Thursday, March 06, 2014

Harper and Conservatives Have to GO

Time to quit the Conservatives. I made that decision today as I watched Harper voice support for Ukraine and spoke against Russia. I was previously going to quit the Conservatives as Harper spoke in favour of the war in Syria. He is more interested in catering to the Ukrainians living in Alberta even if it means war with Russia. He is practicing his evangelical Christian outlook on life in a crafty way but dangerous way..

I have been thinking about dumping the Conservatives for some time. Harper seems to want it to happen quickly even if it means the death of 30,000 Ukrainians, Harper is a post turtle. I quit the Liberals in the 80's and became anti Liberal and initially Reform then Conservative.  But over the last few years I have noted  that Harper had wandered away from the purview of the UN and lost their support. He has wandered away from the visions of Preston Manning as well. Harper supports starting  a war in Ukraine. He supported Obama wanting to sidestep the UN in favour of  his Syria attack. That is wrong. But what he is really doing is siding with the US Military Industrial Complex to sell his pipeline in the USA over Obamas opposition. Harper has to go.

Obama wanting to bomb Syria is the  most idiotic plan threatened by the USA ever. .The last thing you would want to see  happen is for Syria to fall into the hands of some lunatic fringe Muslim group like al-Qaida or ISIS. This needs to happen under the auspices of the UN. Harper lacks good judgement big time. Harper is a right wing salesman, period. Doesn't care about world wars. In fact he seems to want one especially with Russia. 

Obama should work with Russia to achieve a peace in Syria. The Crimea was part of Russia until 1954. It is the unelected right wing representative by riot of the Ukraine leading the way in the media for the NATO expansion to Russia's border. Christ. Does anyone have a brain? I can see him trying to use NATO failing the UNs support for war in Syria.

Harper's behavior has made me rethink my allegiance to the Harper team. We need someone committed to the UN running Canada. Someone who chases peace. Now that we are in the Age of Aquarius. I'm tired of him taking credit for what Chretien did in large measure. Or Mulroney for that matter.It was Mulroney who brought in the GST tax system to begin with. And the Banking system is a by product of the old Canadian Constitution, the British North America Act. So the economy is a by product of our Constitution giving control of banking to the feds, unlike the American system; nothing Harper did.

I saw the USA do that before(sidestep the UN) in the Kosovo war where they sidestepped the UN and used NATO to  war in Kosovo. Basically they sided with the KLA terrorists and gave the Serbian heartland, Kosovo, to the Muslims. Germany got its way in Kosovo  and the Serbs got screwed thanks to the USA and NATO. Like the USA, and NATO, are still playing Diplomacy even though the cold war is done and gone. Harper has abandoned the UN. That is wrong. The expansionary NATO is wrong. We need the Liberals back. Someone like Chretien who simply says no that is a stupid war  and we wont go.

Then we have the Iraq war based on lies or so called faulty intelligence. Somebody has to tell the Americans to stop going to war which is the UN’s job. The |US military Industrial complex wants to dom the world Now I see Obama using the same approach in Syria as used in Kosovo. He doesn’t have the support of the UN and can’t get it. This war should be done under the UN or not done. Someone needs to tell the Americans to stop. They are being war mongers. Still playing the cold war scenario despite the fact the cold war is over. Why are they provoking the Russians? Accusing them of violating borders which the US want to do in Syria.

They want to get into a war just like in Viet Nam that won’t be to win. Yankees are stupid when it comes to wars. Plus why would they want to get rid of Assad? Getting rid of Saddam wa a mistake.Do they want al-Qaida or ISIS running the show in Syria?

It is time to return to the Liberals under the reincarnated Trudeau. Obama's war in Syria is wrong. Harper's support for Obama and not the UN is wrong. The UN  was invented following World War II based on the collective wisdom of the world due to  the worst world war ever. Russia alone lost over 50 million people in WWII to the fascists not to mention the 30,000 troops killed by Europeans a hundred years ago defending Crimea against British and French troops. This is part of the Russian homeland the way Kosovo was to Serbia: someone else mistreated by NATO

This expansion of NATO is the problem. They need to be told to stop. Freeze the growth. I want peace. Putin is not the enemy.

