Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Florida Judge Apoligizes to Canada for Trumps Nonsense.

Subject: Canada/ apology

This is an open letter written by a Florida judge about the CANADA/USA relationships & history.

Robert Meadows (Circuit Court Judge, Florida) wrote:

"Have you ever stopped to consider how lucky we Americans are to have the neighbors we have? Look around the globe at who some folks have been stuck sharing a border with over the past half century:

North Korea / South Korea

West Germany / East Germany

Greece / Turkey

Iran / Iraq

Israel / Palestine

India / Pakistan

China / Russia

We’ve got Canada! Canada. About as inoffensive a neighbor as you could ever hope for. In spite of all our boasts of “American exceptionalism” and chants of “America first,” they just smile, do their thing and go about their business. They are on average more educated, have a higher standard of living, free health care, and almost no gun problems. They treat immigrants respectfully and already took in over 35,000 Syrians in the last two years.

They’re with us in NATO, they fought alongside us in World War I, World War II, Korea, the Gulf War, the Bosnian War, Afghanistan, the Kosovo War and came to our defense after 9/11. There was that one time when Canada took a pass on one of our wars: Vietnam. Turned out to be a good call.

They’ve been steady consumers of American imports, reliable exporters of metals and petroleum products (they are the biggest importer of U.S. products from 37 states), and partnered with NASA in our space missions.

During 911 many aircraft were diverted to Newfoundland, an island province off Canada's east coast where Americans were housed in people's homes for two weeks and treated like royalty. In return for their hospitality, this administration slapped a 20% tariff on the products of Newfoundland's only paper mill, thereby threatening it's survival.

And what do Canadians expect of us in return? To be respected for who and what they are: Canadians. That’s what I call a good neighbor.

But the King of Chaos couldn’t leave well enough alone. Based on his delusions of perpetual victimhood, out of the clear blue, he’s declared economic war on Canada. On CANADA! And he did it based on Canada being a national security risk to the US! For no good reason, other than the voices in his head that told him it was a war he could win. So why not do it, then?

Trump went ahead and imposed his tariffs on aluminum and steel even though we have a trade surplus with Canada on those products! Trudeau retaliated in kind. And now this morning, the White House is preparing a new wave of tariffs in retaliation for Trudeau’s retaliation. This time he threatens a tariff on automobiles even though 70% of their components originate in the U.S.! It’s just a temporary spat, right? Except for that smile on Vladimir’s face in the Kremlin, as the NATO pact unravels a little more with each passing day.

Again, we’re talking about Canada. Our closest ally, friend and neighbor.

On behalf of an embarrassed nation, people of Canada, I apologize for this idiotic and wholly unnecessary attack. Please leave the back channels open. We the People of progressive persuasion stand with you.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Reese Fallon And Julianne Kozis killed for no reason by a Muslim.

Reese Fallon was an innocent recent high school graduate. Shot for no reason by a Toronto Muslim. She was enjoying a meal in peaceful family friendly Danforth when she was shot by a paranoid Muslim. Danforth is a multi cultural family friendly quiet peaceful neighbourhood that represents the safe Christian multi cultural canadian setting. I guess this Muslim got paranoid being around such peaceful settings and started shooting innocents safely  walking around in peace. He shot 15 innocents for no apparent reason other then it was a safe place.

The second victim is Julianne Kozis a young 10year old child. A 10-year-old "beautiful, aspiring athlete" is one of the victims of Sunday's mass shooting in Toronto.

I am sitting having a coffee and saying a prayer for Ms Reese Fallon and Julianne Kozis and their families. It is terrible to be murdered for no reason. Reese was 18 just out of high school. Her life was just beginning. Lulianne was a tender 10 year old. To lose their lives because of some Muslim lunatic is tragic.

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Krauthammers article.on Trump

This is a short piece written by recently deceased American political commentator Charles Krauthammer. Charles was not impressed with Donald Trump at first but as a practical person who judges on the basis of actions taken and results acheived, Charles had come to a new perspective on Trump. It's worth a read.

