Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Asked myself the question: is there one Muslim country I would feel safe to live in? The answer was no. Is there one Muslims country that respects human rights? Again the answer was no. Where do the moderate good Muslims live? Saudi Arabia. No. Iran. No. Afganistan. No. Pakistan..No Why is it the non Muslim world that has to deal with what is a Muslim problem. Why?

Muslims are fleeing to the free world for safety from a Muslim problem. Enough is enough here. This issue must be confronted and in a solving way. Political correctness is not the answer. The time for that is over.

 The insanity of 911, Paris attacks, Brussels attacks are horrid. And dozen of others. Review this site for a list of Muslim atrocities around the world in the last 15 years alone. And then ask yourself, How can anyone live with any group that wants you dead? Insane. Why do we allow Muslims to even visit our countries never mind live here? We are not better off by having them here. Muslims in Belgium were hiding the terrorists who killed completely innocent people basically because they were not Muslim.

It would be politically correct to treat Muslims equally to all others. But Europe has showed us that is not possible. Only Trump has raised this issue. Where my safety is at the top of his list. I have not seen the same level of concern from Trudeau or Clinton. They offer me debt and political correctness. Excuse me but my ability to live safely is the priority. Trudeau and Clinton can go to hell

We would all be safer without Muslims living here. Clinton is out to lunch about thus issue. Obama ignored the solution to Syria. He was simplely  anti Putin. Bullshit. Putin helped to solve the Syria problem for the west. Clinton is not concerned with the safty of citizens. She is more concerned with looking politically correct, much like Trudeau. Once the election is over, it is too late. Trudeau is endangering all Canadians with his bringing 10s of thousands of Muslims here. He is turning Canada into another France or Belgium..And at our expense.. He has budgeted 245 million of borrowed money for Syrian migrants this year. He has deliberately  imported a Muslim problem to Canada. When the day comes that we experience a Paris or a Brussels in Canada, we must remember Trudeau caused it. Trudeau has endangered my grandchildren with money borrowed.from them. He must be voted out ASAP

We need only look at Europe to see what happens to the vertical mosaic being pushed by Trudeau. Our safety is irrelevant in that equation.

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