Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Swinging Pendulum

One thing I remember Trudeau saying "always follow the pendulum of political choice. It will swing to the left and when it reaches to far switch to the right and follow that pendulum back in the other direction until it reaches to far right then switch to the left" I quit the Liberals and joined the Reform party in 1986. The first 10 years were frustrating years because the Liberals made the  right seem evil. I hated the CBC. But eventually Canadians saw the Liberals for what they were a conceited self centered party that felt they were entitled. The family compact! The Criminal element seemed to rule the roost. Bleeding Liberals were more concerned with the rights of the Criminal.

Now I am have been right wing or 20 years, it is time to go back to the center/left. I refuse to rest. I fear that the Conservatives are going to get Canada into a war and won't listen to the grass roots. That is already obvious with regards to the pot issue. I predict  the Conservatives will lose the next election by a few seats and BC will pick those seats and the pot issue will decide those few seats that the Liberals get to win.

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