Friday, October 13, 2006

Liberal Philosophy

The current Liberal Philosophy is to let the Media brainwash the masses. The CBC! The CBC! The CBC! The CBC!!! I guess we should throw Jane "I am wearing a popsicle stick" Tabor into that mix This last one reminds me of Jane Tabor from the Globe and Mail or on the CTV Duffy Stronach Liberal Love In Happy Hour. Unreal! It has been some 5 years since I deleted the CBC from my TV and I am so tempted to do the same with CTV. I wish I had an ALTERNATIVE.

My thanks go to politicallywhat and the Times Communist.
When are Muslims going to learn how to tolerate and accept western culture? It's ok to piss on everybody else, but not allah! That's not hypocritical, right! When was the last time you heard about a Buddhish killing a Muslim or a Christian for not believing in his faith? You hear about a Muslim killing somebody everyday for not believing in his faith! This is bullshit and all you liberals know it! CTV should send Jane over to Saudia Arabia to cover some news story or another; a jellaba would be an improvement on her. We wouldn't be able to see her mouth move. Why she sides with the terrorists and Liberals is insane but why does CTV allow her to go on and on about it. It's not like there haven't been 6,182 deadly terrorist attacks since 9/11!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Western Canada is Canada's Future

Prime Minister Harper is the Phil Gaglardi of Canada. BC'ers know the flying Minister of Highways of the 60's opened up BC to the world with his mountain passes and bridges and highways and ski hills in a way that is unmatched to this day. It is those roads that Gaglardi built that keeps BC green today. And I mean green in a way that the Green Party doesn't.

The bridges built by flying Phil Gaglardi, BC's Minister of Highways, span every city in this Province. The man is an icon of BC's history. He was a fighter. Phil Gaglardi made BC what it is today whether it be ferry's, like BC Ferries, bridges like the Port Mann, tunnels like the Deas Island Tunnel or highways like the Rogers Pass. Almost every bridge in every Bc City today was built by the flying Minister of Highways Phil Gaglardi. Now PM Harper is going to give us the international ports to connect to the Orient. We need another Phil Gaglardi. Thank you Steve Harper and Dave Emerson. It is about time the feds paid attention to the west instead of Quebec Quebec Quebec and Ontario

Saturday, September 30, 2006

A Proud Canadian For Ever

Smoking a peace pipe in pictures...

...or fight

Cartoons from the Times Colonist

A Canadian's view of the American Congress....

The Times Colonist in Victoria may be as left wing as they come but the cartoonist creats with an open mind and is so funny....

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Canadian Soldiers Make Our Country Proud

You know I must confess that I am not impressed with the fact that 7 out of 32 Canadian soldiers killed in Afghanistan have been killed by Americans; THAT IS one fifth. I remember going to Europe as a young man, to northern Europe. This was in 1975. One thing that really stood out and surprised me but made me proud was the very welcome reception I received from the people in the Northern European countries. The other thing that really surprised me was the negative reception that Americans got. Most of them wore and hid behind Canadian flags. I am not sure why that is but I suspect being trigger happy is one reason.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Osamas Islam and Czechoslovakia

You know there are two types of politicians; ones that are boiled pig heads and ones that are eternal. The eternal ones are decades ahead of all others. The boiled pig heads like the NDP's Jack Layton are brain dead. These are the politicians who will give away some one else's country and naively believe in some airy-fairy, abbra cadabbra, "peace in our time" magical gimme.

In 1939, the world and that included Britain gave away Chechoslavakia to Germany's Hitler in the belief that such would lead to peace in our time. Of course, as we all know, Hitler and Germany were not satisfied with that and went on to take Poland because that was the nature, with which the world was dealing, of fascism. Those that knew the evil of that nature knew that giving away Chechoslavakia was wrong and that such would not be enough to quell the thirst of fascism's nature.

The eternal ones like Ariel Sharon who weeks after 911 besieged the world to not treat Israel like Chechoslavakia spoke with the knowledge of one who knows the nature of the evil with which we are dealing in radical Islam, with the crazy Muslims...the ones who are committed to the eradication of all infidels, Christians, Hindus, Russians, Americans, Canadians, that is non Muslims in any country anywhere. If Jack Layton thinks otherwise he might try and walk the streets of Saudi Arabia for any period of time, or Iraq, or try going door to door for your church in Pakistan.

Jack Layton would give the crazy Muslims Afghanistan because he is brain dead. In the last election there was some reference to the Chinese word for a boiled pigs head to describe Jack Layton because of the similarity of the smile that doesn't stop. It is an accurate comparison, even funny cause it is true. Anyone who has seen a boiled pigs head will recognize that eternal smile that never stops. That smile is not the only similarity between a boiled pigs head and Jack Layton. The fact they are both brain dead is another.

