Monday, November 28, 2016

Trudeau, Castro

PET would never let criticism deter him from doing what was respectful. Unlike Justine.
Castro was a committed man. That commitment gave him a strength that propelled Castro. Unfortunately for him communism does not work . The shortages in Cuba are a testament to that not to the Cuban people. Castro has given his people a pride. Capitalism could not have done that but the next stage needs freedom.
The next revolution in Cuba will be one that includes the internet. And once Cubans put their their skills to work on internet structures and implementation Cuba will lead their country into the next chapter of their growth. 

Sunday, August 07, 2016

Shura and Dishonourable Two Faced MUslims

Shura and Dishonourable Two Faced Muslims

Lieutenant Trevor Greene was whacked in the head with an axe by a Muslim who came at him from behind while all parties were sitting at a Shura with the elders of the community. The fact that all the children were moved away two minutes before this dishonourable cowardly act shows that this was planned by the Muslims in attendance at this meeting. Who says Muslims can be trusted. Not me. Not any more.The Muslims that did this at a Shura were barbaric, barbaric two-faced phonies with no honour and deserving of no respect. Lieutenant Trevor Greene had removed his helmut and was sitting cross legged with the Muslim elders when he was attacked from behind. He was sticking his neck out to help them. And they attack him with an axe from behind. Barbaric assholes like that deserve no respect. None.

Lieutenant Greene is a Vancouver BC man; an author, a journalist and a soldier who was always committed to helping others. The book he wrote was about the missing East Side Vancouver Women.

Lieutenant Trevor Greene is now a Captain. A shura is supposed to be a place where the host guarantees the safety of it's guests. A peaceful place to consult. As opposed to enticing one to remove his helmut so someone can whack him from behind in the head with an axe. It is a good job I'm not in charge of the army. I would not talk to that Afghanistan village anymore, not after such cowardly sneakiness. I'd just nuke em. And I'd do it with a bomb that said, "Here you go Allah Akbars, you cowardly bastards." If that's the way you want to play... Fortunately I am not in charge of the Army. In fact the army will continue to use the Shura and I must say I am very proud of their patience and discipline.

It was the Afghanistan Muslim yahoos who started this with their unprovoked attack on the World Trade Center.(Albeit, to accommodate those Liberal drive by smears, utilizing Muslims from other countries) It is time they were showed the same level of respect. I'm not sure where in the Koran one would find it, but it will be in there. It is the part that says "what you put into the lives of others shall come back into your own". Canadians will remember the Shura Axe. Except Liberals who have no scruples or pride.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia runs by way of the Shura. Would a foreign leader be safe visiting Saudi Arabia and speaking to their King or would he be axed from behind. How valid is the Shura? Saudi Arabia claims the Shura is a time honoured Koran santioned deeply ingrained practice of Muslims. Has Saudia Arabia spoken against what happened to Captain Trevor Greene?

Will we see 10 of thousands of Muslims protesting this flagrant abuse of the Koran?

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Trudeau is Back

Ok I was a supporter of Pierre Trudeau, even tried to get a nomination once. Then I decided the Liberals were a family compact and I was doomed to be an outsider forever. So I joined the Reform Party, then the Alliance, then the Conservatives. I wanted a fiscal responsible government. Harper had the courage to say no to spending and PET bs. Canada needed that. But the Liberals are back. Their demise will be based on their inability to say no. But that is four years from now.
Harper had to go in my view based on his international view point.

As a young man in university I supported Trudeau One based on his support fur a United Canada based on the Vertical Mosaic, a book about a multi-cultural Canada as opposed to the melting pot USA. But I grew up in a bi cultural Canada. There wasn't a single Muslim in my life or school. And there was a melting pot outlook to the multi cultural Canada on top of the bi and bi. I liked the Canada I grew up in, that my father had grown up in and like his father had grown up in and served in  the Canadian  Armed Forces. I am an average Canadian.

