Showing posts with label Stephen Harper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stephen Harper. Show all posts

Saturday, September 07, 2013

Time to go back to the Liberals; Harper is a Post Turtle

Time to quit the Conservatives. I made that decision today as I watched Harper voice support for Ukraine and spoke against Russia. I was previously going to quit the Conservatives as Harper spoke in favour of the war in Syria. He is more interested in catering to the Ukrainians living in Alberta even if it means war with Russia.

I have been thinking about dumping the Conservatives for some time. I quit the Liberals in the 80's and became anti Liberal and initially Reform then Conservative.  But over the last few years I have noted  that Harper had wandered away from the purview of the UN and lost their support. He supports Obama wanting to sidestep the UN in favour of  his Syria attack. That is wrong. Harper is siding with the Military Industrial Complex to sell his pipeline in the USA over Obamas opposition. Harper has to go.

Obama wanting to bomb Syria is the  most idiotic plan threatened by the USA ever. The last thing you would want to see  happen is for Syria to fall into the hands of al-Quaida. This needs to happen under the auspices of the UN. Harper lacks good judgement big time. Harper is a right wing salesman, period. Doesn't care about world wars. In fact he seems to want one especially with Russia. Obama should work with Russia to achieve a peace in Syria.

Harper's behavior has made me rethink my allegiance to the Harper team. We need someone committed to the UN running Canada. I'm tired of him taking credit for what Chretien did in large measure. Or Mulroney for that matter.It was Mulroney who brought in the GST tax system to begin with. And the Banking system is a by product of the old Constitution, the BNA Act. So the economy is a by product of our Constitution giving control of banking to the feds, unlike the American system; nothing Harper did.

I saw the USA do that before(sidestep the UN) in the Kosovo war where they sidestepped the UN and used NATO to  war in Kosovo. Basically they sided with the KLA terrorists and gave the Serbian heartland, Kosovo, to the Muslims. Germany got its way in Kosovo  and the Serbs got screwed thanks to the USA and NATO. Like the USA, and NATO, are still playing Diplomacy even though the cold war is done and gone. Harper has abandoned the UN. That is wrong. The expansionary NATO is wrong. We need the Liberals back. Someone like Chretien who simply says no that is a stupid war  and we wont go.

Harper, regarding Israel, has also fallen into the Netanyaho camp, because of the specific domestic Jewish support he has, and Netanyaho with his 1800 year old Zionist dream about the Promised Land (the West Bank). No room for two nations there. That is wrong. Harper has to go. I would trust Trudeau under  the guidance of Chretien more than I would Harper. He is undermining the efforts to achieve a two state solution. The Conservatives need time for a puff and a breather.

Then we have the Iraq war based on lies or so called faulty intelligence. Somebody has to tell the Americans to stop going to war which is the UN’s job. Now I see Obama using the same approach in Syria as used in Kosovo. He doesn’t have the support of the UN and can’t get it. This war should be done under the UN or not done. Someone needs to tell the Americans to stop. They are being war mongers. Still playing the cold war scenario despite the fact the cold war is over. Why are they provokoing thr Russians?

They want to get into a war just like in Viet Nam that won’t be to win. Yankees are stupid when it comes to wars. Plus why would they want to get rid of Assad? Do they want al-Quaida running the show in Syria?

It is time to return to the Liberals under the reincarnated Trudeau. Obama's war in Syria is wrong. Harper's support for Obama and not the UN is wrong. The UN  was invented following World War II based on the collective wisdom of the world due to  the worst world war ever. Russia alone lost over 50 million people in WWII to the fascists.

The USA used NATO to sidestep the UN in the Kosovo conflict. The UN said no but the USA used NATO to sidestep the UN in that conflict. The USA has continued to play Diplomacy even after the cold war and the fall of the iron curtain with an  expansionary NATO. Germany got its way in Kosovo and the Albanian Muslims got Kosovo.NATO took Hungry, Poland, Romania. They don't want to stop. It will start a world war. Chretien and the Liberals were smart to avoid that kind of nonsense.

Then Iraq which was a war based on a lie or so called faulty intelligence. Then I see Obama using this nonsense about chemical weapons something they said nothing about when Saddam as an American puppet used it against he Kurds. Quote frankly I trust the Russians more then I trust the Americans based on what I see.

Now I see the same sort of news coverage in Syria I saw in Kosovo.  Today in the Vancouver Sun Newspaper a report that a band of al-Qaida terrorists has taken one of the last few remaining Syrian villages, Maaloula, where the original language of Christ was and is still spoken, Syrian residents told this to the London Daily Telegraph."the terrorists entered the main square and smashed a stature of the virgin Mary." This village has survived for decades  under Assad. The village was shelled by the rebels from the hills. Two shells hit St Thecla convent. St Thecla was a follower of St Paul. Christians who make up 10% of the population in Syria have lived at peace with Muslims for decades have increasingly been attacked as foreign Jihadists gain dominance in the opposition. So Obama is arming the people killing Christians in Syria. And Killing the Syrians protecting them. My golly

Harper was gutless. He had the chance to tell Obama to stop and he didn’t. Harper has to go.