His support for the Taliban's position in Afghanistan is killing Canadians soldiers. His belief that Canada should negotiate with the crazy Muslims displays a naivety that surpasses Bush's naivety in going into Iraq. His eagerness to withdraw Canadian soldiers from Afghanistan only encourages the enemy. I am surprised that the average Union person supports any thing Jack Layton says. The average Union guy is not that dumb.


Tuesday, May 23, 2006

THE MUSLIM QUESTION: Muslim Manners or Terrorism


It is time to analyse the Muslims in our country and determine their committment to Canadian values.

I watched CTV all day on Saturday, June 4, 2006 as I planted my patio flowers and made Victoria more flower friendly and I listened to the Toronto Police Chief and the Muslim leaders talk. Now,after 6 hours of that,I am more concerned then ever. I do not get the impression that Muslims are dealing with the problem in their midst. Instead I saw quite the opposite. I saw the Muslim leaders try to blame others, or justify the use of violence with some agenda, or make like victims. I listened to non stop bullshit.

I listened to Aly Hindy a Muslim Imam claim these criminal charges in Toronto were an attack on the Muslim community. Which is a bullshit excuse. I listened to Muslim leaders say Canada should not be joining the USA war on terror. Excuse me but this the western worlds war on terror not the USA's. I listened to Muslims try to blame the media for saying Muslims are involved. Excuse me but Muslims are involved just like they were in 911, in London, in Beslan, in Bali, in Madrid, in New Delhi, in Eqypt, in Israel, in Kashmir, in Afghanistan, in Iraq and on and on.

I listened to Muslims say that CSIS and the RCMP are feeling threatened not of terrorism but of losing their jobs and they need to creat an atmosphere of fear in the country to keep their jobs. Which is another bullshit claim or excuse! The Muslim community had an all day news session to show they are dealing with the source of the problem in their community and failed to do so. My golly. With this kind of attitude and support within the Muslim community it is no wonder that so many of their members resort to violence and suicide missions killing innocent people. I do not think the Muslim community gets the point at all.

Now today I see Muslims were hiding the ringleader of the Paris attacks. Are there radical Muslims or are they one big group?

Cpl Brett Lindstrom An American Hero

Cpl Brett Lindstrom (aka Lone Eagle) from the Pine Ridge Reservation, Home of the Mustangs where all Lakota warriors get an eagle feather.He died in Iraq in January 2006 during a battle with Muslim terrorists defending freedom. Thanks to ALL of the U. S. Military Men and Women Everywhere. Past and Current Living and Dead. We are free because of you.

Meanwhile in Caledonia Ontario. To Six Nations Chief Allan McNaughton I have two words.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Captain Nicola Goddard A Canadian Hero

                                                  Captain Nicola Goddard
A Canadian Hero, a real Canadiandaughter. She is the first Canadian woman to be killed in action since the Second World War, and the first female combat soldier killed on the front lines. A ship has been named after her.


Maybe you think we still live in a country where private property reigns supreme, Well, I hate to disappoint you but you have not lived in a Strata Title Unit. Strata Councils confirm what I call the Shmoo Principle. Maybe you remember the Peter Principle where employees always get promoted to one level above their level of competence. The Shmoo Principle is that given a jurisdiction people will always legislate one level above the maximum of their given powers. This is aptly exhibited by Strata Councils in BC. Strata titled property and their strata councils are the training ground for socialists....control freeks let loose on your life. Don't buy into a strata as you will be sorry.

It may be in this day and age that strata titled property is the only property that most people can now afford. What most people have not seen, if they have not lived in a strata titled property, is the extent of strata council power and their involvement in your life. When you buy strata property, you abandon private property. That is something that realtors will never tell you.

Under the Strata Property Act of BC, Strata councils can control the age of owners in the building and the pets allowed in the building and of course under the power to control noise they can control the renovations you make to your interior, the activities inside your home, or the people in your home, or the color of your curtains, the opening and closing of your windows, etc, etc. They will tell you what you can park, where you can park and when, or if you can smoke. And this can all happen after you buy and move in.

Strata titled property is more then restricted private property. In fact, strata titled property is the antithesis of private property. Private property may give you freedom within a city̢۪s zoning. But zoning controls are further enlarged by the exercise of the powers of Strata Councils; the Shmoo Principle. And freedom is further and extensively diminished by Strata Councils. Strata titled property is socialistic property; not private property.

If you want some bored, small minded, socialistic yahoo, without a life, sitting on a Strata Council interferring in your life then by all means buy Strata.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

BC Nurses the Highest Paid In Canada

I am sure the next time some patient dies in the hallway to the waiting room trying to get into the Emergency Ward, his survivors will be so happy to know that BC Nurses are the highest paid Nurses in Canada. Salaries for the highest paid nurses in BC will rise to $90,000.00 a year by the end of a new 4 year contract between Nurses and Campbell's Liberal Government. Thank you Carole Taylor.

Carole, I'm sure Nurses left wing Union will sneak you by the line up! Of course neither Liberals nor NDPers will accept any responsibility for these victims nor will they find one willing to sell his soul to promote left wing Liberal agendas.