Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Duceppe and the biggest Canadian losers

The three losers: Dion who didnt win , Jack Layton who couldn't outdo Dion and win the left wing vote and Duceppe who hasn't got anything to lose। Dion has likely been conned by Layton, being the weakling he is। I can remember Layton telling Dion to get out of the way in the televised debates and Layton won that point। The only way Dion can do it is by way of an underhanded back door illegitimate power grab being the loser he is. Layton and Duceppe have nothing to lose, so they think. Roll those dice gentlemen because you have been out maneouved again.

It is with great concern that I find it necessary to write this. I truly hope that the left wing CBC will not simply endorse the left wing power grab by the Liberals with NDP and BLOC support simply because it is a Left wing power grab. It would be a government by scoundrels, socialists and separatists. This is as close to an armed revolution as I want to see in Canada and of course it is being carried out by the left wingers. It takes Canada down the same path as many third world countries.

At its simplest, this is no more then a left wing power grab and quite frankly I don't believe that the Governor General will approve of it as a coalition government, if she has any sense of her Canadian responsibility. Stopping this kind of situation is the whole reason for her existence. If she fails to uphold the rights of the people, a movement to abolish her position will result. I hope the CBC is as altruistic and will stand up for principle and against chicanery.

The guidelines for the Govenor General means the operation of the usual consitutional procedures in the matter in question must be such that it will not simply involve some moderate delay or temporary inconvenience. It would have to prevent for some time a state of affairs that is plainly intolerable and a voliation of the spirit and intent of the consititution, the guardian of democracy in our country. Further and more importantly there should be no reasonable doubt whatsoever (separatist support Dion's coalition),of the essential wisdom and justice of the Govenors intervention. If any such doubt is present it constitutes prima facia that she should hold her hand and call an election. For sooner or later she will be compelled indirectly to seek justification at the polls for the use of her emergency power.

Given the nature of the coalition wherein a separatist party seeks its interests which are contray to Canada's, the next election could well see the abolition of the Govenor General in Canada once and for all. Basically the GG needs to side with the majority of Canadians or she loses big time. In short she must be sure to of the inherent righteousness of her intervention and her popular vindication that she is willing to stake her reputation and her OFFICE upon its general acceptance. I say it will be an election if she has the good sense of any Canadian who has played hockey.

The Govenor General will, if she checks in with her Majesty's advisors side with democracy. She should not be used as a political convenience. She will not be used as a political hack biased to the side that appointed her. She will side with the greater democratic values and with another election. This is not the proper situation for her to ask the opposition to form a coalition government. This situation is no more then a power grab based on bullshit and is akin to an armed revolution. It will likely invite an armed reply if successful. This is a situation where she will say "have another election and then we will see if a coalition is necessary". If she does that, as is her fiduciary duty to do, as the Governor General of Canada and the guardian of democracy in Canada, the people will solve the problem .

If that happens, I'll take bets and give you two to one odds that the Conservatives will win a majority. Canadians will say "think again my friend" to this left wing power grab. Canadians are smart at the grass roots level anyway॥ Something the Liberals haven't learnt yet with their top down approach. Their motto is power to the Liberals. The Conservatives is power to the people.

That is because the Conservatives are basing their decisions on common sense and their connection with the grass roots gained while in the wilderness after Mulroney; something the Liberal still haven't done॥ The Conservatives are basing their decision on the tax payers interests not on the notion that I deserve to have power because I am a Liberal or because I am Liberal I deserve my entitlements and the tax payers money to support me in getting the job and afterwards in retirement; not on the people's wishes.

Because, after all is said and done, to a Liberal the tax payers can't be trusted with their own money because they might spend it on beer and pop corn. To a Liberal reducing the GST is not a stimulus package; to a Liberal only taxation by government and spending by government is a stimulus package ....lol. Because people can't be trusted with their money to do what is required to stimulate the economy. Only the Conservatives have the balls to stand and say to these scoundrels, socialists and separatists, "bullshit".

Why should my taxes go to support a party I don't support? Bullshit! I have paid taxes for 50 years in this country and more then every cent I have paid in 50 years has gone to Elizabeth May to push her way into the leadership debate and call the PM a fraud. She can go screw herself.