To my friends "of a different persuasion" I'm not trying to sell anything or anyone but I do feel this is an interesting take on our very controversial president who I truly believe is not Republican or Democrat.
A different take on Donald Trump: (a non-political agenda)
Trump Is Not A Liberal or Conservative, He's a "Pragmatist." (Definition: A pragmatist is someone who is practical and focused on reaching a goal. A pragmatist usually has a straightforward, matter-of-fact approach and
doesn't let emotion distract him or her.)
We recently enjoyed a belated holiday dinner with friends at the home of other friends. The dinner conversation varied from discussions about antique glass and china to theology and politics. At one point, reference was made to Donald Trump being a conservative, to which I responded that Trump is not a conservative. I said that I neither view nor do I believe Trump views himself as a conservative. I stated it was my opinion that Trump is a pragmatist. He sees a problem and understands it must be fixed. He doesn't see the problem as liberal or conservative, he sees it only as a problem. That is a quality
that should be admired and applauded, not condemned. But I get ahead of myself.
Viewing problems from a Liberal perspective has resulted in the creation of more problems, more entitlement programs, more victims, more government, more political correctness, and more attacks on the working class in all economic strata.
Viewing things according to the so-called Republican conservative perspective has brought continued spending and globalism to the detriment of American interests and well being, denial of what the real problems are, Weak, ineffective, milquetoast, leadership that amounts to Barney Fife
Deputy Sheriff, appeasement oriented and afraid of its own shadow. In brief, it has brought liberal ideology with a pachyderm as a mascot juxtaposed to the ass of the Democrat Party.
Immigration isn't a Republican problem, it isn't a Liberal problem, it is a problem that threatens the very fabric and infrastructure of America. It demands a pragmatic approach not an approach that is intended to appease one group or another.
The impending collapse of the economy wasn't a Liberal or Conservative problem, it is an American problem. That said, until it is viewed as a problem that demands a common sense approach to resolution, it will never be fixed because the Democrats and Republicans know only one way to fix things
and the longevity of their impracticality has proven to have no lasting effect. Successful businessmen like Donald Trump find ways to make things work, they do not promise to accommodate.
Trump uniquely understands that China's manipulation of currency is not a Republican problem or a Democrat problem. It is a problem that threatens our financial stability and he understands the proper balance needed to fix it. Here again, successful businessmen, like Trump, who have weathered the changing tides of economic reality understand what is necessary to make business work, and they, unlike both sides of the political aisle, know that if something doesn't work, you don't continue trying to make it work hoping that at some point it will.
As a pragmatist, Donald Trump hasn't made wild pie-in-the-sky promises of a cell phone in every pocket, free college tuition, and a $15 hour minimum wage for working the drive-through at Carl's Hamburgers.
I argue that America needs pragmatists because pragmatists see a problem and find ways to fix them. They do not see a problem and compound it by creating more problems.
You may not like Donald Trump, but I suspect that the reason some people do not like him is because:
(1) he is antithetical to the "good old boy" method of brokering backroom deals that fatten the coffers of politicians;
(2) they are unaccustomed to hearing a president speak who is unencumbered by the financial shackles of those who he owes vis-a-vis donations;
(3) he is someone who is free of idiomatic political ideology;
(4) he says what he is thinking, is unapologetic for his outspoken thoughts, speaks very straightforward using everyday language that can be understood by all (and is offensive to some who dislike him anyway) making him a great communicator, for the most part, does what he says he will do and;
(5) he is someone who understands that it takes more than hollow promises and political correctness to make America great again.
Listening to Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders talk about fixing America is like listening to two lunatics trying to "out crazy" one another. Jeb Bush, John Kasich and Marco Rubio are owned lock, stock, and barrel by the bankers, corporations, and big dollar donors funding their campaigns. Bush can deny it, but common sense tells anyone willing to face facts is that
people don't give tens of millions without expecting something in return.
We have had Democrats and Republican ideologues and what has it brought us? Are we better off today or worse off? Has it happened overnight or has it been a steady decline brought on by both parties?
I submit that a pragmatist is just what America needs right now. People are quick to confuse and despise confidence as arrogance, but that is common among those who have never accomplished anything in their lives (or politicians who never really solved a problem, because it's better to still have an "issue(s) to be solved," so re-elect me to solve it, (which never
happens) and those who have always played it safe (again, all politicians) not willing to risk failure, to try and achieve success).
Donald Trump put his total financial empire at risk in running for president and certainly did not need or possibly even want the job; that says it all. He wants success for the U.S. and her citizens because he loves his country."

Trumps Allure it is simple...

I agree with this but...This is a short piece written by recently deceased American political commentator Charles Krauthammer. Charles was not impressed with Donald Trump at first but as a practical person who judges on the basis of actions taken and results acheived, Charles had come to a new perspective on Trump. It's worth a read.

To my friends "of a different persuasion" I'm not trying to sell anything or anyone but I do feel this is an interesting take on our very controversial president who I truly believe is not Republican or Democrat.
A different take on Donald Trump: (a non-political agenda)
Trump Is Not A Liberal or Conservative, He's a "Pragmatist." (Definition: A pragmatist is someone who is practical and focused on reaching a goal. A pragmatist usually has a straightforward, matter-of-fact approach and
doesn't let emotion distract him or her.)
We recently enjoyed a belated holiday dinner with friends at the home of other friends. The dinner conversation varied from discussions about antique glass and china to theology and politics. At one point, reference was made to Donald Trump being a conservative, to which I responded that Trump is not a conservative. I said that I neither view nor do I believe Trump views himself as a conservative. I stated it was my opinion that Trump is a pragmatist. He sees a problem and understands it must be fixed. He doesn't see the problem as liberal or conservative, he sees it only as a problem. That is a quality
that should be admired and applauded, not condemned. But I get ahead of myself.
Viewing problems from a Liberal perspective has resulted in the creation of more problems, more entitlement programs, more victims, more government, more political correctness, and more attacks on the working class in all economic strata.
Viewing things according to the so-called Republican conservative perspective has brought continued spending and globalism to the detriment of American interests and well being, denial of what the real problems are, Weak, ineffective, milquetoast, leadership that amounts to Barney Fife
Deputy Sheriff, appeasement oriented and afraid of its own shadow. In brief, it has brought liberal ideology with a pachyderm as a mascot juxtaposed to the ass of the Democrat Party.
Immigration isn't a Republican problem, it isn't a Liberal problem, it is a problem that threatens the very fabric and infrastructure of America. It demands a pragmatic approach not an approach that is intended to appease one group or another.
The impending collapse of the economy wasn't a Liberal or Conservative problem, it is an American problem. That said, until it is viewed as a problem that demands a common sense approach to resolution, it will never be fixed because the Democrats and Republicans know only one way to fix things
and the longevity of their impracticality has proven to have no lasting effect. Successful businessmen like Donald Trump find ways to make things work, they do not promise to accommodate.
Trump uniquely understands that China's manipulation of currency is not a Republican problem or a Democrat problem. It is a problem that threatens our financial stability and he understands the proper balance needed to fix it. Here again, successful businessmen, like Trump, who have weathered the changing tides of economic reality understand what is necessary to make business work, and they, unlike both sides of the political aisle, know that if something doesn't work, you don't continue trying to make it work hoping that at some point it will.
As a pragmatist, Donald Trump hasn't made wild pie-in-the-sky promises of a cell phone in every pocket, free college tuition, and a $15 hour minimum wage for working the drive-through at Carl's Hamburgers.
I argue that America needs pragmatists because pragmatists see a problem and find ways to fix them. They do not see a problem and compound it by creating more problems.

