Thursday, November 30, 2006

Liberal Farce:The Face Of Dion

Bob Rae or Dion will be the new leader of the Liberal Party. When one knows the nature of the beast it is easy to predict. The Liberals are socialists. Bob Rae is a socialist. Dion is the typical francophone catholic socialist that is the essence of the Liberal Party. Ignatieff doesnt have a hope in the Liberal Party as he is too Protestant. Therefore the socialists Liberals will elect a socialist Rae or Dion.


Anonymous said...

I disagree. I think that SH has already chosen SD as the guy he will go against next election. This is all based on the "unity" play that was essentially forced by the BQ and Stevie Ig. SIg may get the 1st round, but StD will be a second ballot winner.

Anonymous said...

You may be able to predict the Liberal approach. Big deal! And how do you explain the Canadians acceptance of the Liberal BS? How? Unless the Liberals know what they are doing.

Anonymous said...

Western Canada should ask Quebec to leave and ask them to take Ottawa and Ontario with them.