The three losers: Dion who didn't win , Jack Layton who couldn't win the left wing vote and Duceppe who hasn't got anything to lose. Dion has likely been conned by Layton, being the weakling he is. I can remember Layton telling Dion to get out of the way in the televised debates and Layton won that point. The only way Dion can do it is by way of an underhanded back door illegitimate power grab being the loser he is. Layton and Duceppe have nothing to lose, so they think. Roll those dice gentlemen because you have been out maneouved again. It is with great concern that I find it necessary to write this. I truly hope that the left wing CBC will not simply endorse the left wing power grab by the Liberals with NDP and BLOC support simply because it is a Left wing power grab. It would be a government by scoundrels, socialists and separatists. This is as close to an armed revolution as I want to see in Canada and of course it is being carried out by the left wingers. It takes Canada down the same path as many third world countries. At its simplest, this is no more then a left wing power grab and quite frankly I don't believe that the Governor General will approve of it as a coalition government, if she has any sense of her Canadian responsibility. Stopping this kind of situation is the whole reason for her existence. If she fails to uphold the rights of the people, a movement to abolish her position will result. I hope the CBC is as altruistic and will stand up for principle and against chicanery.The guidelines for the Govenor General means the operation of the usual consitutional procedures in the matter in question must be such that it will not simply involve some moderate delay or temporary inconvenience. It would have to perpetuate for some time a state of affairs that is plainly intolerable and a voliation of the spirit and intent of the consititution, the guardian of democracy in our country. Further and more importantly there should be no reasonable doubt whatsoever (separatist support Dion;'s coalition),of the essential wisdom and justice of the Govenors intervention. If any such doubt is present it constitutes prima facia that she should hold her hand and call an election. For sooner or later she will be compelled indirectly to seek justification at the polls for the use of her emergency power. Given the nature of the coalition wherein a separatist party seeks its interests which are contray to Canada's, the next election could well see the abolition of the Goveneor General in Canada once and for all. Basically the GG neeks to side with the majority of Canadians. In short she must be sure to of the inherent righteousness of her intervention and her poppular vindication that she is willing to stake her reputation and her OFFICE upon its general acceptance. I say it will be an election if she has the good sense of any Canadian who has played hockey.The Govenor General will, if she checks in with her Majesty's advisors side with democracy. She should not be used as a political convenience. She will not be used as a political hack biased to the side that appointed her. She will side with the greater democratic values and with another election. This is not the proper situation for her to ask the opposition to form a coalition government. This situation is no more then a power grab based on bullshit and is akin to an armed revolution. It will likely invite an armed reply if successful. This is a situation where she will say "have another election and then we will see if a coalition is necessary". If she does that, as is her fiduciary duty to do, as the Governor General of Canada and the guardian of democracy in Canada, the people will solve the problem . If that happens, I'll take bets and give you two to one odds that the Conservatives will win a majority. Canadians will say "think again my friend" to this left दिदं allg power grab. Canadians are smart at the grass roots level anyway.. Something the Liberals haven't learnt yet with their top down approach. Their motto is power to the Liberals. The Conservatives is power to the peopleThat is because the Conservatives are basing their decisions on common sense and their connection with the grass roots gained while in the wilderness after Mulroney; something the Liberal still haven't done.. The Conservatives are basing their decision on the tax payers interests not on the notion that I deserve to have power because I am a Liberal or because I am Liberal I deserve my entitlements and the tax payers money to support me in getting the job and afterwards in retirement; not on the people's wishes. Because, after all is said and done, to a Liberal the tax payers can't be trusted with their own money because they might spend it on beer and pop corn. To a Liberal reducing the GST is not a stimulus package; to a Liberal only taxation by government and spending by government is a stimulus package ....lol. Because people can't be trusted with their money to do what is required to stimulate the economy. Only the Conservatives have the balls to stand and say to these scoundrels, socialists and separatists, "bullshit". Why should my taxes go to support a party I don't support? Bullshit! I have paid taxes for 50 years in this country and more then every cent I have paid in 50 years has gone to Elizabeth May to push her way into the leadership debate and cअल the PM a fraud. She can go screw herself.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

LAZY RCMP- Dziekanski murderers

TO the left is the Richmond RCMP officer who after the killing of Dziekanski said " I know for certain that only three members were involved and that they could not use pepper spray because there were so many people in the area. " Facts that were shown to be blatantly untrue. So how much credibility does he have? Zilch! Like most of the RCMP.

I have over 30 years of doing Criminal law as a lawyer in 15 different municipal jurisdictions in and around Vancouver and the Fraser Valley, in Kamloops and in Victoria, and I can say, without any reasonable doubt, that the best police force in British Columbia is the Vancouver City Police. The worst police forces in British Columbia, bar none, are the RCMP. The RCMP are incompetent, lazy and unproductive. The only reason many Cities use the RCMP is because in large measure the Federal government pays a part of the cost of policing to the municipality if they use the RCMP. If it were not for that fact most City's would hire their own force.

The Taser killing by the lazy RCMP of Mr Dziekanski is criminal. If the RCMP do not fire those bastards the administration of justice has been brought into disrepute to the point of bankruptcy. Quite frankly they should be charged with murder and let a jury decide their guilt or innocence. The only respect they have is the respect they earned a 100 years ago; nothing earned currently. They think respect is deserved not earned.

The best thing that any City could do for their communities is to get rid of the RCMP. In fact if the BC Solicitor General John Les had any balls he would lead the charge but he is an RCMP ass kisser and doesn't really care about the citizens of BC.

The only three things that the RCMP do well is fly planes, ride horses and wear a red tunic. That's it! If you want a police force that gets results, knows their city and does competent proactive , respectable police work, it is the Vancouver or Victoria City Police. I wish to God that BC (I mean John Les the Liberal S.G.) had the balls to get rid of the RCMP and take a page out of Quebec's books. Get the Feds to give us the money and let us look after/hire our own Provincial Police Force. Tell the RCMP to go back to where ever they came from.

The worst Police force in BC is the Kamloop RCMP. They even use their position to avenge their personal wrongs against Criminal Lawyers