You may not like Donald Trump, but I suspect that the reason some people do not like him is because:
(1) he is antithetical to the "good old boy" method of brokering backroom deals that fatten the coffers of politicians;
(2) they are unaccustomed to hearing a president speak who is unencumbered by the financial shackles of those who he owes vis-a-vis donations;
(3) he is someone who is free of idiomatic political ideology;
(4) he says what he is thinking, is unapologetic for his outspoken thoughts, speaks very straightforward using everyday language that can be understood by all (and is offensive to some who dislike him anyway) making him a great communicator, for the most part, does what he says he will do and;
(5) he is someone who understands that it takes more than hollow promises and political correctness to make America great again.
Listening to Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders talk about fixing America is like listening to two lunatics trying to "out crazy" one another. Jeb Bush, John Kasich and Marco Rubio are owned lock, stock, and barrel by the bankers, corporations, and big dollar donors funding their campaigns. Bush can deny it, but common sense tells anyone willing to face facts is that
people don't give tens of millions without expecting something in return.
We have had Democrats and Republican ideologues and what has it brought us? Are we better off today or worse off? Has it happened overnight or has it been a steady decline brought on by both parties?
I submit that a pragmatist is just what America needs right now. People are quick to confuse and despise confidence as arrogance, but that is common among those who have never accomplished anything in their lives (or politicians who never really solved a problem, because it's better to still have an "issue(s) to be solved," so re-elect me to solve it, (which never
happens) and those who have always played it safe (again, all politicians) not willing to risk failure, to try and achieve success).
Donald Trump put his total financial empire at risk in running for president and certainly did not need or possibly even want the job; that says it all. He wants success for the U.S. and her citizens because he loves his country."

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Trump’s Allure....

This is entertaining sorta, like being a sidewalk superintendent, or an armchair President. It is interesting stuff...scary..a mans reach should exceed his  grasp or what is a heaven for...very American...any american boy can be least for one term...he is a negotiator...naive and vain...he’s so vain...he probably thinks that song was about him...he isn’t about democrazy....his first attempt at solving the immigration delimna was an abysmal failure...determined as a fascist is he.....needs to take a page out of the feminust book when in the 90s they indocrinated an entire generation about consensual means no!

...there must be some way to impliment the same doctrine in the area of immigration... No means no! ...humanely....respectfully....therein lies the problem because the one thing President Trump never learned ....respect is earned not deserved...however he will learn that pride goeth before a know that because it is evident that his soul has been severed from grace...of the amazing kind..... the pride is there....the fall is term.....then President Trump learns can fool some of the people some of the time.....The man who taught us about the seven deadly sins will not not be ignored. Greed is one  Pride is another. Lust a third....honesty is another topic And President Trump discovers his best lessons come from failure.The people of the United States of America taught the last fascist on the worlds stage that very same lesson  65 or 70 years ago.... Just like they taught Hillary the value of honesty. 

Monday, June 12, 2017

Just say Chrissy sent me

Chrissy is the innocent Canadian murdered by a criminal terrorist in London attack on London Bridge claiming to be a Muslim. She was a very loving, giving and innicent Canadian proving yet again that Muslim terrorist are heartless, uncaring assholes. Any one supporting them needs to be exterminated like a virus.

Truly a soul to listen to.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Islamaphobia is Needed

I thought is wise to write this now before Trudeau forbids the warning as Islamaphobia and not politically correct.

Over the years since 911,  I have paid attention to the threat from Islam. I stumbled across this website: I watched it during the non stop violence in Europe because of Islamic radicals(Muslims). I want my readers to conclude that we are being attacked by a religion. There is no other conclusion.
Let me please start with just one country France. They welcomed Muslims to their country and were the immigrants grateful to be allowed in. No

The friendly multiculturalism in Europe was shattered in France because of the behaviour of Muslims. Constant examples of violence against innocents by Muslims shouting Allah Akbar. Go through the list of Islamic violence against non Muslims in France alone. Never mind Pakistan, Iraq, Somalia, Nigeria and so on. Just look at France. Every month there is another example of killings and stabbing of innocents, police officers being stabbed unexpectedly. 