So I will support Trudeau Two including hus inclusion of Muslims in the Canadian identity. I have my doubts it will work given the nature of Islam but I will put that to rest until I am shown wrong by Muslims in Canada. I am a news hound. I find RUssia Today news more honest at times then Canadian news sources. There is a  lack of credible American News channels. They are all a victim of the American entertainment industry. Print is their medium fir news down there. CNN is not news. BBC is news. RT is news. CBC is news.

It will be fascinating to see Trudeau Two cope with the multi cultural country his father built with a recognition of Aboriginal rights as they existed in1982. The  Fathers of Revised Confederation in 1982 could not decide on what Aboriginsl identity or Rights existed in 1982. So in typical Canadian fashion when we don't know we sweep it under the carpet or study it in committee for a decade or two. We don't fight. We study it for a while. We left it up to esteemed judges to do that in the SC of Canada fir 30 years plus.

They came up "consultation and accommodation" as a buffer to outright ownership. Prove you lived  here specifically as a pathway to resolution of ownership to replace the honour of the Crown caveat. As  a pathway to resolve competing claims to usage. Sort of like replacing the Land Titles Office with the SCC

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Asked myself the question: is there one Muslim country I would feel safe to live in? The answer was no. Is there one Muslims country that respects human rights? Again the answer was no. Where do the moderate good Muslims live? Saudi Arabia. No. Iran. No. Afganistan. No. Pakistan..No Why is it the non Muslim world that has to deal with what is a Muslim problem. Why?

Muslims are fleeing to the free world for safety from a Muslim problem. Enough is enough here. This issue must be confronted and in a solving way. Political correctness is not the answer. The time for that is over.

 The insanity of 911, Paris attacks, Brussels attacks are horrid. And dozen of others. Review this site for a list of Muslim atrocities around the world in the last 15 years alone. And then ask yourself, How can anyone live with any group that wants you dead? Insane. Why do we allow Muslims to even visit our countries never mind live here? We are not better off by having them here. Muslims in Belgium were hiding the terrorists who killed completely innocent people basically because they were not Muslim.

It would be politically correct to treat Muslims equally to all others. But Europe has showed us that is not possible. Only Trump has raised this issue. Where my safety is at the top of his list. I have not seen the same level of concern from Trudeau or Clinton. They offer me debt and political correctness. Excuse me but my ability to live safely is the priority. Trudeau and Clinton can go to hell

We would all be safer without Muslims living here. Clinton is out to lunch about thus issue. Obama ignored the solution to Syria. He was simplely  anti Putin. Bullshit. Putin helped to solve the Syria problem for the west. Clinton is not concerned with the safty of citizens. She is more concerned with looking politically correct, much like Trudeau. Once the election is over, it is too late. Trudeau is endangering all Canadians with his bringing 10s of thousands of Muslims here. He is turning Canada into another France or Belgium..And at our expense.. He has budgeted 245 million of borrowed money for Syrian migrants this year. He has deliberately  imported a Muslim problem to Canada. When the day comes that we experience a Paris or a Brussels in Canada, we must remember Trudeau caused it. Trudeau has endangered my grandchildren with money borrowed.from them. He must be voted out ASAP

We need only look at Europe to see what happens to the vertical mosaic being pushed by Trudeau. Our safety is irrelevant in that equation.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Sargent Andrew Joesph Doiron

This Canadian died fighting "terrorism" at the age of 31 while serving with the Canadian Special Operations on March 6,2015 by a friendly fire incident in Northern Iraq. He was an athletic, patriotic and trustworthy man. He was a well trained elite Canadian soldier. He has listed "counter terrorism" in his High School yearbook while growing up in Moncton, New Brunswick. He was fluent in both French and English. Any Canadian father would be proud to have him as a son.

He had this picture taken and asked that it be used if anything happened to him. Dressed in full gear standing beside his vehicle. He was quite proud of his full red beard.
All Canadians are proud of the sacrifice he made fighting for the freedom  all people deserve from evil.