The USA used NATO to sidestep the UN in the Kosovo conflict.The UN said no but the USA used NATO to sidestep the UN in that conflict. This was an enlargement of NATO, just like Ukraine will be. NATO and the USA has continued to play Diplomacy even after the cold war and the fall of theiron curtain with an  expansionary NATO. Germany got its way in Kosovo and the Albanian Muslims got Kosovo.NATO took Hungry, Poland, Romania. This enlargement was contrary to what the USA promised after the fall of the Berlin wall and the reunification of Germany.They don't want to stop. It will start a world war unless they come to their senses. Chretien and the Liberals were smart to avoid that kind of nonsense.

Then Iraq which was a war based on a lie or so called faulty intelligence. Then I see Obama using this nonsense about chemical weapons something they said nothing about when Saddam as an American puppet used it against the Kurds. Quote frankly I trust the Russians more then I trust the Americans based on what I see.

Now I see the same sort of news coverage in Ukraine, I saw in Kosovo. There is no doubt, the Crimeans by a clear majority want to be returned to the motherland, Russia. It will be more stable and secure then Ukraine can offer as most recently viewed by the mobs and riots in the street deposing an elected President.The western media can claim whatever and undermine that view all they want. It was real

Or Syria. Recently, in the Vancouver Sun Newspaper a report that a band of al-Qaida terrorists has taken one of the last few remaining Syrian villages, Maaloula, where the original language of Christ was and is still spoken, Syrian residents told this to the London Daily Telegraph."the terrorists entered the main square and smashed a stature of the virgin Mary." This village has survived for decades under Assad much like the Kurds have survived in Kobani under Assad. TheMaaloula village was shelled by theSyrian rebels from the hills. Two shells hit St Thecla convent. St Thecla was a follower of St Paul. Christians who make up 10% of the population in Syria have lived at peace with Muslims for decades have increasingly been attacked as foreign Jihadists supporte4d by the USA gain dominance in the opposition. So Obama is arming the people killing Christians in Syria. And killing the Syrians protecting them. And Harper supports this?!? My golly

Harper was gutless. He had the chance to tell Obama to stop and he didn’t. He wants and supports wars. Harper has to go. Its Harper that doresnt know what he is doing not Trudeau. Peaceniks in North America need to watch Harper.

Harper has to go. I am going back to the Liberals who seem more into grass root politics the way Preston Manning was looking at it. The Military Industrial Complex is back under  Harper and Obama.(would you believe) Harper is selling oil, oil pipelines and war.

Meanwhile the Kremlin has announced it was boosting it’s presence in the Mediterranean and have outlawed Genetically Modified Foods.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Samhain--This Friday to Sunday-- Harper n Duffy

Happening on the day of the Samhain. Samhain is celebrated from sunset on October 31 to sunset on November 1, almost halfway between the autumn equinox and the winter solstice. Samhain is the day when the veil between worlds is the thinnest.

Wow! This Friday to Sunday  will be fireworks. As Bette Davis says in the movie All About Eve, ""Fasten your seat belts its gonna be a bumpy night". Three of them in a row. We have a heavenly triple slam. A Pluto/Uranus square which happens this Friday. This week our Sun has had two X class (the highest magnitude) flares sending hughmongous waves of electromagnetic radiation towards Earth culminating on Sunday. Plus as well we have a solar eclipse/New Moon happening on Sunday A triple slam happening over the weekend of the Conservative Party meeting in Calgary not to mention the Senate hearing/non hearing over the suspension/nonsuspension of Mike Duffy

If you have been feeling more emotional, tired, or reactive, more so then usual, any of these events---the eclipses, the Pluto-Uranus square, or the solar flare up---- could be seen as having a causative effect.