On Sept 8, 2016 in Antoine a Muslim woman plants explosives outside a cathedral. Sept 3rd, 2016 in Belfort a writer is stabbed because he wrote a book exposing Islam. The examples go on monthly of violent insanity against the citizens of France for having peacefully welcomed Muslim immigrants.  Just like Trudeau is now doing to Canada. 

Look at that site previously mentioned at the list of terrorist attacks year by year. On Sept 2, 2016 a police officer was stabbed. On August 30th a Muslim stabs a female officer in a planned  attack. On August 19th, 2016 a Rabbi is stabbed by a Muslim. On August 10, 2016 a suicide bomber detonates in  a taxi. On July 19,2016 in Colombo France, a mother and her three daughters are stabbed by a Muslim for their clothing. On July 14th, 2016 in Nice France a Muslim migrant,on Bastille Day drives a big truck into innocents on a street killing 86, injuring 202. Then on Nov 13,2015 in Paris France 15 innocents are killed and 10 injured at a restaurant, Le Carillon, plus 5 killed and 8 injured as Muslims shoot up a Pizzaria, plus 89 killed and 322 injured as Muslims shoot up a music hall, plus in Paris 19 are killed and 9 injured as Muslims shoot up a restaurant, La Belle Equipe. The examples go on a monthly basis. A rabbi is attacked in a Synagogue. August 21 a Muslim opens fire on a train with a machine gun killing one and injuring 2, Examples of hateful after hateful killings against non Muslims by so called Muslims..

Let me skip the many examples and jump to Jan 7, 2015 when Muslims ambush the Charlie Hebdo newspaper offices killing 12 and injuring 10 because they felt slighted by cartoons. Killing journalists at their desk. Cold blooded.

The numbers of blatant examples of Islamic terrorism in France then Germany and Belgium are growing non stop as Islamaphobia grew in response to the initiating Islamic violence in Europe and the growing invasion of Muslims into Europe.

I have no shame or guilt about being a proud Islamaphobe. I believe us innocents need to protect ourselves from Islam. I view it as a cautionary reasonable view based on world wide evidence over a decade and a half. I do not trust Muslims. The Muslims elected with Trudeau now want to make it illegal to warn you about their hatred, to be an Islamaphobe. I do not believe they are compatible with multiculturalism or with Canada. They are not sincere or honest about their intentions. And Trudeau and other naive Liberals like Merkel in Germany do not care about the citizens of their countries. They need to be replaced before it is to late.

Trudeau could've visited France instead of Germany. But, he could if he wanted, see what Islam has done to the citizens of Germany I foresee Germany getting rid of Merkle within the year and Canada must wait til 2019 to get rid of Trudeau. We must get rid of this crazy naive PM. Actually this was predicted by some dude in Norway who shot up a |Liberals summer camp to warn his country about mult-culturalism not being a workable way of life.

I do not see Muslims proving themselves to be peaceful. Rather it is Liberals in the west trying to prove their innocence. That is bass ackwards It is Liberals who are arguing for their presence. Trudeau should have kept them out of Canada if he cared about existing Canadians. Instead he tries to design a country..

Monday, November 28, 2016

Trudeau, Castro

PET would never let criticism deter him from doing what was respectful. Unlike Justine.
Castro was a committed man. That commitment gave him a strength that propelled Castro. Unfortunately for him communism does not work . The shortages in Cuba are a testament to that not to the Cuban people. Castro has given his people a pride. Capitalism could not have done that but the next stage needs freedom.
The next revolution in Cuba will be one that includes the internet. And once Cubans put their their skills to work on internet structures and implementation Cuba will lead their country into the next chapter of their growth. 

Sunday, August 07, 2016

Shura and Dishonourable Two Faced MUslims

Shura and Dishonourable Two Faced Muslims

Lieutenant Trevor Greene was whacked in the head with an axe by a Muslim who came at him from behind while all parties were sitting at a Shura with the elders of the community. The fact that all the children were moved away two minutes before this dishonourable cowardly act shows that this was planned by the Muslims in attendance at this meeting. Who says Muslims can be trusted. Not me. Not any more.The Muslims that did this at a Shura were barbaric, barbaric two-faced phonies with no honour and deserving of no respect. Lieutenant Trevor Greene had removed his helmut and was sitting cross legged with the Muslim elders when he was attacked from behind. He was sticking his neck out to help them. And they attack him with an axe from behind. Barbaric assholes like that deserve no respect. None.

Lieutenant Greene is a Vancouver BC man; an author, a journalist and a soldier who was always committed to helping others. The book he wrote was about the missing East Side Vancouver Women.

Lieutenant Trevor Greene is now a Captain. A shura is supposed to be a place where the host guarantees the safety of it's guests. A peaceful place to consult. As opposed to enticing one to remove his helmut so someone can whack him from behind in the head with an axe. It is a good job I'm not in charge of the army. I would not talk to that Afghanistan village anymore, not after such cowardly sneakiness. I'd just nuke em. And I'd do it with a bomb that said, "Here you go Allah Akbars, you cowardly bastards." If that's the way you want to play... Fortunately I am not in charge of the Army. In fact the army will continue to use the Shura and I must say I am very proud of their patience and discipline.

