Wednesday, May 28, 2014

NATO and Ukraine

I am one Canadian who does not want Ukraine to be included in NATO. I want Canada to say no emphatically to any request by Ukraine to be included in NATO. Period. Full stop. I do not want to see one Canadian lost in any war over a fascist Ukraine. NATO is big enough already.


  1. Anonymous12:49 AM

    America has to leave NATO. America and Russia can send representatives to Nato

  2. Why should any country who isn't willing to protect the same values as Canada be allowed into NATO? WE told Quebec they could leave Confederation with 50 plus 1 in a referendum. Is Ukraine willing to obey the same rules for Eastern Ukraine, their distinct society? If not then they don't share the same values as Canada! And they get a big no to membership in NATO.

  3. Not Canadian, but I gotta side with you on this one. Thanks for the follow on twitter (@ElijahPepper). I'll be sure to follow your blog and tweets. Like the stuff so far, keep up the good work.
