoo shows that the Conservative Party has indeed moved to the centre.
I tried the fact that he is a competent MP and is not a bad fit into the Conservative Party.
I tried the fact he will add an educated economic viewpoint to the Cabinet.
I tried the fact that Harper never spoke against the right of an MPto cross the floor.
I tried the fact that Emerson adds representation from a big BC city to the Conservatives.
Finally, I read the Vancouver Province and specifically Vaughn Palmer's column and then Alan Ferguson, and I slowly began to see the difference between Emerson's floor crossing and Stronach's. Emerson used to be a head huncho with a major forest company in BC, Canfor. HE IS ALREADY UP TO SPEED ON THE SOFTWOOD LUMBER PROBLEM WITH THE USA. Combined with the more civil tone between Harper and Bush, Emerson will be able to get to grips with that issue forthwith. He has had his head into the Pacific Gateway initiative for months and sticking with him can only be to BC's economic advantage. With the 2010 Olympics coming up, it is really smart to keep a key Ottawa connection especially with costs going up. The positives for BC are innumerable especially when you consider upcoming new Ports and new trading relationships with the Far East.
Once I started to understand the benefits to the people of BC, I recognized that this decision by Harper was to benefit the people of BC, not a blantant attempt to keep power like Martin in the Stronach floor crossing. Same actus reus different intent. I must say to Vaughn Palmer and Alan Ferguson of the Vancouver Province newspaper, thank you for your thoughts. You helped me to sort mine out.
But initially it is sort like the judicial adage that, "justice must not only be done, it must be seen to be done." Prime Minister Harper has squandered a major part of his political capital on day one by going along with a Belinda Stronach type situation in reverse. The perception is the message; never mind the rationalized explanations. But in reality and in time the smartness and justice of this decision will be seen to be done. The proof will be in the pudding or the results. With a more civil tone between Harper and Bush and with Emerson's knowledge so much more waccomplishedmpished. However as Alan Ferguson noted, "True reform probably requires future party-jumpers to again face the electorate before accepting a government post."
My ears are burning from all the phone calls I got today from people I have "fingered-wagged" into voting for the Conservatives who laughed and said, "So what's so different about your Conservatives? Ha Ha! The best I could do was say that Stronach was strike three for Martin. This is only strike one for Harper, and going through the above list of reasons. But the most poignant and validdefinitelys definately the difference in intent.
I do not see any short term gain to the Conservatives by Emerson's appointment. This will temporarily end the upward momentum by the Conservatives and the downward momentum by the Liberals. But in the long term it will be beneficial to BC's and Canada's economy. To me, that shows Harpers intent is the ultimate benefit of Canada as opposed to Martins intent (with Stronach) being to maintain the power of the Liberal Party.
However one disappointment that won't go away is not seeing Diane Ablonczy appointed. If Peter McKay is the man that represents the heart and sole of the Conservative Party, then Diane Ablonczy is the lady that represents the same thing. You can trust her to put in an eloquent fashion the truth of any situation.
But initially I kept coming to the same bottom line in my mind. If he can not be loyal and committed to his Party and the people who voted and just got him elected, how can you trust him? I think most Canadians that voted Conservative wanted change. They wanted integrity, genuine convictions, honesty and not having to buy into some spokesmans daily spin on something or another.
I tried the reasons David Emerson offered, " I came to the conclusion I can be more helpful to the people of my riding, the people of my city, the people of my province and the people of my country doing this, as opposed to being in opposition and trying to become a powerful political partisan which I have never been."
I tried the idea that Emerson's switcharoo shows that the Conservative Party has indeed moved to the centre.
I tried the fact that he is a competent MP and is not a bad fit into the Conservative Party.
I tried the fact he will add an educated economic viewpoint to the Cabinet.
I tried the fact that Harper never spoke against the right of an MPto cross the floor.
I tried the fact that Emerson adds representation from a big BC city to the Conservatives.
Finally, I read the Vancouver Province and specifically Vaughn Palmer's column and then Alan Ferguson, and I slowly began to see the difference between Emerson's floor crossing and Stronach's. Emerson used to be a head huncho with a major forest company in BC, Canfor. HE IS ALREADY UP TO SPEED ON THE SOFTWOOD LUMBER PROBLEM WITH THE USA. Combined with the more civil tone between Harper and Bush, Emerson will be able to get to grips with that issue forthwith. He has had his head into the Pacific Gateway initiative for months and sticking with him can only be to BC's economic advantage. With the 2010 Olympics coming up, it is really smart to keep a key Ottawa connection especially with costs going up. The positives for BC are innumerable especially when you consider upcoming new Ports and new trading relationships with the Far East.
Once I started to understand the benefits to the people of BC, I recognized that this decision by Harper was to benefit the people of BC, not a blantant attempt to keep power like Martin in the Stronach floor crossing. Same actus reus different intent. I must say to Vaughn Palmer and Alan Ferguson of the Vancouver Province newspaper, thank you for your thoughts. You helped me to sort mine out.
But initially it is sort like the judicial adage that, "justice must not only be done, it must be seen to be done." Prime Minister Harper has squandered a major part of his political capital on day one by going along with a Belinda Stronach type situation in reverse. The perception is the message; never mind the rationalized explanations. But in reality and in time the smartness and justice of this decision will be seen to be done. The proof will be in the pudding or the results. With a more civil tone between Harper and Bush and with Emerson's knowledge so much more waccomplishedmpished. However as Alan Ferguson noted, "True reform probably requires future party-jumpers to again face the electorate before accepting a government post."