It was the Afghanistan Muslim yahoos who started this with their unprovoked attack on the World Trade Center.(Albeit, to accommodate those Liberal drive by smears, utilizing Muslims from other countries) It is time they were showed the same level of respect. I'm not sure where in the Koran one would find it, but it will be in there. It is the part that says "what you put into the lives of others shall come back into your own". Canadians will remember the Shura Axe. Except Liberals who have no scruples or pride.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia runs by way of the Shura. Would a foreign leader be safe visiting Saudi Arabia and speaking to their King or would he be axed from behind. How valid is the Shura? Saudi Arabia claims the Shura is a time honoured Koran santioned deeply ingrained practice of Muslims. Has Saudia Arabia spoken against what happened to Captain Trevor Greene?

Will we see 10 of thousands of Muslims protesting this flagrant abuse of the Koran?

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Trudeau is Back

Ok I was a supporter of Pierre Trudeau, even tried to get a nomination once. Then I decided the Liberals were a family compact and I was doomed to be an outsider forever. So I joined the Reform Party, then the Alliance, then the Conservatives. I wanted a fiscal responsible government. Harper had the courage to say no to spending and PET bs. Canada needed that. But the Liberals are back. Their demise will be based on their inability to say no. But that is four years from now.
Harper had to go in my view based on his international view point.

As a young man in university I supported Trudeau One based on his support fur a United Canada based on the Vertical Mosaic, a book about a multi-cultural Canada as opposed to the melting pot USA. But I grew up in a bi cultural Canada. There wasn't a single Muslim in my life or school. And there was a melting pot outlook to the multi cultural Canada on top of the bi and bi. I liked the Canada I grew up in, that my father had grown up in and like his father had grown up in and served in  the Canadian  Armed Forces. I am an average Canadian.

So I will support Trudeau Two including hus inclusion of Muslims in the Canadian identity. I have my doubts it will work given the nature of Islam but I will put that to rest until I am shown wrong by Muslims in Canada. I am a news hound. I find RUssia Today news more honest at times then Canadian news sources. There is a  lack of credible American News channels. They are all a victim of the American entertainment industry. Print is their medium fir news down there. CNN is not news. BBC is news. RT is news. CBC is news.

It will be fascinating to see Trudeau Two cope with the multi cultural country his father built with a recognition of Aboriginal rights as they existed in1982. The  Fathers of Revised Confederation in 1982 could not decide on what Aboriginsl identity or Rights existed in 1982. So in typical Canadian fashion when we don't know we sweep it under the carpet or study it in committee for a decade or two. We don't fight. We study it for a while. We left it up to esteemed judges to do that in the SC of Canada fir 30 years plus.

They came up "consultation and accommodation" as a buffer to outright ownership. Prove you lived  here specifically as a pathway to resolution of ownership to replace the honour of the Crown caveat. As  a pathway to resolve competing claims to usage. Sort of like replacing the Land Titles Office with the SCC

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Asked myself the question: is there one Muslim country I would feel safe to live in? The answer was no. Is there one Muslims country that respects human rights? Again the answer was no. Where do the moderate good Muslims live? Saudi Arabia. No. Iran. No. Afganistan. No. Pakistan..No Why is it the non Muslim world that has to deal with what is a Muslim problem. Why?

Muslims are fleeing to the free world for safety from a Muslim problem. Enough is enough here. This issue must be confronted and in a solving way. Political correctness is not the answer. The time for that is over.

 The insanity of 911, Paris attacks, Brussels attacks are horrid. And dozen of others. Review this site for a list of Muslim atrocities around the world in the last 15 years alone. And then ask yourself, How can anyone live with any group that wants you dead? Insane. Why do we allow Muslims to even visit our countries never mind live here? We are not better off by having them here. Muslims in Belgium were hiding the terrorists who killed completely innocent people basically because they were not Muslim.

It would be politically correct to treat Muslims equally to all others. But Europe has showed us that is not possible. Only Trump has raised this issue. Where my safety is at the top of his list. I have not seen the same level of concern from Trudeau or Clinton. They offer me debt and political correctness. Excuse me but my ability to live safely is the priority. Trudeau and Clinton can go to hell

We would all be safer without Muslims living here. Clinton is out to lunch about thus issue. Obama ignored the solution to Syria. He was simplely  anti Putin. Bullshit. Putin helped to solve the Syria problem for the west. Clinton is not concerned with the safty of citizens. She is more concerned with looking politically correct, much like Trudeau. Once the election is over, it is too late. Trudeau is endangering all Canadians with his bringing 10s of thousands of Muslims here. He is turning Canada into another France or Belgium..And at our expense.. He has budgeted 245 million of borrowed money for Syrian migrants this year. He has deliberately  imported a Muslim problem to Canada. When the day comes that we experience a Paris or a Brussels in Canada, we must remember Trudeau caused it. Trudeau has endangered my grandchildren with money borrowed.from them. He must be voted out ASAP

We need only look at Europe to see what happens to the vertical mosaic being pushed by Trudeau. Our safety is irrelevant in that equation.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Sargent Andrew Joesph Doiron

This Canadian died fighting "terrorism" at the age of 31 while serving with the Canadian Special Operations on March 6,2015 by a friendly fire incident in Northern Iraq. He was an athletic, patriotic and trustworthy man. He was a well trained elite Canadian soldier. He has listed "counter terrorism" in his High School yearbook while growing up in Moncton, New Brunswick. He was fluent in both French and English. Any Canadian father would be proud to have him as a son.

