Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Reese Fallon And Julianne Kozis killed for no reason by a Muslim.

Reese Fallon was an innocent recent high school graduate. Shot for no reason by a Toronto Muslim. She was enjoying a meal in peaceful family friendly Danforth when she was shot by a paranoid Muslim. Danforth is a multi cultural family friendly quiet peaceful neighbourhood that represents the safe Christian multi cultural canadian setting. I guess this Muslim got paranoid being around such peaceful settings and started shooting innocents safely  walking around in peace. He shot 15 innocents for no apparent reason other then it was a safe place.

The second victim is Julianne Kozis a young 10year old child. A 10-year-old "beautiful, aspiring athlete" is one of the victims of Sunday's mass shooting in Toronto.

I am sitting having a coffee and saying a prayer for Ms Reese Fallon and Julianne Kozis and their families. It is terrible to be murdered for no reason. Reese was 18 just out of high school. Her life was just beginning. Lulianne was a tender 10 year old. To lose their lives because of some Muslim lunatic is tragic.

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