My ears are burning from all the phone calls I got today from people I have "fingered-wagged" into voting for the Conservatives who laughed and said, "So what's so different about your Conservatives? Ha Ha! The best I could do was say that Stronach was strike three for Martin. This is only strike one for Harper, and going through the above list of reasons. But the most poignant and validdefinitelys definately the difference in intent.
I do not see any short term gain to the Conservatives by Emerson's appointment. This will temporarily end the upward momentum by the Conservatives and the downward momentum by the Liberals. But in the long term it will be beneficial to BC's and Canada's economy. To me, that shows Harpers intent is the ultimate benefit of Canada as opposed to Martins intent (with Stronach) being to maintain the power of the Liberal Party.
However one disappointment that won't go away is not seeing Diane Ablonczy appointed. If Peter McKay is the man that represents the heart and sole of the Conservative Party, then Diane Ablonczy is the lady that represents the same thing. You can trust her to put in an eloquent fashion the truth of any situation.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Muslims, multicultural, and Canada
Last summer on a hot Saturday, I spent another most enjoyable afternoon and evening at Butchart Gardens here in Victoria. The Symphony of Fire in Vancouver is a Mickey Mouse effort compared to the fireworks every Saturday at Victoria's Butchart Gardens. The performance at Butchart is a spectacular display of light and fireworks in, around, out of, and above a forest setting. Intricate, coordinated, and creative! They are a liquid, celestial and floral mixture of water, light and fireworks in harmony with a musical score. Simply incredible! In the words of a former life...Wow!
There is nothing hollow about the fireworks on a Saturday at Butchart. The only thing missing is a sizzling, stand-out, marketing name like Vancouver's Symphony of Fire. On Vancouver Island,the Butchart display is simply known as the fireworks. This simplicity is so typical of Vancouver Islanders. We can't let anyone know how extraordinarily awesome things are out here, as it might attract other people; so we tend to keep it secret, simple, and quiet.
Last August on that hot Saturday I spent the day wandering between the huge begonias, giant rhododendrons, the roses, dahlias and an endless variety of flowers living and co-mingled together that somehow replicates the multiculturalism that makes Canada so unique. So many cultures living in harmony and peace mixed together side by each as the Nova Scotia types would say.
The particular Saturday to which I am referring was a couple of weeks after the London subway bombings occurred. At that time the newspapers and airways were filled with the news about the perpetrators of that London horror. The perpetrators were British home grown Muslims; 4 young men who had gone to Pakistan to train and learn and came back as terrorists. They were willing to kill completely innocent people for whatever insane reason.
I spent the sun-filled afternoon wandering the acres and acres of floral displays; western, European, Oriental, you name it. Then after an "Iron Chef" meal in their "Summer Cottage" styled restaurant, I went to the sloped field where the "fireworks" are displayed as night falls. Leaving the restaurant made me feel like I was leaving a painting.
I wandered into the sloped field early to find a place to sit. Being a smoker I found a spot where I could be comfortable and have a smoke without bothering the militant non smoker types. You know the ones who express their "progressive", politically correct attitude by waving their hands in the air when a smoker walks by. The smoking spot usually tends to be near the garbage cans of course. So I got comfortable next to the cans and people watched.
After a few moments I noticed a Muslim nuclear family coming down the graveled pathway into the grassy field. They had their traditional dress on, black, head to toe and completely covered except for the men's faces. Two men lead the way and the two women followed. It was so hot I wondered why they wore so many clothes but it was their choice. One lady pushed a Cadillac baby carriage and I mean pushed. It was a big heavy-duty baby carriage and I mean heavy. She struggled with the push on the gravel. You could tell it was a heavy load. I think it was a lady pushing this carriage but I couldn't see any part of her. Who knows it might have been Michael Jackson. She was covered head to toe with black twice over.
I wondered about the baby carriage. It too was completely covered in black both the top and undercarriage and covered again. The family took up a position far from me in the middle of the field which of course, especially the huge baby carriage, blocked the view of the people seated on the ground behind them. Some people moved away. I must confess I was glad to be sitting next to the garage cans and some 150 feet away. That carraige looked like it had 200 lbs of dynamite in it. The evening ended and the only explosions were the fireworks.
Today I watched the news about Muslims wanting to kill cartoonists in Denmark, over these cartoons. Last year I watched Muslims blow up innocent people in those London subways. The year before I watched as Muslims killed school kids in Beslan, Russia by shooting them in the back. The year before I watched the horror in Madrid, Spain. The year before that, I watched the news about Muslims blowing up people at a night club in Bali, Indonesia. The year before that I watched Muslims steer planes into the World Trade Center. So the question I have is simple. How do I distinguish between crazy Muslims and peaceful Muslims?
Today an Italian Catholic Priest,Andrea Santoro, was shot dead by a Muslim in Turkey. The gunman shouted "God is great" as he shot his pistal and murdered the Priest. If Christains did that to an Muslim Imam, we would have a world war. How often must we turn the other cheek.
I noticed in reading Dawg's Blawg that he tries to excuse the Muslim violence as an over reaction due to their suffering an inferiority complex and historical colonization. Nonsense. There is no excuse for this senseless violence. The Lebanese who burned down the Danish Consulate or the Palestinians and the Syrians who have other agendas did not help their causes by the over reaction. There is no excuse. They only serve to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Their behavior over serves to confirm, and validate as truthful, the image depicted in the cartoons which had been given front page exposure in Egypt some six months previously. . The depiction of Mohammed is not new.
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