He had this picture taken and asked that it be used if anything happened to him. Dressed in full gear standing beside his vehicle. He was quite proud of his full red beard.
All Canadians are proud of the sacrifice he made fighting for the freedom  all people deserve from evil.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Muslims in Japan?

 In just ten years??? Hiroshima returned to what it was:economically vibrant, before the fall of the atomic bomb.

* Japan prevents the use of mobile phones in trains, restaurants and indoors.

* For first to sixth primary year Japanese students must learn ethics in dealing with people.

* Even though one of the richest people in the world, the Japanese do not have servants.The parents are responsible for the house and children.

* There is no examination from the first to the third primary level because the goal of education is to instill concepts and character building.

* If you go to a buffet restaurant in Japan you will notice people only eat as much as they need without any waste because food must not be wasted.

* The rate of delayed trains in Japan is about 7 seconds per year!!
The Japanese appreciate the value of time and are very punctual to minutes and seconds.

* Children in schools brush their teeth (sterile) and clean their teeth after a meal at school, teaching them to maintain their health from an early age.

* Japanese students take half an hour to finish their meals to ensure proper digestion because these students are the future of Japan.

The Japanese focus on maintaining their culture. Therefore,

* No political leader or a prime minister from an Islamic nation has visited Japan not the Ayatollah of Iran, the King of Saudi Arabia or even a Saudi Prince!

* Japan is a country keeping Islam at bay by putting strict restrictions on Islam and ALL Muslims.

1) Japan is the only nation that does not give citizenship to Muslims.
2) In Japan permanent residency is not given to Muslims.
3) There is a strong ban on the propagation of Islam in Japan
4) In the University of Japan, Arabic or any Islamic language is not taught.
5) One cannot import a 'Koran' published in the Arabic language.
6) According to data published by the Japanese government, it has given temporary residency to only 2 lakhs, Muslims, who must follow the Japanese Law of the Land. These Muslims should speak Japanese and carry their religious rituals in their homes.
7) Japan is the only country in the world that has a negligible number of embassies in Islamic countries.
8) Muslims residing in Japan are the employees of foreign companies.
9) Even today, visas are not granted to Muslim doctors, engineers or managers sent by foreign companies.
10) In the majority of companies it is stated in their regulations that no Muslims should apply for a job.
11) The Japanese government is of the opinion that Muslims are fundamentalist, and even in the era of globalization they are not willing to change their Muslim laws.
12) Muslims cannot even rent a house in Japan.
13) If anyone comes to know that his neighbor is a Muslim then the whole neighborhood stays alert.
14) No one can start an Islamic cell or Arabic 'Madrasa' in Japan .
15) There is no Sharia law in Japan .
16) If a Japanese woman marries a Muslim, she is considered an outcast forever.
17) According to Mr. Kumiko Yagi, Professor of Arab/Islamic Studies at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, " There is a mind frame in Japan that Islam is a very narrow minded religion and one should stay away from it."

The Japanese might have lost the war, but they are in charge of their own country.
There are no bombs going off in crowded business centers, "Honour Killings", nor killing of innocent children or anyone else. 
Something to think about.

Monday, November 03, 2014

Muslims Must Adapt or LEAVE

Muslim parents demanded the abolition of pork in all the school canteens of a Montreal suburb.
The mayor of the Montreal suburb of Dorval, has refused, and the town clerk sent a note to all parents to explain why.
“Muslims must understand that they have to adapt to Canada and Quebec, its customs, its traditions, its way of life, because that's where they chose to immigrate.
“They must understand that they have to integrate and learn to live in Quebec.
“They must understand that it is for them to change their lifestyle, not the Canadians who so generously welcomed them.
“They must understand that Canadians are neither racist nor xenophobic, they accepted many immigrants before Muslims (whereas the reverse is not true, in that Muslim states do not accept non-Muslim immigrants).
“That no more than other nations, Canadians are not willing to give up their identity, their culture.
“And if Canada is a land of welcome, it's not the Mayor of Dorval who welcomes foreigners, but the Canadian-Quebecois people as a whole.
“Finally, they must understand that in Canada (Quebec) with its Judeo-Christian roots, Christmas trees, churches and religious festivals, religion must remain in the private domain.
The municipality of Dorval was right to refuse any concessions to Islam and Sharia.
“For Muslims who disagree with secularism and do not feel comfortable in Canada, there are 57 beautiful Muslim countries in the world, most of them under-populated and ready to receive them with open halal arms in accordance with Shariah.
“If you left your country for Canada, and not for other Muslim countries, it is because you have considered that life is better in Canada than elsewhere.
“Ask yourself the question, just once, “Why is it better here in Canada than where you come from?”


