Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Swinging Pendulum

One thing I remember Trudeau saying "always follow the pendulum of political choice. It will swing to the left and when it reaches to far switch to the right and follow that pendulum back in the other direction until it reaches to far right then switch to the left" I quit the Liberals and joined the Reform party in 1986. The first 10 years were frustrating years because the Liberals made the  right seem evil. I hated the CBC. But eventually Canadians saw the Liberals for what they were a conceited self centered party that felt they were entitled. The family compact! The Criminal element seemed to rule the roost. Bleeding Liberals were more concerned with the rights of the Criminal.

Now I am have been right wing or 20 years, it is time to go back to the center/left. I refuse to rest. I fear that the Conservatives are going to get Canada into a war and won't listen to the grass roots. That is already obvious with regards to the pot issue. I predict  the Conservatives will lose the next election by a few seats and BC will pick those seats and the pot issue will decide those few seats that the Liberals get to win.

My favourite piece of laptop

Well I have to be honest my favorite thing to take with me on vacation. in fact my favorite piece of inclusion in my luggage is not clothes but my laptop. It used to be that I always made room in my luggage for more clothes. You know the clothes one might need but no way Jose, it's my laptop. It used to be when looking for a rental I wanted a view or ocean slapping on the shore. Now I want Wifi and it is everywhere even before running water. A rental will always have free Wifi included these days and maybe water down the street. I check in and the first thing I set up is my laptop assuming my computer doesn't need some laptop repair.
 My sister likes her Ipad. I like my laptop. My laptop doesn't have that auto correct she has on her Ipad. So laptop ranks ahead of Ipads. It has a layout that is familiar and works always the way it is supposed to. You don't need apps to get something running. You don't have to spend hours figuring out what the settings are or trying to figure out which switch needs to be on or off. Its my laptop. It came with settings. I love my laptop

I love my laptop

Saturday, September 07, 2013

Time to go back to the Liberals; Harper is a Post Turtle

Time to quit the Conservatives. I made that decision today as I watched Harper voice support for Ukraine and spoke against Russia. I was previously going to quit the Conservatives as Harper spoke in favour of the war in Syria. He is more interested in catering to the Ukrainians living in Alberta even if it means war with Russia.

I have been thinking about dumping the Conservatives for some time. I quit the Liberals in the 80's and became anti Liberal and initially Reform then Conservative.  But over the last few years I have noted  that Harper had wandered away from the purview of the UN and lost their support. He supports Obama wanting to sidestep the UN in favour of  his Syria attack. That is wrong. Harper is siding with the Military Industrial Complex to sell his pipeline in the USA over Obamas opposition. Harper has to go.

Obama wanting to bomb Syria is the  most idiotic plan threatened by the USA ever. The last thing you would want to see  happen is for Syria to fall into the hands of al-Quaida. This needs to happen under the auspices of the UN. Harper lacks good judgement big time. Harper is a right wing salesman, period. Doesn't care about world wars. In fact he seems to want one especially with Russia. Obama should work with Russia to achieve a peace in Syria.

Harper's behavior has made me rethink my allegiance to the Harper team. We need someone committed to the UN running Canada. I'm tired of him taking credit for what Chretien did in large measure. Or Mulroney for that matter.It was Mulroney who brought in the GST tax system to begin with. And the Banking system is a by product of the old Constitution, the BNA Act. So the economy is a by product of our Constitution giving control of banking to the feds, unlike the American system; nothing Harper did.

I saw the USA do that before(sidestep the UN) in the Kosovo war where they sidestepped the UN and used NATO to  war in Kosovo. Basically they sided with the KLA terrorists and gave the Serbian heartland, Kosovo, to the Muslims. Germany got its way in Kosovo  and the Serbs got screwed thanks to the USA and NATO. Like the USA, and NATO, are still playing Diplomacy even though the cold war is done and gone. Harper has abandoned the UN. That is wrong. The expansionary NATO is wrong. We need the Liberals back. Someone like Chretien who simply says no that is a stupid war  and we wont go.

Harper, regarding Israel, has also fallen into the Netanyaho camp, because of the specific domestic Jewish support he has, and Netanyaho with his 1800 year old Zionist dream about the Promised Land (the West Bank). No room for two nations there. That is wrong. Harper has to go. I would trust Trudeau under  the guidance of Chretien more than I would Harper. He is undermining the efforts to achieve a two state solution. The Conservatives need time for a puff and a breather.

Then we have the Iraq war based on lies or so called faulty intelligence. Somebody has to tell the Americans to stop going to war which is the UN’s job. Now I see Obama using the same approach in Syria as used in Kosovo. He doesn’t have the support of the UN and can’t get it. This war should be done under the UN or not done. Someone needs to tell the Americans to stop. They are being war mongers. Still playing the cold war scenario despite the fact the cold war is over. Why are they provokoing thr Russians?

They want to get into a war just like in Viet Nam that won’t be to win. Yankees are stupid when it comes to wars. Plus why would they want to get rid of Assad? Do they want al-Quaida running the show in Syria?

It is time to return to the Liberals under the reincarnated Trudeau. Obama's war in Syria is wrong. Harper's support for Obama and not the UN is wrong. The UN  was invented following World War II based on the collective wisdom of the world due to  the worst world war ever. Russia alone lost over 50 million people in WWII to the fascists.