All leading to the day when Prime Minister will look the Conservative Party and all Canadians in the eye. He will have the whole country in his hand on a solar triple slam as he talks about the Mike Duffy affair to his Conservative Party. Wow. Stay tuned. If this sounds like a lot is going on your are right. Like a meeting of people all on conference calls about the world as they know it with a guest speaker in the middle. It will be hard to focus on one conversation or topic. The Solar eclipse provides the energy of beginning anew. I foresee the end of the Senate

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Canada-Muslims-and Sikhs

To be honest, I don't like Muslims and Sikhs. I don't think they are compatible with the values  of Canada. Their have a religion that trumps Canadian values. We would not have the Canada we have today if we had been founded by Sikhs or Muslims. The very values that  attracted Muslims and Sikhs to want to live here would not be here if  we had been founded by Sikhism or  Islam. I like Canada the way it is. My grandfather died in WW 1 fighting for this country and I would fight for this country.

I can remember as a 17 year old when my buddy, his girlfriend and I got a  6 pack of Molson Canadian and drove out to the wiener roast area in the bush to go drink it. Back then in Alberta the drinking age was over 21 years of age. Suddenly out of nowhere the RCMP car drove up and out popped Constable Bob. I can't remember his last name. Because he came up to us and took off his hat and said "Ok listen up I want you to hear this so I am taking my hat off. My name is Bob."

 He then proceeded to give us a little chat about drinking and driving and the horrors of drinking and driving. He explained why being responsible drivers was so very important. He didn't take our beers and pour them out. He then put his hat back on and left. But that little speech he had given us has made Constable Bob and his message live in my head ever since the early 60s. I think his last name was Hault but I cant remember cause he had become Constable Bob. And I remember him as  Constable Bob. That day we finished the beers we had open but didn't open the second ones. We left them in the case. I have been a responsible  driver ever since.

I don't know what happened but over the last 50 years the RCMP changed. When the Sikhs were allowed into the RCMP their religion trumped the image of the RCMP . They put Turbans on their heads and a badge on the Turban. These Turbans can't be taken off the way Constable Bob took his cop hat off to me and my friends so very long ago. I don't like that their religion trumped a National symbol.

Muslims are the same as Sikhs. Their religion trumps our culture, our values.. Yes Trudeau got his Charter passed turning Canada into a multi cultural country. We didn't have an election or choice about the contents of the Charter. Only Quebec was really up to speed and now I am beginning to understand why they didn't sign on. Prior to that we had been a Bi-cultural and Bi-lingual country. The USA was a melting pot but aside from the bi-cultural and bilingual aspects of Canada we used to be a melting pot as well. I grew up in that country and liked it.

Now in Vancouver BC when I go out I feel  uncomfortable when I am completely surrounded by a foreign culture speaking their religion and making no effort to fit in. Rather it is I who must adapt to fit in. I do it but  I'm getting pissed off about it. I recently went into a McDonalds in Surrey and every single person was an East Indian or Sikh and speaking in their language.

I never saw that in Quebec, or Ontario or Alberta when I was growing up. The Italians,the Europeans. the French or the English and the Germans and the Chinese  and the Japanese, Hungarians, the Russians, the various blacks and all the others made  efforts to fit in. They spoke their language at home. I don't see that with Sikhs and Muslims. Rather I see the opposite. They want to change my country and I begrudge that. Canada is a very accepting and fair minded country. It doesn't need any fucking changing.

If you have to use violence to get your way then you lose in Canada automatically. If you have to use a gun or a knife then you are wrong and lose automatically no matter what the cause in Canada.If you have to use violence in Canada then you are on the losing side of any argument. The Sikhs and East Indians in Surrey who think guns are cool should go back to their country and leave Canada alone. Muslims need to accept Canada the way it is and do more to fit in. The RCMP need to quit killing people and get back to their roots , their old image before they put Turbans on and let "religion"  trump the law or the keeping of the law.