Thursday, July 24, 2014

Media Promotes War: Russia and Ukraine....but not Channel 2931

I have noticed, being retired and spending my days watching the news that the North American media have a definite bias. I had already noticed that over the years with regards to the American media compared to the Canadian media. That became apparent to me during the start of the Iraq war when the Vancouver daily newspapers or the CBC were telling me there were no WMD's in Iraq and the USA media was telling me the opposite. I watched the CBC telling me about Wolfowitz, and Pearl and other members of a Jewish cabal  pushing for a new American Century and manipulating the Presidency into a war in Iraq for Israels sake which in hindsight is fairly accurate.

 I marveled at how a country's  media really was filled with propaganda telling us lies
on matters involving something as serious as a war when the county is spending its treasure and blood. THAT IS WRONG. Definitively. Morally. Intellectually. Anyway possible. That is something that the people of a country can not accept, nor should we ever accept. Never mind bull shit  about a failure of the spies telling us wrong data. etc etc

 Now I see it again this time in relation to Ukraine. This time I abandoned the typical TV channels. My favorites used to be CBC or CTV. I had a personal preference for CTV. Having Telus as my TV provider I don't have Global news. I always watch the 6 o'clock regular channel Global news but don't have the BC1 global news channel. I'd need Shaw to get that. I mention this to prove that there is no doubt that the ownership of the channel dictates what I get to watch or hear. Telus and Bell are competitors.

Lately I started to view RT (Russia Today) channel 2931 on the Telus provider and wow. Initially I thought it would be a Russia propaganda channel but as it turns out I get more accurate and daily coverage of Ukraine's war on channel 2931 then I do on CTV or CBC, with lots of onsite visual reporting. I knew three days before it was reported on western media(CTV, CBC,CNN, etc) that  the Black box has been found and was being turned over to the Malaysian Air authorities. I knew the found bodies were being stored in a train refrigeration car days before the rest of people just watching western media.

The western media especially CNN and Fox but also CBC and CTV were using this lack of data about the bodies against Russia, undermining Putin and Russia; using it as a propaganda tool. Unbelievable bullshit There seemed to be a concerted "blame Putin" campaign right from the beginning by the western media that was noticeable; from the initial riots in Kyiv to MH17.  Ukraine was getting away with irresponsible murder, riots, over turning elected leaders, installation of fascist regimes, killing civilians, ethnic cleansing, ignoring any elements of democracy with impunity. No criticism by the press whatsoever.
East Russian speaking Terrorist out shopping with her purse

They kept trying to lay the blame at Putin feet ignoring the major role Ukrainian right wing fascists played. That is irresponsible journalism in Canada not only the USA. The victimization or ill treatment of Russian speaking Ukrainians is ignored; not reported and what is happening to them is criminal.
Russians are sub human

Ukraine is run by fascists who are filled with hatred for Russian speaking Ukrainians who are considered sub human to the leadership of Ukraine. The Ukrainians are bombing civilians, shelling civilians, killing civilians solely because they are Russian
East Ukrainian bombed daily
speaking or Russian heritage; fascism called social nationalism. Excuse me why are we as Canadians supporting this grotesque nonsense.

Civilians killed daily

Now I watch RT TV channel more often then CTV or CBC. Channel 2931 on Telus has become my favorite channel. I have gained an honest understanding of Russia that one would never get from any western channel not even the CBC and they arent the evil monsters portrayed by western media.

It confirms to me that Ukraine is more responsible for what is happening over there then is Russia. It isn't someone telling me what I am supposed to know or think. I get to see live coverage on RT TV Channel 2931
Civilians killed by Kyiv army

But the western media are still trying to lay this at Putins feet. Bullshit. CBC, CTV you  are both  full of shit. You are playing the Obama Clinton propaganda pushing the USA dominance of the world game. This belongs at Ukraine's feet beginning (riot) to MH17. Putting a fascist regime in Ukraine is the most provocative thing  you could do to Russia like waving a red flag to a bull.

 Ukraine is the one that should be suffering sanctions. It is almost like the USA is using this fascist regime in Ukraine to undermine Russia and doing so knowingly, like they want a war with Russia.If sanctions had been levied against Ukraine in the beginning then there would have been more talking, less war and in all likelihood MH17 would not have happened.

Russian demonstrators burned alive by Ukrainians
What I see happening is the USA(Canada included) is provoking a war with Russia knowingly, deliberately. The unfortunate and horrendous downing of Flight MH 17 (something Ukraine could have prevented in their airspace) may just be the precipitating event starting WW3 as promoted by the western media including CTV and CBC, And we the supposedly good guys started it. 

The Ukrainians bomb the civilian areas of East Ukraine killing civilians deliberately. They refuse to let E Ukrainians vote like the3 people in Donetsk don't exist except to be killed.
Yatsenyuk the gas syphoner called E Ukrainian Russians sub human

Kids hiding from Ukrainian bombing

I understand why Brazil,Russia, India,China,South Africa(BRICA) banking system started has started.          I see the world wide bullying the USA is doing. This will precipatate a recession in Europe and the world while they try to dom the world. Stupid.

