Wednesday, January 30, 2019

China, Chinese and Canada

China has been awoken. No, Canada has been.
The experience of a Canadian who got his law degree at UBC in Vancouver 40 some years ago has a few decades of living with the ever changing cultural view of that city.
The little village by the sea is different today.
I can not say the addition of a large Chinese migration into Canada from 1986 to 2006 was a positive experience.
In the past decades the drug problem was an old fashioned kind. In the past rentals issues were the old fashioned sort.
I don’t think Chairman Mao, the founder of communism, came about in a vacuum. Chinese capitalism was brutal. Chairman Mao to the rescue.
The speed at which the Chinese brought their capitalism into Vancouver, the escalated property values and rents in Vancouver has been nothing short of breathtaking. Like they imported the property values of the island of HongKong into Vancouver. The internet will be a gold mine to the Chinese propensity for intricate ways. The capitalism that has descended upon Vancouver and B.C. was overwhelming and we are only now seeing how brutal. White Chinese synthetic heroin kills about 4 people a day.
Heroin used to be costly problem. That problem has been supplanted with Chinese white. Fentenayl, a syntheticly made drug has become a problem nationally, killing about 4 people daily in Vancouver alone. Off the top of my head.
I would much rather have the Vancouver of 1986 back. China can have Hong Kong. Neither of them care about Canada. We are being used in some grand scheme for world dominance. The Americans are worried Huawei will replace Apple and the battle for world dominance in technology is underway. Hillary’s emails are small potatoes to the technological battle coming next year. Trump was so short sighted. His greed trumped decades of wisdom. He has given birth to the new World Order like a boomarang.  The major what comes next?

That is even more apparent now that Canada  had to act on an arrest warrant issued lawfully by the USA, and arrested the CEO of Huawei, Meng Whatshername.
This is yet another price Canada will pay because of living next door to the USA. The country, Trump says is taking advantage of them. To be caught between the USA (the asshole Trump) and the challenger to American supremacy China. Hey Trump you are taking advantage of us and have for decades.
I don’t like the cultural essences of what I have seen of recent Chinese into Canada. I don’t like the treatment Canada has received from Trump. I don’t like the reaction by my PM with Trump or with China. China’s punishment of Canadians because of Mengs detention is not winning any friends in Canada. Canada needs an election soon cause we need someone with real balls, not some politically correct fluff ball like Trudeau. If you care about Canada’s future survival dump Trudeau in 2019

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