The USA used NATO to sidestep the UN in the Kosovo conflict. The UN said no but the USA used NATO to sidestep the UN in that conflict. The USA has continued to play Diplomacy even after the cold war and the fall of the iron curtain with an  expansionary NATO. Germany got its way in Kosovo and the Albanian Muslims got Kosovo.NATO took Hungry, Poland, Romania. They don't want to stop. It will start a world war. Chretien and the Liberals were smart to avoid that kind of nonsense.

Then Iraq which was a war based on a lie or so called faulty intelligence. Then I see Obama using this nonsense about chemical weapons something they said nothing about when Saddam as an American puppet used it against he Kurds. Quote frankly I trust the Russians more then I trust the Americans based on what I see.

Now I see the same sort of news coverage in Syria I saw in Kosovo.  Today in the Vancouver Sun Newspaper a report that a band of al-Qaida terrorists has taken one of the last few remaining Syrian villages, Maaloula, where the original language of Christ was and is still spoken, Syrian residents told this to the London Daily Telegraph."the terrorists entered the main square and smashed a stature of the virgin Mary." This village has survived for decades  under Assad. The village was shelled by the rebels from the hills. Two shells hit St Thecla convent. St Thecla was a follower of St Paul. Christians who make up 10% of the population in Syria have lived at peace with Muslims for decades have increasingly been attacked as foreign Jihadists gain dominance in the opposition. So Obama is arming the people killing Christians in Syria. And Killing the Syrians protecting them. My golly

Harper was gutless. He had the chance to tell Obama to stop and he didn’t. Harper has to go.

Harper has to go. I am going back to the Liberals who seem more into grass root politics the way Preston Manning was looking at it. The Military Industrial Complex is back under  Harper and Obama.(would you believe) Harper is selling oil, oil pipelines and war.

Meanwhile the Kremlin has announced it was boosting it’s presence in the Mediterranean.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Christie Clark and Rip-Off BC Ferries

Well I went over and visited my sister and home in Victoria  for the weekend; you know the Tsawwassen to Schwartz Bay run. Its been a few years. It cost me $67.50 to get over to Victoria. Sixty seven dollars and fifty cents. F--k!  Talk about rip off. The people of BC must be stupid. The people of BC are not focusing on what needs to be focused on. The excess amounts we pay for BC ferries is stupid.

On an American boat, the same trip to Seattle from Victoria  costs me $47.50 as in Forty seven dollars and fifty cents or 20 dollars less for a longer more beautiful trip.The Swartz  Bay (Sidney) to Anacortes type run  cost me $47.50. Why do the Americans do it for so much less? Plus I get to feel like I am still in Canada, well the old Canada before the Chinese invasion; before Trudeau's multicultural bullshit. Forgive me I grew up in a Bi-lingual and Bi-cultural Canada. Je parle francaise, pas Mandarin. Anyway back to the BC ferry's rip off which is a rip off in either Canada, the old Bi-Cultural one or the new Multi-Cultural one.

It always takes two hours to get on the ferry and then another two hours to get across the waters. $67.50. Every time I think of it I get pissed off, again. In Gaglardi's day it would cost me $22.00 plus the Hope/Chilliwack RCMP roadside robbery for speeding; when speeding was 80 MILE'S per hour not the school zone kilometer speed limits on the highways of today. And when speeding tickets were points not $200.00 and a mortgage.

And then when I'm home from the journey to Victoria  I pick up my Province which has a Micheal Smyth story about the wages of BC ferry executives. who basically are making twice the wage of the Washington state ferry executives plus two pensions. BC Executives have two pensions.

That BC Ferry head honcho is making $544,000.00 a year.   I had to work 10 years to make what he makes in one. A bloody janitor could run the ferry system and run it better. The government people in Canada and BC are all overpaid hogs at the pork barrel. There needs to be a tax revolt. That was obvious right after Christie Clark's Liberals got elected and she gave her executives excessively high raises. The only reason they got reversed is because she didn't initially get elected and had to go through  a by election in Kelowna to get herself elected. We in BC are idiots. We truck along like zombies and are not paying attention to the constant BC government rip off. Being conned by a smile and a handshake.

And then you could add the extra  two vice senior people the BC Head honcho needs to help the rip off both of whom make more then the American HEAD of the larger Washington Ferry system. ( like $131,000 for head honcho in Washingtton compared to $491,000.00 for second in command in BC, including a $127,000.00 bonus) In fact the BC executives make in bonuses more then what the American head honcho makes in wages, never mind the bonuses. BCers are stupid and idiotic. A fool and his money are soon parted. BCers are fools. The Americans don't get bonus's. Is there any benefit to living in Canada? Not that I can tell. The Canadian system is an utter and complete, undeniable, rip off of the people of BC by the government employees. We need a revolution in Canada.
BC Politicians

We need to tell the MLA's in Victoria  in no uncertain terms things need to change wholesale.

We the people need another political party in BC and Canada. Carol James was taking the NDP in the right direction but the unions wanted control and dumped her. I don't see much benefit to the people. We can't afford either party. Left wing, right wing what difference does it make? We need a political party that puts the people first not the ones working for government, unionized or un-unionized, but the people. We need a government of the people by and for. My god, what is happening to my country. Quebec  seems to be  the only part that has it right politically.

Anyway I had a nice visit to Victoria  which is such a lovely City. The journey pissed me off. To the MLA's and government people running the show in Victoria hiring all their friends, let me say very clearly what I think you need to hear.