God I wish we still had PM Chretien

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

NATO and Ukraine

I am one Canadian who does not want Ukraine to be included in NATO. I want Canada to say no emphatically to any request by Ukraine to be included in NATO. Period. Full stop. I do not want to see one Canadian lost in any war over a fascist Ukraine. NATO is big enough already.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Eastern Ukraine: Let THE People Decide:

Wow. For the first time in my life I find myself supporting the opposite side in a war. We should all pay attention to this Ukraine situation because many 10s of thousands of people may die. Firstly it must be noted that the elected President is Yanukovych  not Yatsenyuk. That is an indisputable fact. Yatsenyuk is a leader by riot of masked men. Why is Canada and NATO ignoring that fact? And siding with this unelected leader who is there because (BBC special) of right wing almost fascist  support and fascists rioters who were hiding behind masks? This was terrorism as much as the pro Russian demonstrators. All of which is on Russia's door step. And by right wing activists promoting the Kiev riots. One symbol which you can see from the BBC You tube report previously noted, the group behind the Kyiv riots  behind Yatsenyuk, is the Wolfenangel, a neo nazi symbol.

Can you imagine if this was happening next door to us in Canada. It won't because we are fortunate to live next door to the USA. I dont blame Russia for being concerned. They have not seen much in the way of good faith from the west. The west has breached the promise they made to not enlarge NATO following the re unification of Germany after the fall of the Soviet Union. The west kept playing Diplomacy. They did enlarge to every country except for Ukraine. I dont blame Russia for not trusting us. They have had the most direct knowledge and experience in dealing with Nazis. They lost 55 million people to the Nazis in the second world war.

The clock ticks on Ukraine but one thing is for sure, it has revealed a lot of media persona's who have huge question marks over their claims to being journalists of integrity. That is neutral seekers of facts and is the medium by which both power and society can be informed and challenged.

In large measure the current day attitude of Russia has been formed by the west. After the Soviet Union fell, NATO promised Russia that if Germany is reunified NATO will not expand to the countries of the former Soviet Bloc. They did not keep that promise. In fact they breached it by including Latvia, Estonia, Poland and others  and expanding to Russia's doorstep. And now NATO countries are supporting an illegitimate right wing almost fascist government by riot in Ukraine. Do you really thing Russia will ignore this? I dont expect them too and understandably.

The people there don't want it to happen and Ukraine  right wingers brought this about. The Kiev government needs to be leaned on and told to smarten up. Have a referendum

Before the revolution, Ukraine had been mired by years of corruption, mismanagement, lack of economic growth, currency devaluation, and an inability to secure funding from public markets. Because of this, Yanukovych sought to establish closer relations with the European Union (EU) and Russia in order to attract the capital necessary to maintain Ukraine's standard of living without affecting the local population significantly. One of these measures was an association agreement with the European Union which would provide Ukraine with funds contingent to several reforms in almost all aspects of Ukrainian society and break its economic ties with Russia. Yanukovych, at first, considered the contingencies to be fair but ultimately refused to sign the agreement considering it too austere and detrimental to Ukraine. He was right but the right wing disagreed and went on a riot. Instead, Yanukovych signed a treaty with Russia for 2 billion from Russia which sparked civil unrest in Kiev that ultimately led to violent clashes between protestors and law enforcement officers under unclear circumstances. This led to the illegitimate Russian haters  and right wing and pro EU Yansenyuk government being installed.

Why does Canada and NATO recognize this illegitimate government and are willing to send money and support to them but not to the previous government? Unless they really want to start a war. Then we are starting the war. I strongly disagree with my governments approach.They don't care about the people living there. The right wingers in Kiev don't care about the people especially the Russian Ukrainians living there only about right wing power. Why are the pro Russians considered terrorist in their own country by NATO when the Kiev people are unelected and equally terrorists. Canada right wing PM Harper is showing his bias toward right wing politicians.

The Supreme Soviet transferred Crimea to Ukraine in 1954 and in 1992 and 1997 the Russians transferred it to Ukraine. At no time have the Russian Ukrainians ever had a choice in these matters. At all times it was Kiev or Moscow or whoever making decisions about what country they lived in. It is time to give the Russian Ukrainians a choice about where they want to live; in Ukraine or on their own or in Russia. Let the people decide. Given the history in Ukraine I can see why they would choose to live outside of Ukraine. If the EU or NATO or Canada or the USA believe in democracy,let's  let the people decide. That is the only condition the demonstrators want. The US and Canada should lean on the Kyiv people to give the pro Russian speaking demonstrators what they are are asking for; a referendum. Non violent peaceful outcome. Instead they find excuses to blame Russia and avoid a referendum. I saw the celebrations of the Russian speaking people in Crimea and they were ever so genuine about being back in Russia
and away from Ukraine.

But no the right wing Kiev government know they will lose the vote democratically in Eastern Ukraine so they want to force their decision on the Pro Russian demostrators. NATO and the USA know that outcome too. Russia will come to their defense unless they get bullied by the USA to accept an injustice. Otherwise to avoid a war the USA would lean on the Kiev government which they aren't doing. If the USA wanted to prevent a war and lead the way to peace they could. They don't care about the people living there either, just power.

I want to see my country supporting the Russian speaking Ukrainians to have their voice heard in a democratic referendum. Let the people decide. Have a referendum.