Harper has to go. I am going back to the Liberals who seem more into grass root politics the way Preston Manning was looking at it. The Military Industrial Complex is back under  Harper and Obama.(would you believe) Harper is selling oil, oil pipelines and war.

Meanwhile the Kremlin has announced it was boosting it’s presence in the Mediterranean.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Western Canada is Canada's Future

Prime Minister Harper is the Phil Gaglardi of Canada. BC'ers know the flying Minister of Highways of the 60's opened up BC to the world with his mountain passes and bridges and highways and ski hills in a way that is unmatched to this day. It is those roads that Gaglardi built that keeps BC green today. And I mean green in a way that the Green Party doesn't.

The bridges built by flying Phil Gaglardi, BC's Minister of Highways, span every city in this Province. The man is an icon of BC's history. He was a fighter. Phil Gaglardi made BC what it is today whether it be ferry's, like BC Ferries, bridges like the Port Mann, tunnels like the Deas Island Tunnel or highways like the Rogers Pass. Almost every bridge in every Bc City today was built by the flying Minister of Highways Phil Gaglardi. Now PM Harper is going to give us the international ports to connect to the Orient. We need another Phil Gaglardi. Thank you Steve Harper and Dave Emerson. It is about time the feds paid attention to the west instead of Quebec Quebec Quebec and Ontario

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Harper Shows His Canadian Values

Harper will go one on one with Gord Miller of the The Sports Channel. He picks Calgary and Ottawa for the final. That shows me he knows his hockey.

Monday, March 13, 2006

911 Muslims, Canada and my choice.

Finally, the issue gets in focus. I remember seeing a picture shortly after 911. It was a picture of a big black man who was in mid air, his arms by his side, as he hurtled down 115 floors head first, and straight as an arrow, going down fast, yet almost seemingly in slow motion, to a certain death. I can remember squinting and getting closer to this picture. I wanted to see his face. It was obvious by the man's arms being beside him, while going down head first, that THIS was a deliberate act on his part. He was diving to his death head first, bravely.

It took a bit but then I realized why. He had had to choose between burning to death or diving down 115 floors to his death. Can you imagine? He had choose to dive knowingly and did so bravely. It is a picture I will never forget. A Muslim like Osama Bin Laden, with support throughout the Muslim world, put that diver in that "straight from hell" position; burn or dive to death. That black man, for all intents and purposes, was completely an innocent man. The Muslims who brought down the WTC represent an unchangeable traditional Muslim view that is not open to negotiation; completely intransigent. We recently saw them protesting and killing world wide over a cartoon.

I don't know if the diver was one of the 25 Canadians that died in the World Trade Center or one of the other 3000 innocent people from 30 plus countries that died because of this Muslim based terrorism; a terrorism based on their religion; a traditional Shariah Muslim view as espoused by the lunatic Osama Bin Laden and followed by many Muslims throughout the world.

The West may have had its Reformation, Spanish Inquisition, it's Catholic based theocracies some 300 years ago. There is no doubt that this Muslim based Fascist approach to government and society grounded solely by Islam theology has to be confronted. If Osama's Islam had it's way every non-Muslim country in the world would be pushed into the sea. I am surprised that any Conservative or Liberal minded person could argue otherwise. The Muslims in Kosovo (the KLA) got away with it only because Milosovic got carried away with Croats first.

Bush's detour into Iraq may have diverted or clouded the issue because of the American bias towards Israel and their hunger for oil, but there is no doubt that the extremist Muslim theocratic Shariah government issue must be confronted. Ask that black man who jumped off the World Trade Center. Ask Captain Trevor Greene. The traditional Taliban type Muslim, being protected initially by Afghanistan and now by Pakistan, are a barbaric virus that needs to be eliminated if they resist the Muslim Reformation which given the nature of their religion I know they will. Consider the tens of thousands who protested a cartoon yet were silent about 911!

The Taliban seized control of Afghanistan in 1996. It hosted and protected al-Qaeda and Osama, not to mention his training camps. It allowed him to plot and carry out the 911 terrorist attacks on the WTC in 2001 against our NATO ally the USA. I mention all this just in case Jack Layton is reading. PM Stephen Harper is on the right track.

Thanks Stephen. This is one of the pictures showing that falling man. The one I remember shows him higher up and with his arms by his side. If I can ever find that photo again I'll post it here.